Get a Clue

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The next morning I sat in the bathroom brushing out my wet hair. I use a little travel blow dryer to quick dry my hair. Once dried i pulled my hair back into a high pony tail. I walked out and put my stuff back inside the trailer. No one was around so i went to the craft tent to see if they were there.

"He babe." Duncan called out when i walked in. Everyone was sitting at the same table and they all had the same looking egg burrito. I walked over and sat next to him.

"Looks gross." i said pushing my plate away.

"Breakfast taco." Harold told me. "Is that all chef know's how to make now?" When he took a bite, a loud crunch could be heard.

"Eww, was that an egg shell in there?" Lindsey asked him.

He then pulled something out of his mouth with chewed up food all over it. I covered my mouth. "Ew Harold stop."

"Maybe Chef ran out of stuff to put in the eggs." Duncan nudged my arm pointing at the USB that Harold pulled out of his mouth. "All he's got left is computer hardware."

"Could be the next Challenge." i say.

"Only one way to find out." Beth say's looking around. "We just need something to plug it into."

"Like what Chris isnt around for his phone." Duncan tell her.

"The same way we found the USB." i say using a fork to dig out the egg in my taco thing. At the corner of my eye i could see everyone else digging threw there's, Duncan the only one using his hands.

"Got it." Duncan say's pulling out a small tablet about the size of his hand. I passed him a napkin to clean it off. Duncan then grabbed the USB putting it into the little tablet. The scene then lit up showing a video of Chris comes up.

"I hope you all had a filling breakfast. It was so dilish. I was practically on cloud 9, i could have a dozen of them. But enough about breakfast. Its time to eighty-six this combination. I mean conversation."

"Thats so weird." Beth says. "Maybe Chris needs a vacation."

"Right now im going to relax in a nice Safe, and secure place, and get ready for today's challenge. Your probably wondering what the challenge is. It will remain a mystery Till you find me. Maybe you'll clue in and find me, but in the mean time im going to crack open, a soda and relax. See ya."

The video ended. "Unless there a reword im not saving Chris." Duncan say's putting down the tablet. "I could use a day off from that wiener."

"Im with Duncan, make Chris wait for us." Harold said.

"Maybe if we find him he'll have a surprise." Lindsey points out.

"He didnt say that he did or didnt." i say leaning on Duncan's arm.

"I think he was leaving us clues." She sent on. "He said he was on cloud nine, which is heaven so he's not alive anymore. What do you do with dead people? You-"

"Shut up Lindsey." i tell her not liking where she was trying to go with her theory.

"That doesnt even make sense." Duncan tells her placing a hand on my knee.

"Although i think the clue thing is right." i say trying to change subject. "He said he was some where safe. Sacure.maybe we got to go back to the safe from before."

"Nice." Duncan nodded to me.

"Yeah i have my moments." i sigh before standing. "Come on the faster we get him out the faster we can get the challenge out the way." With that everyone walked together to the safes from the bank heist challenge that i wasn't really apart of. When we got there the safe was locked and Harold, being a nerd, was trying to open it.

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