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A/N There's no AU

School was out and the Losers raced to get their bikes. Bill led the group to the entrance to the sewers and got out a flashlight. The rest of the group followed suit. Richie was skipping after Bill. Eddie rolled his eyes and Stan nudged Eddie.

"May I help you?" Eddie said politely looking over at Stan.

"Can I ask you something?" Stan said still walking after Bill and Richie.

"Of course Stan, you can tell me anything." Eddie was starting to get worried.

"Have you ever liked someone so much you don't care what the consequences are?" Stan said quickly almost impossible to understand. Eddie's mind went straight to Richie though right when Stan said it. It was the truth after all, his feelings for Richie were real.

"Yes I have. Have you?" Eddie looked forward again keeping an eye on Bill and Rich.

"Yes, and that's just the thing. It's Bill." Stan said slowly. Eddie's eyes widened.

"No joke?" Eddie said unsure whether or not he was joking. Stan nodded and his face was pink.

"That's cool Stan." Eddie said smiling at him. Stan smiled back half heartedly. They got to the sewers and Eddie stayed right at the mouth of the tunnel. Stan stayed with him like he always did.

"You guys coming in?" Richie asked obviously teasing Eddie.

"No, that's grey-water." Eddie said looking utterly disgusted.

"What the hell is grey-water?" Richie's face looked confused.

"It's basically.... piss and shit so I'm just telling you." Eddie said shrugging his arms. Richie lifted his stick and smelt the tip of it.

"A-are you serious?" Eddie couldn't believe him.

"Doesn't smell like caca to me señor." Richie teased.

"Have you ever heard of a staff infection?!" Eddie practically yelled.

"Oh I'll show you staff infection!" Richie snapped. Eddie's cheeks went pink.

"Oh my god." Eddie tried to cover his cheeks. Bill lifted up something yellow from the ground.

"Is that-" Stan started.

"Yeah." Bill muttered. Richie looked over at it and gasped. Eddie dreaded this day more than any other.

"W-we have to g-go farther in." Bill said looking into the endless pit of darkness. Eddie gulped.

"Want me to carry you Kaspbrak?" Richie teased. Eddie shook his head unable to think of a clap back. Stan looked over at Eddie. He was clearly shaking.

"Come on." Stan encouraged. Eddie stepped in and he shuddered.

"I'm gonna throw up." Eddie muttered. Stan helped Eddie the rest of the way in. Richie saw this and felt something spark inside him.

'What the hell?' Richie thought. Was it jealousy? No way; he wasn't gay. Bill walked farther in first. Richie followed suit and Stan was still with Eddie. Richie started to have a hatred for Stan.

'I need to breathe.' Richie said to himself. 'Why am I feeling like this?' Eddie was having a slight panic attack.

"This is so disgusting." Eddie felt something grab his leg. He tried to kick it off but it yanked him down and under the water. This may have seemed impossible because the water was so shallow. Stan screamed and Richie turned around. Eddie was gone and a fire sparked in Richie.

"WHERE THE HELL DID HE GO?!" Richie yelled. Stan pointed to the spot he once stood.

"U-under.." Stan said in a daze. Richie looked and put his foot where Eddie once was. It seemed to go under.

"We have to follow him." Richie muttered.

Eddie's POV

It seemed dark. Empty. I had swallowed gallons of that dirty water. The thing pulling me down just kept going until we both fell to the ground. I had enough conscious to try to scramble away from the thing. It grabbed me and suddenly everything was dark.


Richie was first to dive down. Bill followed and Stan groaned but followed. The darkness seemed to swallow them and all the water seemed to disappear sending them hurtling down to their deaths. They all fell on the floor on top of each other. Richie got up and looked around.

"Guys, where the hell are we?" Stan muttered. Richie was yelling for Eddie. Bill had no words to say at that point. They seemed to be underneath Derry. It was cold and dark, but their was something that was truly terrifying. Above the four boys, were floating kids.

"Th-the m-missing k-k-kids." Bill's stutter seemed to get worse. Stan grabbed Bill's hand, causing Bill to jump. Richie looked around more for Eddie.

"EDDIE?!" Richie called again. No response. Richie turned around the huge mountain of whatever it was and found Eddie. His eyes were clouded and he was floating. Richie's vision clouded with tears.

"Guys! Help me get Eddie down!" Richie called. Bill and Stan came running and lifted Richie up. Richie pulled Eddie down by his legs. One ankle had a huge cut on it.

"Eddie! Eddie wake up please!" Richie cried and shook him. Eddie seemed like stone.

"Eddie..." Bill sighed and hugged Stan. Richie cried more.

"Eddie come on, please.." Richie said and kissed him softly. Stan gasped at that. Eddie started coughing and gagging. Richie looked at him, his eyes were back to their beautiful brown.

"Eddie!" Richie said and hugged him. Eddie hugged back and sighed. Richie pulled away and kissed him again. Eddie gasped but kissed back.

"Oh my god what happened?" Richie asked, pulling away.

"I-I was pulling under by some... thing." Eddie muttered and suddenly his face went pale. A figure was emerged from behind the giant trash pile. It was a clown.

"What the fuck?!" Richie screamed. It ran at the four boys causing the boys to run away. It grabbed Eddie by the neck and pulled him back.

"RICHIE!" Eddie screamed being pulled back.

"I'll take him. All of you can go free and live your happy little lives." Eddie whimpered at the pain. Richie wanted to scream.

"This is your fault Bill!" Richie turned to him.

"You punched me in the face, you made me walk through shitty water, you take to me to a fucking crack head house." Richie pulled a bat from the heap of trash.

"And now..." Bill staggered back thinking Richie was gonna hit him. Stan stood in front of Bill.

"I'm gonna kill this fucking clown." Eddie tried to move clear out of the way of the bat.

"Welcome to the Losers' club asshole!" He swung hard and fast. The bat hit It and knocked him down a hole of darkness. Eddie fell on the ground weak and breathless. Richie rushed to his side.

"Eddie! Oh my god are you okay?" Richie was shocked when Eddie pulled him into a kiss.

"You saved me."

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