A Criminal's Rise

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—Kenny's POV—

Lately there has been a increase of crime on the streets. I don't know why but it's become unsafe for (y/n) and Karen. No matter how hard I try the same people as before Come slinking our of the shadows to continue there destruction. New gangs have appeared, drugs have been on the rise among the adults, people have been going missing.

I don't know why this started but I know I will stop it.

Standing on my perch on the rooftops I look for passing trouble. Looking down on the citizens of South Park is see a very familiar face. He has the same hazel eyes as Kid but it wasn't him. He was too tall.

Silently I follow him as he enters a dark ally. He turns and I quickly hide behind a dumpster.
When I hear footsteps I slowly poke my head out to see him stop at the brick ally wall. "Konner. I thought I told you not to make me wait long." "S-sorry... I wanted to make sure we weren't followed." His voice sounded very different then what I expected it to be. It sounded like a high schooler who would be in his sophomore years, not a adults.

"Oh. Then that's good." This voice sounds higher pitched like a girls. Slowly I poke my head around the corner to be treated by the sight of guy from before and a person wearing a black cloak that draped down to there knees. There back was turned to me so I couldn't see the rest of there costume. "So how is business going? Good? Bad? Are you sticking to the rules I set?"

"Yes. You know just because the higher ups made you the boss doesn't mean you can boss us around." I hear a scoff from the person in the cloak and swear they must have rolled there eyes at him. "Yes it does. I'm literally the boss now."

I couldn't help but snicker at this, but this action I regret. Faster then anyway I've died, I'm grabbed and flipped over someone's shoulder and body slammed into the cold hard pavement. I wheeze as the breath was knocked out of my lungs. Looking up I see the person that was before talking to Konner. It was for sure a girl.

She has long black hair with violet eyes. A grey medical mask covers her mouth. She wore a dark purple shirt with black pants with grey converse. A logo of a dark purple rabbit with a fox tail is on her chest. Not like I was staring or anything though!

Her eyes light up with realization it who I was. "Well if it isn't the great Mysterion!" She walks away from me. "I didn't think I would be found this fast." Slowly I stand up and wheeze to gain my breath. "Who are you?"

She turns around and pops her hands through her black gloves that matched her cloak. "Well I'm running a business here! So should I say my business name or my work name...? Hm..." she taps her chin as if she was thinking about what to say.

Then she snaps her fingers and points at me. "Just call me Fox Rabbit!" I make the face that says really? "You made your villain name Fox Rabbit?" Her eyes close and she giggles through her mask. "You'll understand why soon. But now isn't the time. Konner." Oh crap. I forgot about him. Turning around I see the dark brown haired boy blocking my exit.

"Ha! I can take you both." I get into a fight stance as I notice that Fox Rabbit is getting into one also. Then she makes a sower look on her face. "You know what! Jut call me FR! You know what that means." She makes a more satisfied look and pulls a bo-staff from under her cape. Not a toy. But an actual full of metal bo-staff that has a small button on the center of it.

I got a bad feeling from this and knew it was trouble. With no warning she whistles loudly and I turn to see Konner disappear into the town. "Oh crap!" I turn to give chaise to him only to remember last second that FR is here. Turning fast I barely dodge a strike from her staff. "Aw! I nearly got you there!" I look down and see a small crater from where she smashed her weapon into the ground.

I knew in that instant that this was going to be way harder then it looked. Quickly I slide under her and do a leg sweep to attempt to trip her. As soon as my legs where about to make contact she jumps and does a small flip before pushing the button for a single small bead to fall from her staff.

"Bye Bye Mysterion! I hope we meet again!" In that moment a small explosion goes off and flash bomb goes off. I wasn't fast enough and now was blinded. As I breath and blink trying to gain my vision again I hear her giggling grow farther and quieter.

Slowly everything starts to darken and I know can see. Looking around I don't see anyone. Konner wasn't going to be here. He ran when he got the order too. Carefully I search to find FR in the ally but can't find a single trace of them. Realizing that she too has fled I blink up to the rooftops.

When I reach the top I quickly turn around and see no sign of her still. It was as if she just faded away. But I know she didn't. She just ran away someplace and got farther then I expected. She got away.

I clinch my fist in frustration as the moon starts to lower into the horizon. Fast I make my way home as I think over this new villain. She will be true trouble. Not Professor Chaos trouble, but on a higher scale then him. She didn't want to play games. She makes some of the bad guys I've fought in the last look like babys.

I reach my house and I enter my room through the window and get change out of my costume. Sitting on my bed I look down at my phone and see the time. 3:45 am

I needed to get some sleep. Laying down and setting the alarm to six I try to get the little sleep I could get. 'Bye Bye Mysterion! I hope we meet again!' Her voice filled my head and annoyed me. I swear the next time we meet I will stop you. What ever you do, I will stop it. Anyone that follows you, I will catch them. I won't stop till you are in jail.

Slowly. Sleep takes over and I relax into my bed.

—Your POV—

I take the black wig off my head to reveal my (h/l) (h/c) hair. "Dew. Can you please change my eyes back to normal now?" 'God. You still haven't learned to do this yourself? Ugh!' Feeling annoyed, I know it's just because Dew is angry I'm putting myself at risk. Looking back in the mirror I see that I look normal once more.

Taking my cloak and costume off I fold them all as small as I can. Carefully getting one of the moving boxes I have I place them all in it and put it under my bed. A small smile creeped onto my face as I remember how I won a fight against Kenny. How he didn't recognize me. But a feeling of sadness enter me also.

If Kenny ever found out that I am a villain now, he might never be with me ever again. Not as a boyfriend or even a friend. He would just hate me. So he must never find out.

Laying down in my bed I go to sleep. A small smile creeps on my face as I remember that Kenny slept throughout the last period of school. I know this because Stan told me. I bet he forgot that yesterday was the last day of school and today starts summer break. Oh well. It will be funny to see him panicking over school.

As I think of all the things I can tease Kenny about I slowly fall into a deep sleep.

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