2018 Space Owen

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Again i was woken up by a loud noise. My eyes slowly open, feeling sore. I barley had fallen asleep, and my body felt heavy.
"Babe?" Duncan looked over at me as he sat up. He had rolled off of me about two hours after he had fallen asleep, and ended up on the other side of the bed.

"Im up." i grumbled. Once he was standing he held his hand out for mine. I reached up and let him pull my sore body off the ground.

"Ow!" she snapped once i was up.

"You alright?" i asked him as he started to rub his back.

"I think i slept wrong." He then looked at me. With out saying anything he reached up and held my face in his hand. "Did you sleep."

I shrugged, "I got a little. I dont look that bad do i?"

He shrugged back. "You just look a little sick. You look paler, your eyes look so dark."

"Im fine." i smile at him. "I think i just need real sleep, and not Chris waking us up every few hours."

He nodded. "Yea i guess. Are you feeling okay though?"

Honestly, no. I felt a little sick, and my head was killing me. "Yeah im fine." If i were to tell him all that he would start to worry and i dont want to do that. We have had enough worry, and im sure once i get a full night sleep i'll feel better.

"Alright." Duncan say's dropping the topic. He grabbed a hold of my hand and walked me back to the trailers where everyone was standing. Chris and Chef walked up wearing the toga's from a few challenges ago.

"Good morning cast, or should i say middle of the night. I hope you ll are well rested. An ready to boldly go where few men and fewer women had gone before." Chris said.

"Hey wait a minute, i thought we already did the cave man movies?" Harold asked.

"We did but we had to re use the costumes." Chris smiled.

"Dude its the middle of the night." Owen wined and i nodded.

"Sorry Owen. While today's movie genre may start at dawn of time, but quickly move up and away." Chris says pointing at the sky.

"Oh i get it now. We're doing outer-space movies." Beth tells me. "This is so exciting. I love Syfy." I smile down at her.

"Listen up space cases, you'll soon be facing out of this world challenges. But first I got a little surprise for you." Chris say's moving a set wall. Behind the wall was six box's sitting on a table. "Each of you have received a special item from the outside world. Witch by now sounds like a distant planet." Chris then started to hand out the box's.

Owen was the first to open the box. He pulled out a trophy and he seemed to get really emotional about it.

"Its from Brady!" Beth called out, jumping for joy.

"My numchucks!" Harold yelled pulling them out the box.

I opened my box and pulled out a picture frame. See the photo inside made me smile, and made my heart swell. "What you get babe?" Duncan asked stepping next to me. I showed him the picture and he smile to.

It was an old photo, but its the best one i had of my mom and dad. They sat with Dr. Lee and his wife. I was in my mothers hands, only about three or four months old. Dr. Lee's wife was also holding their son who was about a year old at the time. They were on a large sail boat, on beautiful clear blue water.

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