Chapter 18

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Ross was released from the hospital two days ago and is now back home resting. Everyone has been watching over him, they don’t actually let him move from the bed except to go to the bathroom and he owes the special care to nurse Laura. He would have made a complaint already but he has had Laura’s undivided attention and he doesn’t want to give that up.

Ross Pov

I was sitting in my room waiting for Laura to come over, we were going to watch a movie together and hopefully snuggle! I wanted to recovery quicker so that I could make a move on her, we still haven’t talked about that kiss from the party. It was amazing she kissed me I could taste the alcohol on her lips but I know she knew what she was doing. The doctor said I would be in a cast for the next week or two. But that just more time with Laura J

“Ross! Laura’s here” my mom yelled from downstairs.

“Let her up mom.” I yelled, I made space for Laura on my bed and was fluffing her pillow when she knocked and walked in.


“Hey Laur”

“Ready for movie night.” I said happily

“Yes I brought the popcorn.”

“Awesome. Come on then let’s get this movie night started.” I said starting up with a nice action movie.

“Okay Okay no need to be pushy.”

~They were up to their fourth movie and it was a romantic comedy~

Ross and Laura were laying down close to each other with a bedcover keeping them warm, well mostly Laura because she was a very cold person and Ross was just Hot. Well a warm bodied person to be more specific.

Ross noticed shivering and he put his arm around her bringing her closer to him as she snuggled up to him. For the rest the movie, Ross didn’t watch the movie instead he just watch Laura. He admired very feature on her face without missing a single detail, he didn’t know exactly he would be able to actually her his girlfriend but he hoped it would be soon because he didn’t think he could hold on much longer being so close to her and not being able to kiss her or tell her how beautiful she was, he wanted to see her smile and be the reason for it.

He had been so caught up in studying her face that he hadn’t realize that Laura had asked him a question, when she didn’t hear his respond she decided to look in his direction. However, the amount of personal space between them was very limited (as usual) but this time it was their faces that they felt had too much space between them.

Ross Pov

I staring at her watching as her lips moved and eyes staring back at me, I knew that she had asked me something because in her eyes I could see the confusion. But at the moment, I felt myself in hopeless trance; our faces were so close together that I could literally feel her breath on my lips. Her beautiful pink glossy lips that were shining with the light coming from my TV.

Our gaze lock on each other, either one of us wanted to break to it, everything seemed to moving fast and slow at the same time. But that’s how I felt every time I was around her, my heart beat sped up and time felt like it was moving so slow. Currently, so was my body, it was slowly moving towards Laura leaning in not wanting to ruin a perfect kissable moment with her. I never once took my eyes off her, as I leaned in closer than before I felt her inhale a deep breath like if she was having second thoughts about this, I hesitated for a moment thinking maybe this time it will end like other two where she pushed me away afterwards but honestly, I couldn’t take it anymore she was just so beautiful that my instincts got the best of me.

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