Chapter 15

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 Quick Note: A special Thanks to R5Rauraroxx for commenting and tell me to update thank you!

"she moving,she moving!"

"Ok, Josh connect to her the oxygen."

"Hook her up to the I.V"

Laura Pov

I heard constant talking and beeping noises but they sounded far away, I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't.

I had a pounding headache and my right arm was in extreme pain.

I was trying to gather my thoughts when a loud beeping noise rang in my ear, then the voices spoke again.

"Nina, we're losing him, we're losing him!"

Whose him?

"He's lost a lot of blood, we need to get there fast!"

Who were they talking about? what's going on?

I was trying to process were I was and all I saw was a blob of people with blurry faces. I groaned in pain, soon something was put over my face.

"He's not responding! Nina. Get the electro shock ready. 1..2..3 Clear!"

Soon I began to lose feeling in my body as the darkness was taking over, then I remember something. A bright lights, a car coming towards me, instant pain and (gasp) Ross.

Where's Ross?

"Ross" I whispered slowly then my vision went dark again.

The last thing I heard was a



"Do think she'll be okay?"

"She'll recover but the guy who came with her was hit really bad and is still being stablized." 

I heard female voices speaking, I tried opening my eyes again until they fluttered open and all I saw was a white room around me.

My eyes adjusted to the lighting in the room and I tried covering my face but as soon I tried moving my arms, I felt a blazing pain run up and down my body.

"It's okay, your okay. You need to rest."

"m-my arm hurts-s" I said horsely.

"Okay, I'll bring you some pain killers but try not to move so much." I simply nodded.

"w-wait, what about R-ross. Ross?"

"the guy you were with?" I moved my head again.

"um, why don't you take a nap, and I'll tell you later."

"N-no. Ross. Ross!."  I started moving and getting off the bed, with the amount of pain I was in it was a complete struggle especially with the nurse pushing me back.

"I wanna see Ross! let me go."

"You can't he's in a coma!" the nurse said loudly.

"A c-coma?" I felt tears in my eyes and I slowly sank back down in bed.

Suddenly Rydel bursted through the door with teary eyes.

"He's in a-a coma... Rydel. It's all my fault." I began sobbing at this point.

"It's okay Laura. Ross will be fine, his strong. Now why don't you rest?" She said rubbing my back.

"No! I wanna see him. Take me to Ross, pretty please Rydel"

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