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—Your POV—

I enter the cafeteria after my first four periods ended. Sitting at the table with Kenny, Stan, Kyle and Cartman. Unknown to them that I invited Craig's crew also.

"Hey guys!" Placing my giant lunch box down on the table I start to unpack it. It was filled with my favorite food. The good and the bad.

Kenny looks at me and then starts to sweat. "Shit. Your not pregnant are you?!" Everyone else's eyes widen and turn to me while I face palm. "Kenny. I'm dating you. We haven't fucked so why the hell would I be pregnant?" A light blush covers my cheeks as I say this before I stuff my mouth with (f/f).

Kenny lets out a sigh of relief as everyone else looks like their ready to kill him. A little in the middle of lunch Tweek sits next to me lightly twitching. "H-hi (y/n)! GAH!"

"Hi Tweek! Is Craig coming to join us?" I put a another piece of (f/f) in my mouth while I wait.

"N-n-no.... C-Craig has to pick up his s-sister. She ate some b-bad chicken at l-lunch." Tweek twitches and spazzes a little while he starts to drink some coffee to calm himself.

I throw my arms in the air and let out a huff. "School lunches have sucked since Chef died!"
Everyone nods their heads in agreement.

"Ha how I wish I could have some salsberry steak." Cartman leans on his arm and looks at the air dreamily. For a little bit we all stare at the ceiling remembering the great times and life lessons we have learned from chef. But that didn't last as long as if felt.


Cause Clyde and Token joined us. "Hey!" Clyde waives at us as he and fork sit by Cartman and Kyle.

"Hey! Seems like everyone but Timmy, Jimmy and Scott is here." Almost after I said those words the three show up.

"Hey guys! H-h-hows it going?" Jimmy sits on the end of the table while Jimmy rolls at the end while Scott sits next to Cartman. Now that everyone but Craig was their I smile and stand from my seat.

"I have a request for all of you. And please do not think I am joking. I swear on my life that I mean every word I say and that you are all needed." They all look at me in confusion while Tweek starts to freak out a little more.

Jimmy turns to me and voices his thoughts. "W-Wha-what's So important-t-t (y/n) Th-that you had to g-gather us?" I turn my head to face them all. I close my eyes and open them to reveal my (e/c) eyes to filled with seriousness and determination.

"I want you all to join my mafia group."

They all freeze. After a while everyone but Kenny and Tweek break out into laughter. Tweek starts to twitch fast and mumble about how much pressure this was while Kenny's ocean blue eyes looked like they were going to pop out.

Eventually Cartman calms down enough to say something. "Hahahahahaha! We thought it was going to be something serious like you where going to die again or something!!!!! Hahahahahaha!!!!!"

Now. Normally I wouldn't invite them into my problems. But I need loyal partners. I need people I can trust and not fear will backstab me during this rebellion. And their is no one I trust more then the people at the table right now. The table that's laughing their heads off at me thinking I'm joking.

But I expected this. So I came with a way to convince everyone. A way that might shatter all their trust and make them not wanna join but it will make them believe.

I place my bo-staff on the table. Everyone slowly stops laughing and looks at it in astonishment. "Where did you get that?!" The angry voice of Tweek is heard.

"It's mine."

Everyone turns to me. I decide to change my eye color for a bit. Slowly I raise my hand down over my face in the way when you do the changing expressions trick. When my hand passes over my eyes turn violet. "Fucking believe me know losers?"

"No. Anyone can change their eye color if they try. And you easily could have picked this up in the trash." I turn my head to Timmy who just used his trippy mind speaking thing.

"Fine. Kenny. Get ready to beat the shit out of these guys." I raise my shirt up a little to show the large scar from Tweek's electric attack from our fight. Kenny instantly jumps in front of me trying to get me to pull my shirt down, but everyone saw it. The same kind of scar that everyone thought was cool to get when you got struck by lightning.

"Babe!!!! Don't show anyone your adorable belly like that!!!!" Kenny successfully finally pulls my shirt down and hugs me in a way to kind of hide me. Then he turns his head around and glares at everyone at the table with a look that's daring them to accuse her of being a criminal.

Oh how I love my little bundle of death right now.

Smiling I pry him off and give him a reassuring kiss on the cheek. "Don't worry Ken! I will explain to them why I did it and then they will understand."

Kenny with a unsure look sits down in my spot before making me sit in his lap. The he wraps his arm as around my waist and plops his chin on my shoulder. A blush quickly appears on my face as Cartman does a fake gag look.

"Anyway. I'll tell you guys all why I did what I did." Everyone's eyes turned to me. Some confused, other hostile, but some where scared. Dang. I really might have just screwed up my relationship with my friends.

"Remember when my parents first came back home? Well..."



And you know the rest readers! Because I'm lazy I will not explain the circumstances again! Also I posted a new South Park book! BUT ITS ALSO BAKU NO HERO ACADEMIA!!!!! If you can't tell I fucking love this shows and putting them both together made me sooooooo happy!

THERES ACTUAL ART OF IT!!!!! (Not drawn by me and I am not the inspiration ether) LOOOOK!!!!

THERES ACTUAL ART OF IT!!!!! (Not drawn by me and I am not the inspiration ether) LOOOOK!!!!

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So yeah. If you like both BNHA and South Park I advise you go check it out!

Till I update again! See y'all!


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