The Princess Pride

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The next morning I layed there. My head resting on his chest and my arm resting over his chest. With the arm i was laying over he ran his hand threw my hair, the other lightly rubbed my arm that rested on his chest. We laid there for a while, just holding each other.

"We should get up." i mumbled feeling like i could fall back asleep.

He tightened his arms around me. He didnt say anything at first, but when he did, he sounded unsure about what he said. "What if we didnt. . ."

"Didnt get up? Well Chris would find us easy." i chuckled. "Then he would make fun of us for sleeping outside."

"No, i mean-" He leans up onto his elbows making me lay back onto my back to so i could look up at him. "I mean the show." His eyes looked over my face. "What if we left?"

I smirk up at him. "You want to walk away from the money?"

He smiled down at me. "The money would be nice." He then looked all over my face before looking into my eyes. "But you are what i won from last season. I dont want to lose that over money."

I gave him a small smile. This is the side of Duncan no one else see's. They dont see that he really care about me. That he does love me. He's good to me and thinks of me before himself. Thats only one of the reasons why i love him, and try to be that to him as well. I reached my hand up to the side of his face.

"I wouldnt give you up either." He leaned down, placing a hard kiss onto my lips. When he pulled back, i could read his face. All i could see what that it seemed like he wanted to say something else. "Do you really want to leave?" i asked, all joking aside.

He looked over my face again, before giving a small smile. "No." he shakes his head. "I think we can keep going, for a bit longer." I smiled back up at him before pulling him into another kiss.

Not to long after, Duncan and I got up going back to the trailers to get changed. When we came back out he wrapped an arm around my waist. Pulling me close to him. We went to the craft tent and sat at one of the tables. As we sat there Duncan stayed close, like he was trying to make up for the last couple days. He would lean down and kiss the side of my neck down my shoulder.

When the others came into the tent, everyone grew board. So, Duncan being him, had everyone doing a baritto contest.
"You know you can get in on this." Duncan tells me from standing on the table.

I smile up at him, "Im good, thats all you." I chuckled at him. He smiled down at me and i could see his eyes move from my lips back to my eyes. I watched as Duncan went down to judge to see who made the largest burrito. But before he could pick a winner Chef had came in blower a large horn.

"Hear ye', and rise." He called out. "For Sir Chris."

"Sir, someone needs to get their ego checked." Harold sad as Chris came in on an old horse. In his hand was a glass boot.
Beth gasped. "Thats a glass slipper! Witch means today's challenge is a fairy tale movie."

"Beth dude you ever steal my intro again, ill have to boot you off the show." Chris said annoyed.

"You cant boot Beth. Oh wait yes he can cause its a glass boot." Lindsey laughed.

"And who ever fits the glass boot will be our princess for our fairy tale movie challenge. The rest compete for the honor to save the fair princess."

Beth started to jump out her seat. "I want to be the princess!"

"I said the fair princess." Chris tells her making me chock on a laugh. "And what we think is fair is the candidates that won last time. Luna, and Lindsey."

Total Drama ActionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora