Pretty Boy

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—Your POV—

I wake up on top of Kenny's chest. Looking around I see the cracked walls of his bedroom and smile. He never liked me to be in his room because of how poor he is, but he didn't feel I was any safer then with him in his arms. Feeling the heat rise in my cheeks a silently giggle. 'God this is so fluffy.'

Looking down on his face I smile. His face looks so relaxed and the small tuff of bedhead was perfect. Gently I touch his hair and am surprised by how soft it is. 'He must have taken a bath sometime recently...'

Stopping what I was doing I realize how much of a stereotypical romance character I try not to laugh. Seeing my phone on the floor by the bed, I carefully slide off Kenny and grab it.

Silently, I leave the room and sit on the rugged couch in their living room and dial a number. Putting my phone up to my face I smirk at putting my plan into action. The plan that will set me and my family free of my parents mafia group, Guns and Roses.

The phone dials as I wait for the person to pick up. While I wait I think of the plan and lay out the process in my head. "Man this is a huge gamble....." letting out a sigh I hear the phone click as a sign that someone answered.


The distance sounds of screams that another fire started fills my ears almost as soon as I heard Evelyn on the other side of the phone.
"Hey Evelyn! I need you to do me a favor please!" The yelling and screams intensify but the calm voice of Evelyn is still clear.

"What do you need boss?"

With a grin I start to tell her what I need. "I need......"

•—Time Skip 2 months—•

I let out a sad sigh as I start for the bus stop to high school. Yes. Summer is over and I'm now a sophomore attending South Park High. It sucks balls.

When I finally reach the stop I see Kyle waiting and listening to music. He's always first. With a smile I run up and hug him. "GAH!!!" Kyle turns fast to see me and lets out a sigh of relief. "Dude! You scared the shit out of me!"

I flutter my (e/c) eyes in a teasing way and stick my Young's out to him. "That's what you get for ditching on our couple date last week!" I see Kyle blush a deep crimson before he covers his face in embarrassment.

"B-but..... It was going to be you me and Tweek..... its embarrassing..." He pulls down his fluffy hat trying to cover his face. God he looked so cute.

"Kyle. As always you over thought it and chickened out! What's so embarrassing about buying outfits to see on dates to seduce your man?" The moment the words left my mouth I started to blush. "Oh crap..... now I get why it's embarrassing....." I start to cover my face in a attempt to hide also.

I swear anyone that walked by and saw us would think that we where a sugar couple.

I don't know how long I covered my face, but I suddenly feel myself be picked up by someone. Startled, I let out a scream and punch whoever grabbed me in the face. Whoever I punched falls backwards making me fall on top of them. 

As fast as i fell I get off and get into a fighting stance to see Kenny. Bleeding face him nose and on the ground unconscious from my blow. "You killed Kenny!!!!" I turn and see Stan gasping at me.

"You bastard!" I turn and see Kyle with shock also. Almost as soon as this happens Kenny slowly raises his hand and gives a shaky thumbs up. "Oh. Wait. He's fine." Kyle then walks to Stan and starts to talk with him.

"Oh crap! I'm sorry Kenny!!!!" Slowly I sat him up. Grabbing tissues from my bag (just for bloody nose occasions) I start to wipe the blood off his face. When I see that he's still not responding I decide to tease him a little.

Gently I kiss his hurt nose and winked. "With my magic kisses your all cured~!" Kenny's nose starts to bleed again. "Fuck Kenny! It's backfired!!!!"

I start to shove tissues up his nose when I hear the honks of a car. Turning my head I see Cartman driving his 2009 Audi R8. "Can you get your asses in the car so we're not late losers!"

Oh. By bus I meant Cartman is our ride. And this is the morning of the first day of school.

Ah how I get closer and closer to my plan.

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