Oh Crap.

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—Dew's POV—

I open my eyes and see that I'm in her room with the Konner guys she complains to me about. 'Konner is telling me to do my job better! He complains about everything I do! Why can't he shut up?' I've never really seen him before in person though. I usually just take a nap when ever she has control. Though I do screw up her and Kenny's dates just for the fun of it.

He gives me this weird look and then realizes what happened. "You changed your eye color again to scare me. Ha ha. It's not going to work (y/n)." I don't know why but this is funny. I small giggle slips from my mouth and slowly it breaks out into a full on laugh. "Damn your so stupid! If I was (y/n) I would have kicked you out already!" He gives me a weird look like I was crazy.

Slowly the humor in this fades away to be replaced by annoyance. I hate having to explain this shit over and over again. "Dumb ass do you know that we have split personality disorder?" It's a stupid cover, but it's worked on everyone but Kenny. That's one reason why I dislike the guy.

He scoffs and rolls his hazel eyes. "As if that's real! It's just a cover people use to get away with there crimes." Ok now I know why (y/n) dislikes this guy so much. With no remorse I smash my foot by his head hard enough for everyone to hear but not hard enough to break the wall. "Now listen up you fuck face. I'm not (y/n). The names Dew and your going to ducking accept it or else I will end you."

The adults that (y/n) has marked as her parents come barging in and see the scene. "Oh my god (y/n)!" They look me in the eyes and instantly realize it's me. "Oh! Hi Dew! It's been a while since you've come out." Rolling my eyes I walk away from the kid and go to the closet. "Hi Ms.(l/n) and Mr.(l/n). Can you get this brat out of here while I change into something other then my pajamas." They both smile and help Konner out the room. After closing it I hear some mumbling through the door that slowly fades away.

Letting out a annoyed sigh I change into some of the clothes that (y/n) has in her closet. Her closet consists of clothes that are two sizes too big for her. Grabbing a random shirt I change into it and put on some shorts. I put on (f/c) fuzzy socks on that I like and lay on her bed. I do admit that of everything that sucks in her life this bed sure doesn't. It cradles my body perfectly and practically begs for me to sleep.

Laying my head down on her pillow I start to feel emotions if bliss. "Satan I have no regrets curing this girl for four days a month of freedom." You night not know this but not all demons are exactly equal in hell. Mainly if you have a more human form then others. 'Hey Dew. Don't feel so sad. Your turning the room blue dumb dumb.' "I'm not sad you idiot! I'm just reminiscing." 'Uh Yeah sure. Hey if your gonna reminisce then do a happy memory or a mad one. I kinda don't care for the dark blue color and leaking ceiling.' Groaning I stand up and go down stairs to eat something.

No one is there and I realize that they must have all left. "Well that makes things easier." I enter the kitchen and grab a bowl and box of cereal. After I pour the milk in it I sit at the table and start to eat when Konner walks in. He gives me a look full of dislike. I stick my tongue out at him and then walk back into (y/n)'s room with the cereal and lock the door.

When I finish I place the bowl on the desk and lay down on the bed with a book. "The Angel x Demon. Hm. Sounds corny." Opening the book I start to read.

—Time Skip—

Tears fall from my eyes as the angel from the story is entering her last moments in the devils arms. "WHY?! WHY DOES ANGELICA HAVE TO DIE IN DERICK'S ARMS AND NEVER FIND THE PATH TO INFINITY WITH HIM?!!!" Sobs escape from me as I continue to read.

—Time Skip with more tears and drama—

"WHAT?!" Anger fills me at the information from the last book of the Angel x Devil book series. "HOW CAN THEY JUST?!!!" The anger and frustration at the fact that they canceled the series MID storyline. "GAH!!!! MAY THE FLAMES OF HELL BURN YOU HORRIBLY ENTRANCING BOOKS FOR SUCH A DISAPPOINTMENT!!!!" I grab a lighter from the the desk and hold the book over it and light it but don't burn the it yet.

I start laughing maniacal when I notice Kenny on the window seal. Slowly I stop and a awkward sweat falls. "I um....." he lets himself in and gives me a weird look. "Where you about to burn the Angel x Devil book series that canceled in the middle?" I look away.

I hear rustling and turn around to se him gathering the books. "I'll help you." Awkwardly we gather the books and go into the backyard. Setting them down on the ground I throw the lighter on them. Slowly they blacken and then start to burn. We just stood in silence as we watched them burn to the ground.

"I also burned my copy when I found out the ending." Seeing Kenny feeling the same emotion as me kinda ticked me off, but it also made me happy. "Hm. Well it did suck for them to stop it in the middle of the final battle between Angelica's father and her demon lover because of her death. But because they canceled the series we can't find out what happens to them."

Kenny makes an angry face. "I know right?! Like why did they even go that far just to stop? They should have just killed off all the characters! But no! Now we are left to wonder forever who is going to win or lose." We both spent hours ranting on the book and watching them all burn to ashes. "HEY EHAT ARE DOING?!" We turn around and see Konner.

"Oh fuck. Konner I thought you went home already!" He gives me a weird look. "I was here the whole time! How could you not notice! I'm like six foot two!" He clearly sounds offended to be ignored. "Well go home ass hole! I certainly can only take so much of you." He gives me a confused but mad look.

"Your parents says I'll be staying with you for the next month!" My jaw drops. FUCK! I have to deal with this guy for four more days?! But worst! (Y/n) has to deal with this guy even more! "Why is he here?" I turn and see a very mad look on Kenny's face.


'What? I'm drawing here!' 'Time for you to take over.' 'What why?! I don't wanna deal with Konner!' 'No. Your boyfriend is here.' 'Oh! Ok then.'

"Bye you fool." Kenny and Konner both give me confused looks. Everything fades and I'm created by the normal (f/c) room in her head. 'Good luck!'

—Your POV—

I look around and realize that both Kenny and Konner look mad at me. Confused I look around and notice what was wrong with this picture. Slumping over a bit I mumble some words. "Oh fuck you Dew."

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