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Warning: Content ahead is very gory and sad, please do not read if easily triggered by either

Eddie was riding home when the Losers rode up to him.

"Where you going Ed?" Richie said, mischievously snaking in front of him.

"H-home why?" Eddie said guiltily. Richie smirked.

"Aren't you coming to the Sewer?" Richie asked, "To look for G-Georgie." He stuttered on purpose. Eddie sighed.

"I-It's Greywater! I can't handle that stuff!" Eddie said grossed out and shuddered. Richie rolled his eyes.

"Wimp." Eddie scoffed. He turned and rode next to Bill.

"There happy?" Eddie said and Richie smiled. Bill sighed in relief.

"All right good fellows let's go!" Stan sighed. They rode to the Sewer and Bill got out his flashlight. Eddie was taking quick steps and stopped at the entrance. Richie walked into the water. Eddie shuddered.

"Hey look at this poster." It was the poster of the girl who went missing. Richie was poking it with a stick. Stan barely looked over at it.

"Shame she disappeared. She was hot." Richie admitted laughing. Bill looked for any sign of Georgie. Eddie felt something catch in his throat.

"I think I'm gonna throw up." Eddie admitted and ran off. Stan followed him.

"Wimp!" Richie called after him. Eddie leaned on his knees and puked. Flowers of all colors fell on the summer grass. Stan looked at the ground.

"Eddie, what the fuck have you been eating?" Stan asked, terrified. Eddie stared at the flowers in bewilderment.

"I haven't been eating flowers?" Eddie more asked then said. Stan picked up a flower.

"You're bleeding." Stan looked at Eddie's lip. Eddie wiped his lip.

"I don't know what to do." Eddie admitted and sat on his knees.

"I do." Ben emerged from behind a tree. Stan cocked his head.

"Have you been standing there the whole time?" Eddie looked at Ben.

"No I was coming to help." Ben said irritated.

"It's the Hanahaki disease. Basically it's one sided love." Eddie's eyes widened and his stomach lurched. He threw up again. 'This couldn't be from Richie could it?' Eddie thought.

"Do you know why Eddie?" Stan asked and Ben sat next to Eddie.

"N-No." Eddie lied. Ben looked in his eyes. Eddie's eyes were tearing up.

"Who is it? A girl at school?" Ben asked. He could see right through Eddie.

"It's no one. Leave me alone." Eddie said and ran off to his house. He choked on another flower and threw it aside. Eddie started crying and slammed his door and ran up his stairs.

"GODDAMNIT!" He screamed into his pillow. Eddie loved Richie. He would literally do anything for a kiss from him. But he knew it'd never happen cause Richie was 110% straight.

"Hey where did Eddie go?" Richie asked when Stan and Ben walked back. Stan shrugged and Ben kinda kept quiet.

"I hope he's okay." Richie muttered. He cared too much about the kid. Richie carried around a spare inhaler for Eddie, just in case.

"Hey Bill. I'll be back. Ben! Take my place." He handed Ben his flashlight.

"Where are you going?" Stan asked. Ben looked at the flashlight and then the sewer.

"To Eds' of course!" Richie said and ran off. He knocked on the door and Eddie's mom answered.

"Hello Richie. Why are you here?" She asked in a sweet tone. Richie stopped panting for a second.

"Is Eddie home?" She nodded. He thanked her and walked inside.

"Help yourself to some cookies." Richie walked into the kitchen. He grabbed a cookie.

"Eds?" Richie called walking upstairs.

'No no no!' Eddie thought. He ran to his closet and hid inside of it. Richie walked into his room. Eddie held his breath.

"Eddie? You in here?" Richie said looking around. Eddie choked on a flower. He was so cute, his soft voice, and gentle white tone of skin. Eddie coughed up a flower. Richie turned his attention to the closet.

"Come on out of the closet Eddie." Richie giggled. Eddie slowly opened the door. His lip was bloody and he held the flower.

"I'm a freak." Eddie admitted quietly. Richie stared at the flower.

"How are you a freak? What is that your mom's?" Richie laughed at his own joke. Eddie coughed up a petal. Richie stared at it.

"Eds..." Richie said slowly. Eddie started crying.

"What? You think I'm a freak? A complete weirdo?!" Eddie yelled violently and fell weak on the ground. He spat out a bunch of petals.

"What is this?" Richie asked. He picked up a petal. Eddie was panting heavily.

"Hanahaki. One sided love." Eddie explained coughing up another flower.

"For who?" Richie looked up. His eyes worried.

"You'll hate me if I tell you." Eddie said. He coughed out a flower or two. Richie scooted closer to him.

"No I won't." Richie admitted, putting his hand on his shoulder.

Eddie coughed up a huge rose. He stared crying.

"You! I love you! I'm sorry!" Eddie said and choked out a bouquet. Richie stayed quiet. Eddie passed out cause he was so exhausted.

"Eddie? Eddie! EDDIE!" Richie shook him. He ran to his mom.

"Call an ambulance!"

Eddie woke up in a white room. Richie was sitting in the corner. He was bouncing his foot when he looked up.

"Eddie! You're okay!" Richie said running to his side.

"Y-yeah. What happened?" Eddie felt Richie holding his hand. His face went red, but he didn't feel any petals or flowers.

"You passed out and we brought you here. But when we got here, they said nothing was wrong." Richie said confused.

"What? How?" Eddie asked. Richie shrugged.

"How should I know? I just was so worried and I thought I was gonna lose you." Richie said quickly.

"I love you." Richie muttered softly. Eddie gasped silently.

"I-I love you t-too." Eddie said back. Richie looked at him. They both smiled at each other.

The Hanahaki disease can be cured when the person who does not love the other, returns their feelings.❤️

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