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A/N: This is gonna feature Connor Bowers but like the non-homophobic one? Inspired by my sick cousin who was high on nyquil

"This is a nightmare!" Eddie squeaked pacing in Beverly's room.

"Just because Henry's cousin moved here doesn't mean he's gonna take Richie from you. You know Rich isn't like that." Beverly said in an effort to calm Eddie down.

"How do you know!? You know Tozier likes to play games with my head to the point he makes me doubt my own last name!" Eddie threw his hands up and fell back onto Beverly's bed. Beverly scooted over to give Eddie more room.

"I think you're freaking out over nothing. Besides, even if Connor was gay, Henry would kill him." Beverly said softly. Eddie rolled over and groaned into the bed.

"Beverly, I finally got the attention of that dumbass and now this fucktard is coming in and taking that attention away!" Eddie said, his voice slightly panicked and irritated. Beverly sighed deeply and pat Eddie's head.

"Just wait Eds, you have no idea what's coming." Beverly winked and got up. She put hers and Eddie's favorite record on.

The next day, Eddie walked up to the school to see the most dreaded sight. Richie was talking to Connor, and Connor had the most cocky smile on his face. That drove Eddie through the roof as he contained his anger and walked up to them.

"Oh hey Eds." Richie said noticing the small boy walking up. Eddie smiled sweetly and tried his best to not punch the smile right off of Connor's face.

"Hey Rich, I missed you this weekend. Where'd you go again?" Eddie asked in the most sugar sweet voice. You could see Connor's irritability.

"Oh me mam and I went up to New York to visit some family." Richie said in a corny accent. Eddie smiled up at Richie and heard the bell ring.

"Oh! I have to get going but I'll see you at lunch. Oh Connor, I didn't see you there. Bye now." Eddie said in a bitchy tone and kissed Richie on the cheek, leaving residue of his lip gloss and walked into the school.

"He never fails to surprise me." Richie said softly and held his cheek softly. Connor groaned and moved closer to Richie.

"I bet he's no fun though," Connor said in a whiny tone. "I'd give you a better night." He rubbed a pattern into Richie's arm. Richie chuckled lightly.

"I'm gonna be late for class Con. I'll see you later." He walked away and Connor growled softly.

"That little cunt." Connor growled and stomped to class.

Hours passed a little too slowly for Eddie as lunch neared. He felt his heart drop when a piece of paper hit the back of his head. He picked it up and read the note that said fag in big bold letters. Eddie rolled his eyes and got up to throw it away. He was so used to this that at this point he didn't care. If only Henry knew his cousin was flirting with the guy of his dreams, then he'd finally be rid of the problem. Of course though, Eddie wasn't that cruel to out someone even if they did make them angrier than Henry ever could. Eddie picked up his stuff hurriedly as the bell rang and ran out to the lunch grounds. Beverly waved him over and he sat down next to her.

"Where's Rich?" Eddie asked Beverly looking around at the courtyard. Beverly sighed deeply not wanting to spill the news to Eddie.

"He was here earlier but Connor whispered something to him and they walked off." Beverly said in a quiet voice. Eddie was red now with anger.

"And you let him leave?!" Eddie squeaked out. Beverly sighed and nodded solemnly. Richie was walking back over the table a little later with Connor. His eyes were red and bloodshot.

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