Explanation {Part 1}

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—Kenny's POV—

Karen bursts through my door and jumps prop of me yelling her little head off. "KENNY KENNY KEN KEN KEN KEN!!!!! WE HAVE SOUP!!!!" I open my eyes and see that she's excited beyond belief, I can't help but smile at her. "Guess who brought it?!" I giggle because I know very well who brought it. "Was it (y/n)?" She pouts and puffs her cheeks. "She told you she was coming already didn't she?" Laughing a little I nod my head.

"Well! Let's go so it doesn't get cold." She nods her head fast and runs off. Sitting up I walk out with out my parka on and enter the kitchen, passing my parents who look like kids in time out. I can't help but feel a bit smug at this.

Turning my head I see (y/n) serve two bowls of chicken noodle soup with carrots and rice in it. Sitting at the table I start to eat it with Karen and we both have looks of pleasure. (Not in a weird way) (y/n) sits at the other chair next to me and smiles happily to see us enjoying our meals. How can someone so nice be a criminal?

Karen finishes her bowl first and raises it up in the air. "More please!" (Y/n) smiles and takes the bowl to fill it up with more soup. When she comes back and hands Karen her bowl I tilt my head a little. She turns to look at me and raises an eyebrow. "Does the little kitty want seconds too?" My eyes widen a little. Kitty? Me?

Smirking I decide to play her game. "They do say the kitty will return if fed." She rolls her eyes and lets out a small huff. "Then I'll gladly fead this kitty." Taking my bowl she goes to refill it. She return the bowl and I notice I have more carrots then last time. I'm not one to complain but seriously?

She smirks and turns to Karen. "So Karen. How's school been?" "Ok I guess. Kids still make fun of me for being poor." This irks me but I know this is something that isn't going to stop no matter how much Mysterion punches it. But what (y/n) says surprises me the most. "Who cares what they think? In the future you are probably going to have the best outcome while they end up as crack addicts." Karen giggles at this while I try not to choke on my food and die.

When we both finish I do the dishes while Karen and (y/n) talk about silly things. It doesn't take long. "Hey Karen. I have to talk to (y/n) alone for a moment please." She gets a slightly worried look but I give her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry Karen. I'm sure it's nothing bad." With both me and (y/n)'s reassurance that nothing bad is gonna happen, Karen relaxes and goes to her room.

"Hey let's go to my room for this. I don't want my parents hearing us ether." She nods her heads and follows me into my room. Closing the door I sit on my bed next to (y/n).

I take a breath about to say something when I stiffen. What should I ask? Why she did it? Why she didn't tell me? What crimes did she do? I just don't know what to ask first. "Ask what ever first pops into you head Kenny." Surprised I look at her and she has a look like she knows what I'm going to ask.

"How could you become FR...?" Her eyes don't show denial, they don't look scared or upset, they just look relieved. As if she wanted someone to find out so badly. "I wouldn't have if I wanted too." This answer relieves but annoys me.

"What do you mean if you wanted too? Did someone force you?" She shakes her head no. "I can't go against these people Kenny. Trust me when I say if you ask, I'll answer all your questions. But these answers might not be what you are looking for." She looks me in the eyes with a very serious expression.

"Tell me everything." Her eyes lighten a bit in fear but it soon passes. Taking a deep breath she holds my hand. "On my birthday a few months ago...."


"We have amazing news for you!" A smile creeps into both there faces. Tilting my head a bit, I get a bad feeling from them. I knew this smile. It was a business opportunity. "What is it?"

They both smile wider at me and start to hug me. "You can work with us now!!!" The blood drains from my face. I've never wanted this. I don't want this. How?! Why?! I can't do there job! I can't KILL people or sell drugs!!! I can't do that!!!

"D-do I have a choice in this...?" They both look at me a bit confused. "Everyone in the board have already voted to allow you in! So don't worry about that!" I'm starting to feel sick. I can't escape that. If the board makes a choice that my parents not only started but supported, then I can't defy them. "H-Hey mom...." Her wide (e/c) eyes stare into mine filled with excitement and adrenaline. "Yes hun?"

"What if I don't want to do this? Hypothetically." Her eyes darken before she smiles wide and closes her eyes. "Then you night 'disappear' like all the others who refuse us." The fear rise in my body and I feel my breath quicken. "You would make me disappear?" My voice is high and squeaky as I speak now. "Hypothetically the group would not us."

I struggle to slow my breathing down but eventually I do. "Ok." Dad and mom both look at me and then start giggling. "Ok! Now it's time for your birthday gift from us to you!" Dad takes one of the souvenir bags and hands me it. "We had business in Japan with our close range weapon dealer! We saw this and thought it would suite you the best!" Slowly I open the bag and see a pole that's about half a foot long with a button in the center.

I walk away from mom and dad to a part of the room that's kinda empty. Carefully I press the button and the pole extends to be about six feet long. The weight of it fits perfectly into my hand and I take a good look to see it's a modified bo-staff. Instinctively I twirl it around in my hand.

'They got you this as a weapon for your job you know.'

'Yes I know Dew.... I know...'

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