The Plan

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—Your POV—

Dew yawns and smirks. "Well you know I'm in since I've been with you since day one. I REALLY, want to be part of the plan you have been working on for months now." He starts laughing after saying this. "Man are all of you in for a shock!"

Everyone's serious faces change into one of slight nerves. Wendy raises her hand before giving a response that surprised everyone. "I'm in. I'm not sure what's going on but I trust
(y/n) enough to know she wouldn't put us in any crazy danger like you guys did." I smile wide at this and let out a small giggle.

"Thats two out of ten! Who dares join my infamous mafia group now?!" The way I say this is as if I'm about to tell scary story's or something. Everyone's moods lighten a bit, but not completely.

Soon enough Kyle and Stan raise their hands and let out a defeated chuckle. Stan chuckles a bit before he says "Dude. Now your really part of South Park huh? Your just as crazy as the next person."

Covering my mouth as if hurt I fake pout. "As if I'm just as crazy as the next person. If I was just as crazy I would have a gun on me at all times." Everyone laughs a little as they all look at each other.

The next few people to join surprised me. "I-I-I'm in!" Turning my head I see Tweek and Craig with their hands raised. "As long as we don't get hurt. I don't see the issue with this." So now I can add Tweek and Craig to my list of new members.

"That makes five out of ten now folks!" Slowly Clyde and Token, and then Cartman joined. This leaves only Kenny to have not spoken which confused me for a bit. I honestly expect him to be the first person to join but I guess I was wrong. Maybe the hero in him is stopping him, or maybe he's scared to die again. I.... honestly am not sure what he's thinking right now.

"Kenny? How about you? Are you going to join or not? Please understand I'm not forcing you guys to join. I understand the priority of your own life. But please give me an answer so I can know." Kenny looks up at me with his ocean blue eyes and lets out a sigh.

"I was honestly hoping no one was going to go with your plan. Because think of it, we don't even know your plan and you expect them all to follow you. A normal person would think that's stupid," he pauses and looks around before sighing and chuckling lightly, "but we're citizens of South Park! Who the hell is normal here!"

Shrugging his shoulders he walks over to me and gives a hug. "I'm in."

With a smile I tear up a little but refuse to let them fall. "Thanks Kenny.... I love you."

"Love you too."

What he does next surprises me. Picking me up he walks back over to his spot and makes me sit on his lap. He then places his head on my shoulder and glares at Konner and Dew. I swear he growled, but it could have been my imagination.

With a smile I decide to let him do this. "Ok. Who here has had proper gun training?" I honestly expected everyone to say no but it seems I don't know my friends perfectly. Wendy, Dew, and Token raise their hands.

"Please elaborate." I smile at them with the thought that this was going to be easier. Wendy was first.

"My parents signed me up for a camp to learn it. They said it would be a good way to defend my self here."

It sounded just like Wendy. She clearly is lying but I won't push for details. Then Token went next.

"I had a lot of free time in Middle school." Sounds kinda like him but that's also weird. I'd expect Craig and Clyde to be hanging with him. But maybe not.

"Ok! Now let's start training!" "Hey what about me?!" Oh yeah. I turn my head to Dew before telling him the answer for him, "You 6trained with me because on some training days you where in control. Ok now?"

Dew pouts a little and looks a bit disappointed. "I wanted to say it though...."

"Too bad." With that I look around at everyone in the room. "So then. Starting tomorrow evening we can learn how to properly hold a gun, mafia style, to intimidate my parents!"

Everyone's but, Kenny, Dew, and Konner's, eyes widen. "Trust me when I say we aren't going to kill anyone."

Gently I poke Kenny in the forehead so he would move it before standing up and sitting back in my seat. "So now I'm going to tell you guys your rolls. Konner. My notebook please."

Konner hands the book he's been holding this whole time that no one noticed because they don't care for him, to me.

As I flip through the pages I find the page with the rolls. "Ok. So Tweek, Craig, Kyle, and Dew you guys are part of intimidation. You guys will be holding the bigger guns and will be in the center ring to face my parents. "W-W-WHAT?!"

I knew Tweek would be freaking out. "Tweek. Let me explain. Don't worry about hurting people. The guns are filled with blanks and you will be pretty intimidating with Craig next to you. Just think of them as people who can hurt Craig, cause the can." Tweek still looks unsure but decides to stay quite and lean on Craig.

"Now. Next will be the hacker squad. This will be just Wendy. Wendy normal I would have put Kyle on the squad with you but I decided against it since the two of you are still on sower terms. Plus Kyle can look very scary when he's mad." I shake my head to clear my thoughts a little before looking back at Wendy.

"You will be in charge of making sure no one is able to send a distress call. You will also be in charge of keeping an eye through the cameras so that no one is coming to reenforce my parents." Wendy nervously nods her head but has a look of determination in her eyes.

Looking back at my book i call out the next set of names. "Stan, Token, Clyde, and Konner. You guys are in charge of getting my parents attention. The reason I chose you is because you have a higher chance of grabbing their attention. How you guys decide to grab their attention though is up to you. But please don't tell them some crazy bullshit like I died."

They nod their heads before gathering to plan out their strategy. As this happens I look at the last group. "The last groups is The interview squad. That shall consist of me, Kenny, and Cartman. Our jobs are to get my parents to sign a form of resignation showing that they decided to quite being the main mafia's branch leaders and hand it down to me. Thus I can convert it into a legal business."

Everyone looks at me surprised. "What? Do you honestly think I'll give up a chance to make a lot of money to fulfill my dreams?" Not that they know is that the dream is to have a wedding with Kenny and to start a happy life together once I earned enough money... and maybe go to (country).

Little did I know.... I wasn't going to make it to (country).

My phone has been returned!!!!! HAZAH!!!!

But my updating schedule will still be kinda slow. I'm starting a comic and seeing how it will go. I won't post a link or anything cause it doesn't have an official page yet (only cover of chapter). But yeah.  I hope your enjoying the slightly longer chapters! Till I update again, see y'all!


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