Chapter 6

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Ross Pov

Have you felt like you couldn't breathe anymore or that the blood in your body wasn't enough to keep your heart beating? I felt like my heart had just been ripped into pieces and smashed against the floor and stomped on to finish it off.

Like the knife wasn't enough when it was ripped from the body, that it needed to be finished off by breaking it even more.

I couldn't believe it at all, I had no tears but I was in shock and completely hurt. I felt like there no air in my lungs anymore and that there was this big hole in my heart now.

I saw my dream girl, the girl I liked, the girl I was planning to ask out just a few minutes ago kissing some other guy!!!

I wanted to run away and hide from the world and just rot in a hole forever, but I couldn't move. I was paralyzed at the sight that Laura was kissing some tall blond dude, that wasn't me! My body felt weak but my heart was completely shattered.

Rydel, Rocky, and Ryland catch to Ross and see the same thing.

Rydel: I'm sorry Ross.

Rocky: Sorry Bro, maybe she just wasn't the one. (Put his hands on his shoulders)

Ryland: Yeah, maybe you'll find someone else.(does the same as Rocky)

Ross: It doesn't matter anymore, Love is for the idioits anyway. (He said in a deep low emotion less tone, he shrugs off their hands and walks away)

With Laura Moments before:

Maia & Raini: Hey laura!

laura: oh hey guys

*walking towards school building *

Maia: So last night fun! Right Raini?

Raini: Yeah so much fun!

Laura: yeah I good time too.

Raini: So anything you wanna finish saying?

Laura: Noo why?

Maia: Well beca-

Bell Rings

Maia: Ugh we'll finish this coversation later laura.

Laura: Okay?

Maia: Come on Raini

Laura continued to walk to her locker. She was gathering her books when she felt a presence near her.

Laura Pov

I just had the weridest conversation with Maia and Raini, wonder what that was about. Anyway I was getting ready to leave for class, when my locker slamed shut and made me jump.

Laura: shrieks

???: Sorry that seemed way cooler in my head.

Laura: its ok you just scared me though. (giggles)

???: Sorry I just wanted to greet you good morning.

Laura: its fine. Don't worry about it. (smiles)

???: So how was shopping at the mall?(leans-in a bit.)

Laura: it was good, went shopping got clothes, got some ice know (smiles and leans in a bit too)

???: Oh really? (smiles and leans a bit closer)

Laura: Yeah. Really. (moves so that there an inch anyway from their face.)

???: So was your morning?

Laura: eh could be better. (smiles)

???: Really? How was so?

Laura: hmm I don't know, why don't you tell me?

???: I could show you better than I can you tell you.

Laura: Really? How so. (smirks)

???: Like this. (Closes the space between them and kisses her)

Breaksaway after one minute and smiles at each other.

???: Your morning any better yet?

Laura: Much Better now, Thanks James.

James: No problem, Babe.

*They walk away to class not realizing that the Lynches had just seen them kissing*

Author note:

So who liked the turnout ?? Laura's crush is James! Not Ross. Next chapters will be interesting (I hope)

Also who saw the RAURA Picture on Instagram??? 36,575 likes! 😱 The world agrees Ross + Laura are cute!

And this book has 34 reads 😱 wow. Can we get 40/ 50 reads. Maybe.

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