One flu over the Cockoos

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I slowly opened my eyes, blinking a few times trying to let my eyes use to the lights. I was in a tent, a bad one. There was a large hole in the top of it, letting the bright sun to beam down onto where i laid. I felt groggy, and my leg throbbed. I looked down at my leg to see how bad it really was. It was wrapped in bandages, and propped on a pillow. I let out a sigh.

"Lu?" i looked over at the opening of the tent to see Chris standing there with his phone in his hand. "Yeah i got to go." he then placed his phone in his pocket and walked over to the side of my bed. "How you feeling kid?"

I sighed. "Im alive."

"Thats good." he smiled at me. "That means no law suit."

"Piss off Chris."

"Luna?" Lawsawna comes in and smiles seeing me awake. "Hey baby how ya feeling?"

"Im alright." i tell he as she walked closer to the bed. "Who left?" i asked her remembering we lost the last challenge.

He sighed sadly. "Gwen."


She nodded. "She wanted to say bye to you, but there wasnt enough time."

"How long was i out for?"

"Few hours." Chris says. "Its the next day. Which means the next challenge starts in one hour!" I slowly started to sit up, but Chris put his hand on my shoulder forcing me back down. "Not you. You have a hair line fracture. Doc will be here in a few hours to put a real cast on you. Till then, you stay."

"Does this mean im being taken out of the game?" i asked worried about the answer.

"No. Your just out of this challenge. Think of it as immunity." He smiled and walked out, Leshawna walked out after him after telling me she was getting Duncan. I sighed and slouched . Well i guess ill just get a day off.

"L-Luna?" i looked at the door to see, him.

"Get out." i tell him as he walked in and sat in a chair not to far from the bed. "Justin-"

"Im so . . . so sorry Luna." he says not being able to look at me, but only at his hands. "I didnt mean for you to . ." i just looked at him, waiting him to go back to being a dick. Instead he still couldnt look at me. "I just . . ." when he did look at me, i was taken back by the look of pain, and guilt. "I just wanted to say im sorry. I wont bother you anymore." He stood from his chair. "I just felt like i need you, that i had to have you, make you happy. so i thought if i acted like Duncan that . . ." he turned his back to me.

I sighed. "Duncan doesnt act like that." He didnt move. "It might seem like that to everyone else, but its different. And i love him." i could see Justin's body tense up.

"He makes you happy then?"


He turned back to me, his face was the same but, sadness was now shown. He gave me a sad smile. "Good."

"Luna?" My heart dropped when Duncan came inside the tent. His eyes moved from me to Justin, and his face grew dark. "What are you doing in here?"

Justin's head dropped again. "I . . . i was just-"

"Were you the one that did this?" he started walking twords Justin and i started to get worried that Duncan was going to hit him.


"Duncan i fell, it was no ones fault." i tell him reaching my hand out to him. Now that i think about it, Justin didnt push me or anything. He just wouldnt let go, and i faught against it. It was my fault as much as his.

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