AngelxDemon AU

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Eddie's POV
A/N I'm baaaaaack~

Okay look I never intended on falling for a demon. He just was there when God and Satan were having a meeting about the overpopulation of hell. He had this smirk that could literally burn through your skin straight to your heart. I'm the number one angel so it's odd when all of a sudden this demon comes and makes you fall head over heels. I know it's forbidden but I can't help myself.

"Hey you okay, angel?" The demon named Richie asked me. I guess I zoned out. God and Satan had went into the other room which gave Richie the opportunity to talk to me.

"Hm? Oh, yes." I said, my voice had always been calm and soft. Richie would chuckle slightly every time I talked.

"How's it up here?" Richie asked looking around. Heaven was always very, clean. Mostly white and some gold tones here and there.

"It's not bad.." I mumbled and noticed he had started to walk away. I scrambled to catch up to him. He watched my flustered self stand beside him and chuckled.

"You're a clumsy one, aren't you?" Richie asked slyly and I blushed slightly. I think he noticed because his smirk only grew.

"You must've done some good things when you were alive to be God's right hand, huh?" Richie looked at me. His eyes were black but not black enough to match Satan's. They were.. gentle almost.

"Oh. Well angels, when they go to heaven, become how they looked as kids again. As you can tell." I looked down at my small stature. Richie looked me up and down which made me blush deeply.

"Well you were a cute kid." Richie winked at me and I almost fainted. I coughed a little and nodded.

"Thank you." I mumbled and looked away. Richie sighed softly.

"Demons can take any form they'd like." Richie said out of no where. I looked at him. He seemed like he was hurting.

"A long time ago.. I lost someone. Someone very important to me. He died saving me. I would've been clown chow if it wasn't for him." Richie chuckled softly but I could tell that this wasn't funny.

"When I was told that there was an angel that looked like my friend from when we were kids, I had to investigate which is why I convinced Satan to let me come with him." Richie muttered. I cupped his face softly. Doing that set off a mental powerpoint in my head. Richie.. Richie.. that name..

"Richie?! Richie Tozier?!" I looked him up and down and Richie looked up at me. You could see it in his eyes, that he knew too.

"Eds?!" Richie asked and picked me up laughing. I was laughing to and nuzzled into him.

"Oh my god look at you! You're beautiful!" Richie exclaimed and looked me over. I was beet red.

"I'm so sorry Eddie. I could've saved you. I could've stopped him. We could've gotten you out." Richie started to tear up. His black eyes full of guilt and love. I chuckled softly, tears streaming down my pink cheeks.

"Richie it's okay. It's okay now." I cried and hugged him tighter. He hugged me back and we sat there for a minute.

"Eds I need to tell you something." Richie said softly and I looked at him with gentle eyes.

"I've been in love with you since we were children." He said searching my eyes. I felt more tears surface.

"I have too." I said in between sobs. Richie smiled brightly and held me close to him. We walked all throughout Heaven talking about everything. Remembering things we completely forgot about was the oddest part but the best part at the same time. Richie couldn't help but smile the whole time he was beside me.

"Figures the trash mouth would be Satan's 'big man'." I teased and Richie nudged me.

"You hated when I called you angel. Now look at you!" Richie said twirling me around. My white dress fluttered a little.

"Hey!" I squeaked and Richie laughed softly. I smiled happily and noticed God and Satan walk out of the conference room. That meant Richie had to leave. I didn't want Richie to leave. Not again. I scrambled to get up and ran over to God. I kneeled before him and begged.

"Please let Richie stay! Please! I can't lose him again!" I pleaded. God and Satan seemed bewildered.

"Eddie? What has gotten into you?" God asked in a deep yet calming voice.

"Please let Richie stay. He would barely do anything wrong. He doesn't deserve to be in Hell. Please.." I teared up and looked up at God.

"Well.." God looked at Satan and all Satan did was shrug.

"Rich, you're free to go." Satan said looking at Richie. Richie looked absolutely awestruck as his dark clothes and horns disappeared and turned into angel wings. I ran at him with the happiest smile on my face and hugged him. I could hear Satan laughing.

"I love you Richie." I said into his shoulder and nuzzled closer to him. Richie pulled away from the hug and kissed me.

"I'll see you all later." And with that Satan was gone. I pulled away from the kiss and smiled happily. We finally got our happily ever after.

A/N I am a magician. I poof in and I poof out. Hope you guys enjoyed. See y'all in the next chapter. Merry Chrystler🎄

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