Chapter 10

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"I can't believe you did that Ross. What were you thinking making out with Madison in the hallway! Are you seriously that stupid!" Rydel screamed at her brother in anger.

"if you didn't notice laura was doing the exact same thing with James!" He responded growing quite angry since Rydel had been screaming at him for last 20 mins. Rocky and Ryland tried to calm her down after the first five minutes but she only end up yelling at them too.

"Still! you shouldn't have done that. Plus I thought you said you didn't about her anymore"

"I don't care! Laura can do whatever she wants. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK RYDEL!"


Ross remained silent. He knew that Rydel wanted an answer from him but words seemed at loss with him.

"ANSWER ME ROSS! WHY DID YOU DO IT?" Rydel had grown impatient at Ross silence, she wanted to know why had he made-out with Madsion. 

"What's with all the yelling?" Riker said as he walked in the living room.

"Ask your brother and then maybe he can explain to you as towards why he is suspend from school on Monday" Rydel said going upstairs to her room.

"Ok what happened at school today?" Riker ask Ross as he sat down next him.

"Nothing happened okay! God just leave me alone!" Ross stormed to his room slamming the door shut.

"o-okay I'm go ask rydel what happened." Riker said to his other brothers on the couch as the wished him goodluck.

Rydel's Pov

I was in my room playing my music when I heard a knock on my door.

"Rydel, Can I come in?" Riker said through the door.


"ok what happened at school today cause Ross isn't talking." he asked sitting down on the edge of my bed.

"Ugh ok I'll tell you"


"hey guys. have you seen laura?" Maia asked approaching Rydel and her brothers.

" No. Doesn't she music last with Ross?" Rocky answered.

"Yeah where is Ross? He's suppose to be already here so that he could take us home." Ryland said looking at his watch.

"I don't but maybe he stayed playing music, lets go check." Rydel said as she began walking towards to the music room with everyone else following her.

"who knows maybe laura is there too.hmp" Maia stopped as she collided with Rocky's back. "why did you stop Rocky?" As she moved in front of Rocky and when she did she couldn't believe her eyes.

Actually none of them could, there they were with their mouth hanging wide open as they saw Laura and James in rough make-out pushed against the lockers and in front of them was Ross and Madison doing the same thing except Madison shirt was half way up her stomach as Ross hands laid on her ass.

"" Everyone said in unison.

no one moved or even spoke a single word, they were frozen on sight. That is until a voice spoke.


Everyone turned their attention to the principal who looked extremely pissed off. The couples stopped what their doing and saw that everyone was staring at them.  Immeditialey Ross pushed Madison off of him, while Laura tried to fix herself up once the principal walked towards them and started yelling.

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