Top Dog

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I woke up, head feeling like it was splitting open. My stomach felt sick and my throat hurt the worst. I vary slowly gotten up and got changed.

"Luna?" Beth was just now waking up. "You dont look so good."

"I dont feel good." i say in a raspy voice. It hurt so much to talk.

"Are you going to the medic tent?"

I shrugged not really knowing what i wanted to do yet. Im in the final four. If Duncan and I can make it to the top two, we will have this game in the bag. Im not going to let this stop me from trying to win.

Taking a deep painful breath i went to the craft tent and sat at one of the tables. I wasn't going to try to eat. Even if i was hungry it would be to painful to eat. I was alone for about 20 minutes almost falling back asleep on the table, when Beth walked in. She had gotten her food and sat next to me.

"You sure you dont want to go to the medic tent?" She asked again.

I nodded keeping my head onto the table. My body felt so weak. Owen and Duncan then walked in. Owen went to get some food, and Duncan came an sat next to me. He kissed the back of my head,

"Feeling better?" He sounded just as tiered.

I slowly lifted my head, seeing his eyes almost as dark as mine. "What happened to you?" i grumbled.

He raised his brow at me. "Lu, you sound bad." I shake my head. "You need to go to the med tent." He raised his hand and felt my forehead. "You burning up."

"Im okay." i tell him.

"No your not-"

I grab his hand. "We are so close. Trust me."


"Oh my god Owens chocking!" Beth yells. She jumped on his back and started the Heimlich. She was able to get his to spit out what was in his throat and he took a large gulp of air.

"Attention cast." Chris says coming in with a parrot on his shoulder.

"Whats with the giant rat on your shoulder?" Duncan asked as we all stood up.

"Thats my new BFFF. Best flying friend forever. That brings us to today's movie genre. The animal buddy flick. The hallmark of any good animal buddy flick is the human-animal bonding. Fist they start out as enemy's, then they become fast friends after having a few adventures. The first challenge will be to pick and animal and teach it to be just like you. Wont be to hard since your all a bunch of animals." He waited to see if we were going to laugh. We didnt. "The animal the most resembles them in the end, wins the challenge. He lead us out side, and shortly after i started to cough. I felt Duncan pat my back. "Alright campers, time to meet you new BFFF." Chef pulled a sheet away and showed four animals that were underneath it.

A bear, a shark, a chameleon, and a raccoon. I picked the shark. Thinking about it i was like a shark in a few ways. I liked to be left alone. I will attack something if it comes as a threat. Dr. Lee once said i looked mean to some people. So why not take the shark. Duncan had gotten the chameleon, Owen with the bear, and Beth with the raccoon.

We were given three hours to train out pets. I mostly just watched the shark swim in its tank. It wasnt a super large shark, maybe a tiger shark? I wasnt sure, but it was almost nice to see it just swimming around. Almost calm. I slowly closed my eyes, hoping to sleep just a little. I was almost fallen right asleep when splashing and a loud banging jerked me away.

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