Million Dollar Babies

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That night Duncan and I decided to sleep in the trailers, so Heather would shut her mouth for a while. Cant say we were happy about it, but it was only for a night or two. We all got woken up by a loud horn. I thought everyone was getting up, but after rubbing my eyes i saw Beth in my bag.

"What the hell are you doing?" i asked her as she pulled out one of my books. She then started to spin it in her hand, walking out the trailer. I rushed to fallow her out.

"Girls crazy." Lashawna say's fallowing after me.

When i got to the door, Beth had thrown my book high into the air. My heart dropped when i see the pages whip open. I ran at Beth pushing her out the way so when the book came down i was able to catch it. I opened it to make sure non of the pages were torn. By that time the boy's came out of their trailers.

Beth gasped, "Im so sorry! I must have been sleep twirling again."

"Did she say sleep twirling?" Lashawna asked confused.

"I dont care, you know how hard it was for me to get this book signed?" I looked at her anger filling me. "If you had ruined this book, i would ruin you!"

Before she could say something to make me more mad, A horn, and drum could be herd. "Morning sports fans." Chris called to us all. "Who's ready for a good offence?"

"Spaghetti! Get your piping hot spaghetti here!" Chef called out throwing a ball of spaghetti at us. I was to made to even want one, so i let mine fly right past me.

"He that was a spit ball!" Harold say's after getting knocked down by his.

"Thats your breakfast."

"Pasta for brakey?"

"Thats called carbo loud contestants. Today you all are going to give two-hundred and ten percent. In our exciting sports movie challenge." Chris says with a smile.

"You do know that two-hundred is a mathematical impossibility?" Harold try to comment before a spaghetti ball slammed into his face.

"We've got a training run." Chris now has a grin on his face.

Everyone started to go back to get changed, but before i could move i felt lips press on the side of my neck.

"Im going to hit her." i say not needing to turn around to know who it was.

"Calm down, your books fine." He kissed the side of my neck again. I let my shoulders relax, taking a deep breath. "Better?"

I turn to him an nod. I leaned up and gave his a small kiss. "Thanks."

He smirked at me before he started to walk backwards twords his trailer. "Ill see you in a little bit."

And we did, but it wasnt for vary long, once we all changed and got to the screen that we needed to be at Chris had us run. My lungs were on fire and my legs were shaky.

"Is that all you got sports fans?" Chris called out to us as we finished. "Today's competition acquires, sweat, gut's heart, and sweat."

"You said sweat twice." Heather commented.

Chris grinned harder. "Thats cause its not just your sweat you're having to deal with. There Chefs sweat too." He point over at Chef who was doing jumping jacks, and sweating. "Cause you'll be pushing him down the length of the field. And he just ate a whole jar of peppers, so he's spraying like a gym class shower."

"I am not swapping sweat with a over grown pepper." Heather crossed her arms.

"You're taking it for the team, now get your skinny behind over there a push!" Lashawna tells her.

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