Sports AU

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a/n What? Me? Posting? Wow..
anyways I wanna make clear that I understand Baseball and Football don't fall around the same time but it's for the AU so vibe wit it

"Ah! Richie, you can't do that." Eddie exhaled while shutting his locker all the way. Richie chuckled softly and leaned against the locker next to the smaller boy's.

"I just can't help it. Your squeaks are adorable." He winked and Eddie rolled his doe eyes. Richie pinched his cheek and smiled sweetly. You could see a bit of sadness in his eyes but Eddie was about to clear that up right then.

"Well, I have a surprise for you pretty boy. I don't have practice after school so I can go to your baseball game." Eddie said and set fireworks off in Richie's head.

"You're joking?!" Richie exclaimed, his heart pounding a million miles a minute. Eddie shook his head and smiled at Richie's excitement.

"No jokes, and I expect you to be at my football game later tonight." Eddie booped Richie's nose softly. Eddie was the co-captain of the cheerleading team along side Beverly and Ruby. Both Bev and Ruby were both nominated for head captain but weren't mad since they were best friends. Richie's nose wrinkled at the small gesture and sighed deeply.

"Eds.." Richie mumbled which made Eddie turn around and cock his head. That was enough to make the taller boy's cheeks flush red.

"You better not dip on me Tozier. Remember I have your letterman's jacket. It would be a shame.."

"Okay okay I'll go." Richie sighed and wrapped an arm around Eddie's waist. "You drive a hard bargain baby." Eddie giggled at that and kissed Richie's cheek.

"See you after school, lover boy." Eddie twinkled his fingers as a goodbye and went to his class. Richie let his eyes wander a bit as the smaller walked off until he got slammed in the back.

"Hey!" Richie said angrily and turned to see a familiar redhead followed by a Jewish boy and his sweet, stuttering boyfriend; just seeing that changed his anger into a smile.

"Beep beep Rich." Beverly said, shaking her head. "Eyes stay above the waist, sir." Richie shook his head, smiling.

"You caught me, take me away officer." Richie held his arms out as if he was being handcuffed, only to be yanked to his final class by the overly strong redhead. 

"You excited for your game? I bet you'll hit a home run for playoffs." Beverly winked. Richie stopped dead in his tracks. He had forgotten the game was playoffs. His stomach turned.

"What's wrong Rich?" Beverly asked, putting her hands on her hips. "You're not chickening out, are you?" Richie shook his head and started walking again.

"No I just.. forgot the season is over.. and it's playoffs and Eddie said he's coming and now I'm nervous as hell." He mumbled, opening the door to the classroom as the late bell rang.

"Richie! The big man! Ready for the big game?" A familiar voice asked. Richie laughed off his nerves and walked over to Mike who was already sat down.

"Well I mean yeah, are you?" Richie teased playfully which earned himself a noogie from Mike.

"Cut it out!" Richie yelped and struggled to get free. Beverly giggled and walked over to sit down.

"Big words for a small man." Mike teased and smiled. Mike's football jersey fit his frame perfectly as if made for him. He was the MVP on the school's football team. They let him into Varsity when he hit Sophomore year. Richie was also let into the Varsity baseball team but in Freshmen year which was a surprise to everyone. Richie had played baseball in little leagues before he came to high school and was let into Varsity for being so experienced.

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