Transgender Au

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"Evelyn! Come downstairs and let me
see the dress you're wearing!" Eddie walked down stairs. The pink dress fitting him perfectly.

"You look great!" Eddie looked down at his feet, groaning.

"I don't like it.." He muttered. His mom eyed him.

"What was that?" His mom asked. Eddie fake smiled.

"I love it.." He lied and went back upstairs to take it off. He put on his binder and shirt, sighing in relief.

"That's better." He breathed out.

"EDS!" Someone yelled from the backyard. He knew that voice and opened his window.

"Hey Richie!" He yelled back down.

"COME ON! YOU'RE SLOWING THE GROUP DOWN!" Richie yelled before disappearing. Eddie got ready and ran down the stairs.

"What are you wearing, Evelyn?" His mom snapped. Eddie flinched and looked at her.

"Clothes?" He said back. His mom stood up and pulled off his shirt.

"What's this? I just got you a new bra." She looked at Eddie's binder.

"It's a bra Beverly got me." Eddie lied. His mom scoffed.

"Don't lie to me." She crossed her arms.  Eddie felt tears prick at his eyes.

"It's a binder... it hides my chest so I can feel more like a boy." Eddie said with a sudden confidence.

"You're sick, confused." His mom said trying to hug him. Eddie pushed away from her.

"Don't touch me! You're a horrible mother!" Eddie yelled at his mom. His mom pushed him out of the house,
his shirt still off.

"YOU DISGUST ME!" Eddie fell to the ground, scraping his side. Richie ran up to him and helped him up.

"Eds are you okay?" Richie didn't pay attention to the fact Eddie was shirtless.

"You changed your name too huh?" His mom snapped and Richie pushed Eddie behind him.

"You know, he doesn't need you in his life. So fuck off." Richie yelled at her and pulled Eddie by his hand away. His mom slammed the door causing tears to form in Eddie's eyes. They got to the Barrens and he sat down. He still had no shirt on.

"Here Eds." Richie pulled off his shirt and handed it to Eddie.

"Thank you..." He blushed at Richie's chest and broad shoulders. Richie smiled softly and sat next to him.

"She's cruel. You didn't deserve that." Richie said looking at Eddie's side. It was bleeding and his binder had tore.

"It's okay Rich.. I'll be okay." Beverly suddenly groaned loudly in anger.

"HOW DARE SHE!" Ben rubbed Beverly's back, trying to get her to calm down.

"B-B-Bev, now is n-not the time to freak out." Bill explained. Stan was thinking of ways to stop Eddie from bleeding.

"But Eddie's mom completely THREW HIM OUT!" Beverly stomped angrily. Mike was rubbing Eddie's back. Richie was sitting next to Eddie too.

Eddie groaned in pain because of his side. Richie gently rubbed his hand.

"He can stay with me." Richie said suddenly. The entirety of the Losers looked at him.

"My parents are barely home. And my mom will buy you another binder if I explain to her." Richie said and Eddie felt his heart flutter.

"Sh-she doesn't care if I-I'm trans?" Eddie barely said. Beverly was smiling and so was Bill.

"Nah, she really doesn't get all that stuff but she doesn't care." Stan had disappeared to get something for Eddie's side.

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