A Small Break

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Author's Note
Hi guys! This chapter has nothing to do with the main story and I just wanted to do this as a small breather between the serious chapters! I also really wanted to write this! <3
I hope you guys enjoy!!!


—Kenny's POV—

I wake up to the feeling of Karen slapping my face. It doesn't hurt saying she's only like five and I'm already ten. "Kenny! Your going to be late!" I blink at her confused until I realize what day it was. "Oh fudge!"

She gets off me as I jump up and quickly get my orange parka and brown boots on. Grabbing the half slice of a waffle I spring out the house to Mr.Garrison's office at the labs. (I wonder if you can follow where this is going yet!)

Fast I chew on the waffle as it half sticks out my mouth as I run through the snow. With a skidding on my heals I run into the labs and down the stares to his office. When I enter I see my three friends already with there Pokémon partners.

Stan is standing to a pikachu with red hair and is wearing a green hat to cover his head. "Hi Kenny!" Stan smiles as his Pokémon partner gives me a small wave. Next to Stan was Craig next.

Craig's Pokémon partner was a jolteon! It looks around shy and seems very anxious and lets out small sparks every time it twitches. Craig already is hugging the thing saying he loves cute stuff. "One left Ken." His partner looks at me nervously till Craig gently let's it's head.

Oh no... Last but not least.

"Bwahahahaha!" Cartman. I turn and see Cartman with a butterfree. It had a small tuff of blond hair in its head and baby blue eyes as it flouts by Cartman. It looks to be to kind for someone with a rotten personality like Cartman. "To late Kenny! We took all he had!" I roll my eyes annoyed. I know there's one more pokeball here.

As o reach for it Cartman snatches it and keeps it away from me. "Fatass give me the pokeball." Cartman glares at me. "I'm not fat! I'm big boned!!!" Almost as if retaliating Stan's pikachu uses thunderbolt in Cartman. He drops the pokeball as a result. Quickly I pick it up and turn to see Stan looking surprised at his pikachu which has a very smug look.

Fast Stan puts his hands in the air. "I didn't tell him to do that." I giggle at this, saying that's even better then him telling it to do it. Slowly I calmed down and press the button that releases my Pokémon. With a flash of a red beam I see a girl eevee with (h/l)(h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes that sparkle a little. Everyone's mouth drops at the sight of her. Her tail wags as she hugs me and lets out a happy sound.

I start to smirk as Cartman glares at me. Looking at her I decide to give her a name.
"(Y/n)!" Everyone looks at me surprised as I name her. Smiling she licks my cheek making me blush. "I-I guess you like that name...!" Stan and Craig laugh a little.

"Glad to see you named her. We already did!" Stan try's to take the hat off his pikachu to get shocked. "T-this.... is Kyle...." he falls on his back as Kyle crosses his arms and raises his nose up.

Craig goes back to his monotone face as he points to his. "Tweek." Curios I tilt my head. "Why that?" He blinks and points to him. "It sounds like Twitch and he can use a tweak." I make a Ah sound and then turn to Cartman who's butterfree is helping him up. "This little fag name is Butters."


"Cartman that's the less original name I can ever think of for a butterfree ever." He glares at me before flipping me off. "Well it's my Pokémon so I get to name it what I want!" Rolling my eyes I notice that (y/n) is now holding four small machines in her hands. "What's that for?"

She hands me a note before passing one machine to us each. 'Hey you little retards. I couldn't be at the lab today because I kinda got to banged up to come. Anyway these are you god damn pokedexes. So go out now and fucking collect Pokémon or something.

Annoyed we all take turns trashing the note more and more until it was just tiny bits.

When we finish we all leave the labs talking about what we where gonna do now. Stan was gonna challenge all the gym leaders while Craig was gonna enter some contests with Tweek.

Cartman said he was gonna catch one of every Pokémon. I couldn't help but laugh at this. Honestly it's funny to imagine him to be dedicated long enough to complete this goal. But he has a goal. That's a good start for him and Butters.

I honestly don't know what I should do. (Y/n) can be part of contests or can be a string fighter. Plus there's her evolution to look forward to. Thinking long and hard I decide to just travel with her. We can compete in gym battles if there's a gym or a contest if where near one. I hear a sound and turn to see (y/n) smiling at me, her light brown fluffy tail wags back and forth as she continues to smile at me.

It's contagious and I smile back. "Let's go
(y/n)! We have sights to see!" She lets out a yelp and follows me as we head out on our Pokemon Journey.


Authors Note:

I hope you enjoyed the little short story and enjoyed reading it! Also I just realized I made two electric type starters and one that wasn't even a starter a starter! So yeah. Eh! I'm sure it's fine! I did it based of the pic up top anyway.
Well till my next update! See y'all!


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