90s AU

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I walked into school. I was probably the most tired I've been since my family moved. The Losers and I went to a party yesterday night. I looked like a zombie walking in with my yellow sleeved sweater. The Losers were all standing by Bill's locker. I blushed seeing Richie. He looked so cute with his backwards hat. Richie was holding a bag of Doritos. The shirt he was wearing was bringing out his eyes. I was daydreaming at this point.

"Eds! Didn't see you there!" Richie said and pulled me over to him. He offered his bag of Doritos and so I took one. Bill and Stan were holding hands and I smiled happily.

"H-h-hey Eds." Bill stammered and pulled me aside. I kinda staggered in the sudden movement.

"What's up Bill?" I asked slightly concerned.

"Y-you should ask out R-R-Richie." I blushed bright red.


"What?! I s-see the way you l-l-look at him." Bill explained and poked my stomach.

"Just do i-it." He walked off when the bell rang. Is it that obvious? The bell rang for the next class. I begrudgingly walked into class. I held his books tightly in fear Henry would trip me. I sat down with a sigh of relief.

"Hiya Eds!" Richie said suddenly. I jumped and yelped.

"Beep beep Richie." I sighed. Richie laughed.

"You're so easily scared." He sat down. The teacher was talking about science and I couldn't help but watch Richie as he talked to Stan. I started blushing so I looked away.

"Today's homework is a project. The person sitting next to you is your partner." I looked at Richie and looked down.

"We're never gonna get this done." Richie looked over at me and smiled.

"See you after school Eds!" Richie yelled and the bell rang. School was boring per the usual. Lunch was fun, the Losers always made it fun. I walked home and was prepared for anything.

"Hey faggot! Ready to hang out with your fag boyfriend!?" Henry bellowed. His friends laughed and I felt a rock hit my head.

"Fuck you Bowers." I snapped. Henry grabbed my sweater and slammed me against a tree.

"What was that? FAG?!" He yelled in my face.

"Fuck you." I got in his face and he punched me. Richie ran up behind Henry and threw a rock at him.

"FUCK OFF BOWERS! OR ELSE I'M GONNA HAVE TO CALL YOUR DADDY!" Richie yelled. I felt relief flood through me.

"Fuck you Tozier." Henry said and walked off.

"No thanks!" Richie yelled after him. He turned to me and helped me up.

"You okay Eds?" He asked me and I nodded. Richie touched my eye and I hit his hand.

"Ow!" Richie smirked.

"See you're not okay." Richie protested and walked with me to my house.

"Hey Mrs. K!" Richie called to my mom. I groaned.

"Hello Richie dear!" I instantly shoved Richie up the stairs.

"You can't tell my mom about Henry. She'll flip her shit!" I exclaimed. Richie chuckled.

"Okay, I won't. But on one condition." I looked at him, regretful.

"I get a kiss." Richie smirked and my face went bright red.

"F-fine, one." Richie laughed and kissed me. I felt my heart flutter. He deepened the kiss and I was shocked. Richie backed me into the wall, still kissing me. I put my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I pulled away.

"That was surprising." I was panting and so was Richie.

"You're a good kisser." Richie admitted and I laughed.

"You are too." I winked at him and sat down on the bed.

"We need to start the project." Richie sat next to me and held my hand. I blushed.

"Were you paying attention, cause I don't know..." I kissed Richie again and pushed him down on the bed. He was surprised which made me giggle. I put my hands up his shirt causing him to shiver. I kissed him deeper and smiled. Richie pulled away for air. He took off my sweater and I blushed.

"D-don't judge my tub." I covered my tummy. Richie chuckled.

"I'm not judging, you're cute." Richie sat up against the head board and kissed me again. I smiled into the kiss and he pulled away to take off his own shirt. I blushed at Richie's chest and broad shoulders.

"What's wrong Eds?" Richie asked smirking. I shook my head.

"N-nothing." He pulled me into another kiss and flipped us so I was on the bottom.

"Heh, I guess I'm more submissive huh?" I blushed madly. Richie chuckled.

"Guess so." Richie kissed me again and played with the hem of my jeans. I blushed and pulled them off. Richie took off his own.

"Eds if you don't want to do this it's okay." Richie said. I loved how caring he was.

"No it's okay... but it's my first time." Richie smiled tenderly.

"I'll be gentle." Richie kissed me again and slid off my boxers. I blushed madly and pulled away.

"I'm so embarrassed." I admitted covering my face. Richie pulled my hands away.

"I think you're beautiful." Richie pulled off his own boxers and kissed me again.

"I'll go slow okay?" Richie turned me over and gently entered me. I bit my lip and cursed under my breath.

"Shh, it's okay." Richie slowly went all the way in. I sighed in relief.

"Okay, tell me when you're okay." Richie said and moaned under his breath.

"I-I'm okay." I held back a moan. Richie nodded and slowly started moving.

"Ah~" I moaned and blushed bright red. Richie moaned and moved a little faster. I winced but soon pain turned to pleasure. Richie moved a little faster and I moaned loudly.

"Eddie~" Richie moaned and I felt tears sting my eyes.

"I-I'm close." I admit and Richie nodded.

"Me too." I felt him move a bit faster and I released onto the bed. Richie released inside me and I moaned. He pulled out and I fell onto the bed with a huff.

"You okay?" Richie asked me. I nodded and hugged him. Richie smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I love you Kaspbrak."

"I love you too Tozier."

A/N I'm going to regret this

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