Pastel and Punk AU

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"FLAMERS!" Bill yelled at the passing Pastels. Richie shoved him.

"We're more mature than that dude!" Bev rolled her eyes.

"It's just because you're in love with that small one. Eddie right?" Bev said awfully loud.

"Dude! Shh!" Richie said, looking over at the boy. His curly hair fell perfectly and fit his flower crown so well. The way his sweater went over his hands and dropped to his thighs. His small sneakers and cute laugh.

"Gag me!" Bill laughed and Bev joined in. Richie rolled his eyes.

"You like Ben. So why are you saying that shit?" Bev turned red.

"Shut up with that shit Richie." Bill groaned loudly and obviously.

"You both are flamers! Well Richie is." Richie glared at Bill.

"I'm leaving." Richie stood up and went into the bathroom. He splashed water in his face. Richie looked up into the mirror and wiped his face off with a paper towel. He was about to walk out when he heard sniffles in a stall.

"Hello?" Richie asked. The sniffles got quiet. "Anyone there?" Richie knocked on the stall and saw those familiar pink sneakers.

'Oh shit.' He thought. Richie leaned against the bathroom stall door.

"Uh, Eddie Kaspbrak? I'm looking for you. The principal wanted to see you." Richie imitated an important voice.

"Go away Punk." A little voice said from inside the stall. Richie groaned at the name.

"If you don't come out, I'll force the door open." Richie threatened. Eddie slowly opened the door and flinched.

"P-P-Please don't hurt me." Eddie said. He looked terrified and small compared to Richie.

"I'm not gonna hurt you Kaspbrak." Richie groaned letting Eddie walk out of the stall. Eddie ran to the door but Richie put his hand against it.

"Listen, I may have said I'm not gonna hurt you. But I'm not gonna let you out either." Richie smirked. Eddie backed into the wall.

"Don't be afraid. I just want to ask you what's up." Richie said walking up to Eddie. Richie slid down the wall and sat on the ground. He patted the spot next to him. Eddie hesitated and Richie groaned. He set his jacket on the ground and patted the spot again. Eddie finally sat down.

"Now, tell me what's wrong." Richie moved his back away from the wall and he looked at Eddie.

"B-Bill, he th-threatened me." Eddie sputtered out. Richie got overwhelmed with anger.

"How?" Richie asked more violently then expected. Eddie started shaking.

"Sorry." Richie said setting his hand down accidentally on Eddie's. Eddie went red in the face.

"H-He said if I come anywhere near his 'squad' again. He'll..." Eddie stopped. His eyes tearing up again.

"He'll what?" Richie asked. He didn't move his hand. If anything, he wanted to put his hand on the soft boy's shoulder.

"He'll kill me half to death." Eddie shuddered and hid his face in his sleeves. Richie looked at his hand now sitting on the ground alone.

"Eddie, I know this sounds totally gay and stupidly strange, but I wouldn't let that happen to you. I mean I wouldn't let that happen to anyone but... you get what I mean." Richie tripped over his words. Eddie giggled a little. Richie sarcastically gasped.

"Was that a smile I saw? I didn't know you smile!" Richie said, clearly teasing the smaller boy. Eddie rolled his eyes. They heard the bell ring. Eddie stood up and Richie cursed in his head.

"Thank you Richie." Eddie said suddenly. Richie looked up at him.

"Y-yeah. Sure." Richie said standing up, and grabbing his jacket. Eddie looked at him.

"It really helped me." Eddie pecked Richie's cheek. Richie turned a brilliant red. He walked out, leaving a bewildered Richie.

"Tozier!" Richie heard Bill yell. Richie rushed out the bathroom. Bill and Bev looked at him weirdly. "What you jerking off or something? Let's go." Bev laughed at Bill's remark. Richie groaned and followed them inside. They got to their next class and sat down in their group. Eddie was in this class and Richie had super bad anxiety.

"Tozier, why do you keep staring at that Pastel? You aren't turning are you?" Bill said. His eyes burned holes into Richie's own.

"No! Pfft what? No! No no." Richie said quickly. Bev laughed again. The teacher turned around and stared. Richie pinched Bev.

"Ow!" She whispered yelled. Richie rolled his eyes. The teacher droned on and on about fractions and shit; Richie was daydreaming. A note hit his desk and he opened it.

I just wanted to say thanks again.

-Eddie ❤️

Bill took the note from Richie. Richie tried to grab it from him.

"Give it back!" Richie snapped. Bill laughed and read it. His smile went to a face of anger. Bill stood up and the teacher stared at him. He grabbed Eddie by the shirt and pulled him out the class.

"Keep teaching sir." The teacher dialed the phone. Richie ran out with Bev.

"I thought I told you to stay away from my group!" Bill yelled into Eddie's face. Eddie looked at Richie, betrayal in his eyes.

"Bill. Leave him alone!" Richie yelled. Bill let go of Eddie.

"Stay in line Tozier!" Bill growled.

"No! Leave him alone and I will!" Bill threw him into Eddie, making them both fall.

"Go make out in the janitors closet! You are both fags!" Bill screamed. Richie got up and ran at Bill, tackling him. Eddie screamed and Bev tried to split it up. Richie got a bloody nose and black eye. Bill got a broken nose and that's it.

The two boys were taken to the principal's office and were suspended for a week.

After the week

Richie avoided Bill and was considered an outcast punk. He was sitting in the bathroom on the ground. Eddie walked in and sat next to him.

"That eye still not better?" Eddie asked and Richie pushed him playfully.

"No I got another one." Richie said sarcastically. Eddie giggled and put his head on Richie's shoulder. Richie's breath hitched.

"You need to be more careful." Eddie said looking at his eye. Richie's eyes went from Eddie's lips to his eyes.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" Eddie asked wiping his lip. Richie shook his head and leaned in for a kiss. Eddie got super close to Richie's lips. Eddie's breath made Richie shiver.

"Sorry pretty boy, you'll have to wait on this." Eddie said moving away. Richie groaned.

"Eddddiiiiiie!" Eddie giggled as he ran away from Richie.

A/N Hehe, new book. New OTP! Fun all fun. But I hope you guys enjoy. Kudos to QuipChip for the cover

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