Master of Disaster

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The next day I meet with the doctor to get the cast taken off.

"Its a bit early for it to come off dont you think?" she asked looking over it. "He only put in on a few days ago."

"Yeah but it doesnt hurt. I jump on it the other night." She hummed.

"We will take it off but we will put you in a boot. Just to be on the safe side."

"Okay." i nodded. Better then having the heavy cast on the whole time.

Once that was done i went to the craft tent where everyone was 'eating'. "Hey." i say to my team as i sit next to Duncan and Harold. Everyone was looking at Beth. "What did i miss?"

"Beth now announced she has a boy friend." Duncan told me with a side smirk.

"Really?" i asked looking at her.

"So you have a boyfriend, prove it." Heather tells her.

Beth smiled, "Sure i can tell you everything about him." She then starts listing all these things about someone holding up his picture.

"Wait a second." Justin reached over and takes the picture from her showing all the righting on the other side. "Those states are all written on the back of his picture, i know a comp card when i see one cause, im a professional male modal."

"Yeah well-" she reached back and taking the photo back. "Maybe he's a modal too. Ever thought of that?"

"No." Duncan say's trying to pass me his slop. "No one ever thought of that." I pushed the bowl back to him and smiled as he dumped it into Harold's bowl.

"You've been chasing after a boyfriend this whole time with a honey back home?" Lashawna asked Beth.

"Sure my boyfriends a modal, but he's still just a guy. Justin is a super modal i cant help my self. Now that my braces are off its a whole new dating world." When Beth said that Justin face turned to horror. I laughed seeing his face, making him look at me. He gave a small smile before Harold started talking about the surgery he went threw, and how he wanted to load up on the bendy straws.

"Got any real food around here?" i asked seeing everyone with the same food.

"Dont worry you wont be holding onto your lunch for much longer." Chris came in laughing.

"And what exactly kind of torture have you come up with for us today?" Duncan asked.

"Oh nothing, just that your day will be a total disaster. Get it?" no one says anything. "Its a disaster movie theme. You know in like a disaster flick. The more disaster's the better."

"wonderful." i say getting up with the rest and walking out. Chris walked us to a large platform that had an obstical course on it.

"Your first challenge is the earthquake of inalienable pain!" Chris laughs out. "Each team has to run the coarse challenging your starity, mover ability, and other mad monkey skills. (Im so sorry if i got this line wrong i could not understand what he was saying.) First team to the top wins, best out of two wins today's reword."

"Oh my boyfriend had a summer job cleaning up after earth quacks and land slides." Beth says with a grin.

Izzy laughed. "Nope still not buying it."

"Enough with the chitty chat. Take your marks." Chris tells us, and we all line up and the bottom of the platform.

"This will be a cinch." Heather says looking at the other team.

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