New Friend

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—Your POV—

When I finished telling them everything the lunch bell started to ring. A sign that my time for the day was up. "Tonight I want all of you to come to my house around six. I don't need your answers for another two days. What ever your response is, understand I will not force you to be apart of this. The fact you will be doing something illegal is a fact and might end with all of us being hunted down by my parents connections. So whether you join or not, the options is up to you."

I grab my bag and leave everyone. I'm actually relieved that I have a different schedule this year from everyone but maybe the Craig crew. As I walk to class I hear the whispers from everyone about me. Yeah. The whole "Wendy almost killed her," thing was still going around. The thing is that ever since then Wendy has been a social outcast. All the other girls used her as a escape goat and didn't take any punishment from the principle but her.

But I hated the outcome of that situation. The pity filled eyes and the constant whispering. Makes me want to blow the place up.

But I won't do that.

When I enter the class I see Wendy sitting in a corner desk. She looked like she went through hell and back. Someone dumped water on her and ruined what make up she put on and multiple rips could be seen in her jean jacket that clearly wasn't part of the outfit.

Her hair was a mess. Which was a first. She normally took pride in her long, shiny, black hair. But I could tell that since the incident she was being bullied. A small smile appears on my head, not in satisfaction but in pity. Man am I hypocrite. Also I'm to nice for my own good.

Walking over I sit in a desk next to her. "Hi Wendy." She doesn't show that she knew I was their with more then a twitch of her finger. Letting out a small huff I hand her a small town I carry in my backpack for emergency reasons.

She turns her head away from me more and looks a bit mad. Getting a bit annoyed I throw the towel on her head and turn away fast when I hear the angry girl turn to me. "I don't need your stupid towel thief!!!"

Normally this would have ticked me off or I would have just let her speak and ignore her but I decided to do something different. Something that breaks all of my rules for school.

I turn and slap her across the face. "What I did is done and over. What you did is done and over. I'm willing to let the water flow under the bridge instead of build a fucking dam and letting it build up. Stan doesn't care for you anymore. Move on."

She looks at me wide eyed before tears start to fall. Slowly Wendy starts to sob and cry. Soon she was balling her eyes out ruining what little make up she had that wasn't ruined. Oh come on.

Letting out a annoyed sigh I grab my towel and start wiping her tears away. "Is this really what's become of the hottest bitch at this school? A stress relief for other people?"

Wendy looks at me through her horribly ruined, make-up smeared face and hick ups. "N-no....." She sounds unsure and wimpy so I raise my voice a bit. "I can't hear you Wendy! Or should we call you Wimpy!!!" The bell rings but I ignore it.

"NO!!!!" Wendy starts to screech her head off causing me to cover my ears. When she finally stops I turn to her and smile. "That's better!!! AND WOMAN DON'T SCREAM LIKE THAT IN CLASS!!!!"

The teacher walks in late and I see that he had heard Wendy through the walls. When I get a better look at her I see that he actually was the schools Councilor.  "Why are you her Mr. Macky? (Please tell me how to correctly spell his name so I can fix that if I spelt it wrong) Looking around I realize it's only me and Wendy.

"Oh, well you see PC principle said because of last years incident I'd be best to give the two of you therapy to let the water flow, m-Kay." Of course PC principle did.  Rolling my eyes I sit in my seat and help Wendy clean up her face.

The black eyeshadow she put on made her look like a stereotypical girl that's been broken up with in those romance movies. As we clean up Mr.Macky surprisingly stops talking and doesn't speak to us. He must understand this is how we are bonding.

After a while her face is clean enough to put up a fresh set of make up. "So Wendy. How many friends do you have now?" I Sir Indian style in my desk seat since I can't do make-up to well.

A saddened look crosses her face as she stops applying eyeshadow. "None.... Bebe moved remember." Closing my eyes, I try to remember.

All I remember over the summer that had to do with Bebe was Clyde crying. And the reason he had to do with Bebe was the fact they were dating. He just cried and cried screaming her name. I just thought she dumped his ass. But now it kinda makes more since. Clyde is a cry baby but not one who would cry almost a week straight.

"That makes since. Sorry to hear that." I pat Wendy in her long black hair as a form of reassurance. "But don't worry. Your not friendless. I'm you friend."

She looks up at me in surprise with her big blush grey eyes. "B-but I was such a bitch to you..." I shrug my shoulders.

"And I stole your boyfriend and hooked him up with my best friend. I'm sure we are pretty even." She stand sup and slams her hands on the desk with a pissed look. She must have wanted me to be angry with her. "BUT I NEARLY KILLED YOU!" When she says this I narrow my eyes at her.

"You? Kill me? Ha! As if. Wendy I was dying before I stepped foot in South Park." With this her mouth looked like if it wasn't hinged to her head it would have hit the ground. "If anything, the coma you put me in gave me enough time to save my ass. That's why I'm not mad at you. If you hadn't been such a bitch, I would have died."

She goes silent. Her eyes on me as if I was a ghost. Letting out a small sigh I sit her down in the desk seat. Grabbing the lipgloss I put a light layer on her lips. I might suck with eyeshadow blush and all that stuff but gloss was one thing I could do. "No need for more. Your perfect right now with a light layer of make-up then your normal cake face."

Giggling a little I stand up and leave. "By Mr.Macky! I'm going to visit Kenny in his class." Before I leave the class I stop and turned to Wendy. "And come to my house tonight. If you still feel guilty for putting me in a coma then that's how you can make it up." With that I leave the class.

—No POV—

Mr.Macky doesn't try to stop (y/n) because he knows Kenny is her boyfriend. But slowly he turns his balloon head to Wendy who is staring at the door. "You okay Wendy?"

A slight blush crosses her cheeks as she nods her head. "Y-yeah. Just never thought I could swing another way." Wendy covers her face as she thinks what she and (y/n) would be doing tonight.


Hey guys!

Sorry about the whole post of the chapter earlier. I was trying to exit my book but ended up pushing published by accident. But I think I took it down pretty fast so don't worry.

Also Sorry for the wait on this chapter. I'm currently on my vacation at Universal Studios!!!! *screams in my excitement*

I already visited the world of Harry Potter and now I have to see Transformers!!!! But yeah. With that for the next week I'll try to update but I can't promise another chapter until next week at the earliest. Hope y'all enjoyed it though! Till I update again, see y'all!!!!


Wendy is now a very important character. Find out soon in the next chapter!!!! >:D

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