Skate Date

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a/n part 2 of roller skate date

"Eds!" Richie ran to catch up to Eddie and Beverly walking to his locker. Eddie turned around with a big grin on his face, his butterfly clips sat neatly in his hair.

"Hi baby, what's up?" Eddie asked sweetly. When they had gone to the roller rink, Richie asked Eddie that night if he wanted to date. Eddie obviously said yes and stayed the night at Richie's house. It was all wholesome though so don't worry.

"I was wondering if you wanted to take up that skateboarding lesson I promised." Richie said and wrapped his arm softly around Eddie's small waist. Beverly giggled and shook her head.

"I don't think he can do it. Poor thing is too clumsy." Beverly said crossing her arms looking at the two.

"I think he can! Besides, I'm the best skater in town. Who could be a better teacher?" Richie said proudly making both Eddie and Beverly roll their eyes.

"Well I mean I guess.. I'm just kinda worried I'll come home with bruises. My mom doesn't take well to those Rich.." Eddie said looking at Richie with doe eyes. Richie chuckled softly and waved his hand to brush off the statement.

"We'll get you pads for your knees and elbows and such. You'll be completely safe!" Richie said and pinched Eddie's cheek softly making Eddie struggle to get away.

"You'll look so cute!" Richie remarked eventually getting shoved by Eddie's little arms. Beverly shook her head and walked over to Ben's locker.

"Fine, I'll come over today. Just lemme get my stuff and we can leave." Eddie said and shoved his books in his locker. Richie smirked and waited for him outside by his car. Eddie finally walked over to him and kissed his cheek softly.

"Let's go get my pads. You dumb dumb." Eddie then flicked his forehead and got in the passenger's seat. Richie giggled and rubbed his forehead while walking to drive them to the bike shop down the street.


"Okay we got your pads. Now it's time for the hard part." Richie said pulling out his board. Eddie was covered head to toe in pads and a helmet on top of that. Richie chuckled at the sight of him making Eddie blush.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, maybe you should just.." Eddie mumbled. Richie shook his head and set the board down on the ground.

"Here, step on the board. Put your dominant foot in the middle of the board and your non-dominant on the back and keep your knees bent. Don't lock up." Richie said helping Eddie up into the board. Eddie gripped onto Richie like he was going to die.

"Good, good. Now I'm gonna move you on the board a bit so you'll know how it feels." Richie said and started pushing Eddie on the board down the street. Eddie's grip on Richie became tighter.

"Okay, now I'm gonna let you roll by yourself." Richie said and gently pushed him. Eddie squeaked and felt himself falling.

"Rich- Richie- I'm FALLING!" Eddie screamed and Richie ran over to him and grabbed him.

"You were okay dork." Richie chuckled softly. Eddie was gripping onto Richie and eventually just jumped into Richie's arms.

"You poor baby." Richie teased and Eddie dug his heel into Richie's side making him yelp out in pain.

"You asshole! I almost died!" Eddie yelled into Richie's shoulder. Richie shook his head and set him down on the asphalt.

"You didn't die. You just have to get used to it. Pushing comes next." Richie said and grabbed the board. "You'll get it this time. Come on."

After three long hours of skating, Eddie finally got the hang of it. He only fell once but Richie was there to catch him. Richie showed Eddie a couple tricks and eventually ate shit. Eddie, being the worry wart he is, freaked out.

"Richie! Oh my god! Are you okay? Where does it hurt? Shit you're bleeding! Fuck fuck fuck." Eddie said looking over Richie who just laughing his ass off.

"Yeah, yeah but I'm okay. Promise." Richie said attempting to get up but crumbled again. Eddie helped him up and lugged him over to the sidewalk.

"We need to get you inside but I can't carry you so you're gonna have to get on your board and I'll wheel you up." Eddie said softly and helped him to get on the board and up to the house.

"Hey kiddos, how was- OH MY GOD RICHIE! Are you okay?!" Maggie, Richie's mom, squeaked. Richie has a guilty look on his face. His shirt was ripped and so was his pants.

"Yeah Ma, I'm okay." Richie said standing up but instantly crumbling into Eddie. Eddie held him up gently trying hard not to touch any of his wounds.

"You poor thing. Come on let's fix you up." Maggie said sweetly and helped Richie over to the kitchen. Eddie sat down on the couch and took off all his padding. Richie would wince in pain at every touch Maggie would lay on him.

"I'm sorry my love. I'm trying to be gentle." Maggie said and cleaned up most of Richie's cuts. As for his ankle, he had to ice it until it healed completely.

"Eddie can you do me a favor and help me get Richie up to his bed?" Maggie asked sweetly and Eddie nodded. They lugged Richie upstairs to his room and into his bed.

"Thanks Ma." Richie said weakly. Maggie smiled and kissed him on his forehead, leaving the two alone. Eddie went and crawled into the bed with Richie trying not to move it too much.

"Sorry Eddie Bear. I didn't mean to get this hurt. Guess it just wasn't my day." Richie chuckled softly and Eddie rolled his eyes still smiling.

"You're such a dummy but I love you." Eddie said cuddling up to Richie slowly. Richie smiled and kissed his head gently.

"I love you too Eds."

a/n this was supposed to go up yesterday but I got distracted😅 but I hope you enjoy it!

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