Oh My God!!!

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—Your POV—

I turn to Kenny and wave. "Hi Ken! Dew should have told me you came over!" I give him a hug hoping it destructs him from asking me again. "Damn Dew. He ran away didn't he." His voice is a bit more relaxed and he hugs me back. I turn around and see Konner and make a sower face. "Why are you here?"

His face contorts into a expression of anger and dismay. "I JUST TOLD YOU!" Angry he storms away. Good. I have one less person off my back.

I turn around and look at Kenny. "So what was his deal?" "Dew literally didn't tell you anything?" I shake my head. "The guy was pretty fast to run. Went right into the room." Kenny rolls his eyes in annoyance and huffs like a bratty high schooler which makes me giggle. He looks at me a bit confused and then smirks. "What?"

"You looked like the girls from school just now a bit." He giggles a bit and then sticks his hip out and places his hand on it. "Like totally not! Like as if I would sound like those bitches!" He pretends to chew gum and rolls his ocean blue eyes again. This time I break out laughing hysterically. He sounded and acted like them so much it was almost perfect. "If if only you had your princess wig!"

Kenny pauses and imagines before he too breaks out into laughter with me. "Why the fuck did you think that anyway?!" We both can't stop laughing. We don't know why but we just can't stop. "Oh god!!! My stomach!!!" Slowly I fall to my knees gripping my stomach and slowly start to breath so I stop laughing.

After a while we both calm down and are laying on the grass looking at the sky. "So. How was the meeting after I left?" He winks at me and shrugs. "How am I, plain old normal Kenny, suppose to know?" I roll onto my stomach and prop my head up with my arms. "Then maybe Mysterion will come over and give me a update." Kenny rolls over and copy's me. "He might if evil doesn't stop him." I smile at this and wink at him.

Leaning forward Kenny kisses me gently on the lips. I gently kiss back until I smell something burning. Breaking the kiss I see Kenny sweating profoundly and I see his backs on fire! "Kenny! Your back!!!!" "What's wrong with my-" He turns and sees his backs on fire and it's quickly engulfing him. "KENNY!"

I run to grab the hose but then remember we don't have one at this house. Fast I run inside and fill cups of water and see Konner chilling on the couch. "KONNER!!! GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR AND HELP ME PUT KENNY OUT!!!!" He looks at me in surprise and then noticed through the glass sliding door my boyfriend is on fire and runs to help me put it out.

We ran for five minutes straight filling cups and bowls of water to splash him with it to not work. When the fire is finally out Kenny is just a blackened charred body surrounded by burnt grass, dead. "Oh my god!" I turn and see Konner vomit in my yard as tears start to fall from my eyes. It never does get any easier seeing him die.

I feel a hand touch my back in a awkward way. "I'm.... I'm sorry for your loss..." I shove his hand away and enter the house. "Well sorry for being considerate." I flip him off as I turn to go up the stairs into my room. Sniffling I grab a tissue from the box I place on my nightstand for when this happens. "Well seems I wound be expecting Mysterion tonight after all..." The feelings of disappointment fills me as the last of the sun sets.

Letting out a annoyed sigh I take the box with my costume out from under the bed and open it. I take out the black bundle that is my cloak that I wrapped around the rest of my costume. I unwrap it and start to get dressed. Looking down I decide to make a slight change. I go into my closet I grab a pair of black thin leather boots. When I put them on I look in the mirror and place my black wig on. Then I stare deep into my eyes in the mirror and see my eyes change from there (e/c) to a light violet shade.

Opening my window I climb out onto my roof and look around. When I'm sure no one is around I grab my no-staff and start running. When I reach the edge I stab it into the edge and send myself flying into the telephone pole wire. Quickly reaching my staff over it I grab it and use it as a railing as I slid down into town like a zip line.

When I start to go over a building roof I let go and land on my feet. Grabbing my bo-staff I carefully make it shrink down from being six foot long to being half a foot and place it in a pocket in my cloak. Grabbing my spare phone with a new phone number out from my other pocket in my cloak I dial a number.

"Hey." "Who is this?" "I'm calling to make a business deal! It will be very beneficial to your goals and to my labor force." "How will this help my goals?" A smirk crosses my face. "What better way to spread chaos then to partner up with one of the strongest mafia groups in all of the United States."

Fixed but Still Cracked| [Kenny x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now