chapter 16

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Riker Pov

We were all waiting in Ross's room hoping for some improvement on him. After the doctor said that he put him in a coma, everyone was crying. Mom took it really hard.

Laura hadn't moved from his side since she was discharged yesterday from the hospital. It was pretty of sweet of her even though they haven't talked in a couple months, it was nice seeing them together again. Even if it was under hospital circumtences. 

It was already 7pm and we were trying to convince her to go home for a bit, but she wasn't budging.

"laura, come on. You haven't slept and eaten at all. you need to rest a bit." Rydel told her.

"No what if he wakes up? what if he doens't know who he is? what if-" She rambling.

"laura, he'll be fine okay. Now come o-" I cut off by someone screams.


"where is he?! tell me now."

"Sorry miss I can't tell you that." Nurse said to her.

"Don't you know who I am? I demand to see him right now!" She said.

"you can't go in, family orders." 

"I'm his girlfriend! And if you don't let me in right now I'll have you fired!" 

"What's with all yelling?" Doctor said.

(The lynchs including maia, vanessa, and raini were in the hallway but except laura.)

"Sir, she wishes to see the patient Ross lynch. But the family requested no more vistors than young lady Marano." The nurse said in a hush tone to Doctor.

 Unfortunately Madison heard her.

"They let that slut Marano in!" She yelled.

Riker approached her in order to keep her voice down.

"Oh good, its you Ricky. Now tell them to let me to see my boyfriend." She said.

"Its Riker and visting hours are over. Maybe some other time." he said luring out of the hallway where Ross room was.

"Are you serious? you brother would want to see me. Just wait until hears from me, how rude your being to his girlfriend." She yelled louder. While everyone just rolled their eyes.

Riker was pushing her out towards the elevator when she elbowed him and ran back to Ross's room.

Everyone was chasing her, she bursted into Ross's room and sees laura holding his hand sweetly.

Madison: Get away from my boyfriend!

Laura quickly stood up not letting go of Ross's hand.

laura: would you keep down, his sleeping.

(Madison slaps laura's hand away from Ross and grabs her by the arm hard away from Ross)

Laura: Ow! let me go, your hurting me.

Madison: He is my boyfriend! what hell are you doing here? 

Laura: I am being a good friend!

Madison: you guys haven't talked in weeks! Now your interested in him! Bullshit!

Laura: Shut up! All you care about is how good he makes you look in front of everyone! You've slept with others guys! You don't even like him! 

Madison: And what you do?

Laura: ... I-I didn't say that.

Madison: Oh I get this whole friends crap, you like him. And your trying to steal him away from me! Sorry to burst your bubble sweety but Ross doesn't even think about you!

Laura was boling with anger at this point.

Laura: If you're so sure that Ross doesn't think about me anymore, then why did we kiss at the party? (she smirked) 

Everyone else was in the room by now with shocked faces.

Madison (angry): you lying! my Rossy-boo wouldn't that! 

Laura: are you sure about that?

Madison: Ross doesn't even care about you! you are nothing but a washed up memory to him. Who he easily forgot about when he got me!

Laura was silent, it hurt her to know that Ross had gone out with Madison.

Madison: He doesn't even remember your name. Your nothing to him, n-o-t-h-i-n-g. (got in laura face)

Laura didn't back down either, she stay close to Madison faces.

Everyone rushed to Separate them.

Laura: Did it take up a lot of brain acitvity for you to figure out how to spell it out. 

Rydel: that's enough Madison! you need to leave. NOW.

Madison: why I am his girlfriend! She's in the intruder.

Laura: I'm his friend. 

Madison: Face it Marano, Ross doesn't want you his life. His got me.

Laura: Yeah cause your great catch to around. (sacarsm)

Madison: Why you little bitch! (about to slap her but laura grabs her hand.)

" laura... laura... please ...don't leave me."


Everyone turns their attention to see.


Um Guys... 1038 reads!!!! holy shit! thanks guys, YOU ARE ALL SO AWESOME! for continuing to read this book! I love you all!!!

Anyways, small chapter on purpose! I promise to update in a couple of hours or in 2 days max.

How do you like this chapter?? 

Don't forget to check out my other stories!!! They are all on my profile.

If you started reading my new story complications+ benefits= friendship, heads up I might re-post the first chapter/Introduction . 

Well Bye!

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