The Plan in Action

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—Kenny's POV—

It's been about a week since (y/n) had the Karaoke night. Everyone had everything set out. Except how their going to come here.
Only the Attention Squad has not told us what is happening on their part.

They keep saying that they already put it into action so that we should set the house up. I can't believe that (y/n) thought of such a dark idea. She set a trap on the front door to instantly fill the house with chloroform with just enough to knock people out, and has given me, Cartman and herself a gas mask just incase the trap gets set off while we're in side. Everyone else isn't allowed near the house.

Now that brings us to the now. Me and (y/n) are just sitting in her house watching tv when the door bursts open. Instantly we put on the gas masks as the chloroform starts to fill the house. Turning my head I see the most horrific thing ever. (Y/n)'s mom holding a knife and charging at me before she falls, face first, asleep on the ground. Mr.(l/n) didn't last as long as he fell not to far from the door.

"What the hell did they tell them?"

(Y/n) shrugs her shoulders before walking over to her parents. "Doesn't matter. As long as their out cold we can now tie them up and set the plan in action!"

•—Time Skip—•
—No POV—

Mr and Ms.(l/n) day in metal chairs with ropes wrapped around them in a way they couldn't escape. All the lights are off except one above them. It was so dark no one could see anything through the darkness.

Slowly the husband comes to and try's to look through the darkness around him to be unsuccessful. Suddenly notice the coldness he looks down to see his shoes and pants are gone. His shirt was a mess and he had none of his hidden weapons on him anymore.

((He still has his boxers so don't think dirty))

Looking to his wife who is still unconscious, he sees that she to is missing her shoes and is wearing a different outfit. Naturally he assumes she also is missing all the weapons that she normally carried on her.

In a feeble attempt not to alert who ever has done this to them he tries to wake his wife up. "Vixen.... Pst! Vixen! Wake up...!" Groggily his wife raises her head and slowly blinks her (e/c) eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing waking me up so early.....?" Slowly her vision starts to focus and she realizes she isn't in one of the many beds she and her husband had. Then the memory of what happened hits her. Instantly she starts to growl and tries to tear herself from the ropes.

"That little bastard! I'll cut his fucking dick off!" Her husband sweats at how harsh his wife is being to their child's boyfriend. He honestly didn't think it was as big of a deal as it was. They had sex, so what? Worst case she has a baby and honestly, he wouldn't mind having a grandchild. Though he himself would beat some since in to the boy before he truly approved.

After a little bit the sounds of people moving in the dark is heard by the couple. Showing no fear they try to find the source of the sounds, but the black room around them was to strong.

Then the familiar sounds of guns safety's being turned off can be heard. The couple already knew that their target was them.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the target of the night."

Suddenly the lights burst on to reveal the people holding guns at them and Eric Cartman standing in front of them with a sadistic smirk on his face. In his hands was a small hand gun while he points it at their heads.

Looking around again the couple realize that the people pointing guns at them was all members of (y/n)'s branch of the mafia and her friends. "What the hell are you doing?! Do you know what you are getting into?!"

They all stare at them with a strong resolve. They knew better then anyone what they where getting themselves into. Rolling his eyes, Cartman gets closer to the couple and smiles crazily. "Now. I wonder if you can guess who set this whole thing up. Come on! Tell me!"

The couple always knew that Cartman was weird, but this was a new level for them. Looking at each other they could only think of one person who could do this. "(Y/n)."

Cartman throws his hands in the air as if to celebrate. "DING DING DING!!! We got a winner!"

Almost as if I'm queue the person herself starts to walk down the stairs. She didn't wear anything fancy or dark. She wore just the normal clothes she's worn her whole life. A
(f/c) hoodie with jean shorts and her fuzzy boots on her feet.

"Hi mom! Hi dad!" A smile forms on her lips as she looks at her tied up parents. "How long has it been since the last time you've seen me? My birthday.....? Or was it sooner? I don't really remember since your both gone for so long that the short moments your here blow by like the wind!"

(Y/n) walks around them like a tiger circling its prey. She keeps saying every time she needed them just to find that they were gone.

Stopping in front of them with Kenny and Cartman on each side of her she glares at her parents while gritting her teeth. "You also didn't fucking visit me when I was in the damn hospital DYING!"

She snaps her finger and two cold gun barrels are pressed against each of their heads by Kenny and Cartman who left her sides. A cold sweat drips down both parents body's as they see how serious there daughter is. Instant regret fills them as they never realized how little time they spent with their child.

(Y/n) glares at them coldly as she takes her phone from her pocket and calls Wendy. "Hey! Is everything ok up their?" Her attiude changes almost instantly from cold anger to excitement and anticipation as she spoke to Wendy.

|—Upstairs in Office—|

Wendy sat at the desk watching the cameras of South Park and blocking all hacking attempts into the house. "All clear so far. Do you need to contracts yet?"

She was kinda annoyed with how she was stuck upstairs and can't help her friend downstairs, but she saw the (y/n) had herself a plan that she thought through. That if everyone didn't follow through with the main details could end with all of them dead.

"Yes please! If you don't mind sending Butters down with them."  (Y/n)'s voice sounded excited. But over the time of bullying her and the week she spent with Wendy. Wendy knew that she places a emotional mask on almost every time something major happens that upsets her.

Soon after (y/n) hangs up leaving Wendy to do the job. Wendy turns on her chair the reveal Butters sitting in the corner looking scared. "(Y/n) says it's time to take the contracts down. She's in the basement and stay quite with this mask on." Wendy hands Butters a mask that looks like Jayson from Friday the 13th.

((Let me know if I'm wrong about the movie and killer. I haven't seen it enough))

"Don't speak. No matter what you must not make a sound except the opening of the door Butters." The blond boy nods his head before putting the mask on and grabbing  three pieces of paper. Hesitantly he stops at the entrance of the office and decides to ask a question. "Uh Wendy...? Why does (y/n) need to do this? Surely she can just tell her mom and dad to just give her the business? Golly, I would have just asked if it meant saving all this trouble."

Wendy let's out a sigh and looks at poor Butters. "Because Butters. That's the actions that will spare a lot of lives."

Butters baby blue eyes widen a bit before he leaves with only three words leaving his mouth. "Oh..... I see."

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