I Hate Hospitals

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So, John is dead? *gasps* I've literally been trying to kill him off for 2/3 chapters now but couldn't find the right time. Anyways, warning time: includes details of physical and sexual violence.

Nick was looking at Amanda sadly in the back of the ambulance, what had they done to her? Medical staff had cut off her coat and had opened her top and were assessing her injuries. He could clearly see the bruises that littered her entire upper body with one on the side of her face, now hidden partially by the oxygen mask, but especially her ribs, and there were over a dozen burns that looked like they came from cigarettes. There were cuts covering her face, and arms, most likely from the broken vase he found in the bedroom.

Nick realised that he had zoned out when he heard the medic calling the hospital to let them know brief details before they arrived. "Yeah, ICU? We got a female, 30s, unconscious but breathing, weak pulse. Looks like multiple abrasions and lacerations covering the body, heavy bruising around the chest cavity - possible punctured lung and multiple broken ribs. Possible fractured left wrist, and unknown head trauma."

The list of things wrong made Nick feel ill, but he had to keep it together. If Amanda woke up and saw him like this, what would she think? He grabbed hold of her uninjured hand and kissed it lightly. "We're gonna get you better, Amanda." He said softly, placing her hand back by her side.


Liv and Fin were still at the scene, Fin having forced Liv to get checked over by one of the medics.

"You seem to be suffering from moderate shock Miss Benson." The young lady said, shining a small light into her eyes. She turned to Fin, "you need to get her to lie down somewhere - try and keep her feet elevated above her heart. Also, make sure she drinks plenty and keep her warm, she's shivering considerably."

"I don't need to lie down." Liv said defiantly, trying to stand up from where she'd been sat on the back of the ambulance. "We need to get to the hospital to see Amanda." She directed that last comment at Fin, who could see she was growing impatient.

She began to feel light headed again and her legs were shaking, so she quickly grabbed hold of the nearest thing, which happened to be the medic's arm. She helped Liv retake her seat, and looked her directly in the eyes.

"Okay Olivia, I don't think you should be standing up so quickly. I'll make you a deal. My shift finished a while ago so I'm taking the ambulance back to the hospital. Ride in the back with me, let the nurses do a few tests when we get to the hospital, and I'll pull a few strings so you can go straight in to see your detective."

Olivia's eyes turned to Fin, practically pleading with him to help her escape from this woman. He gave her a stern look of do as the lady says, so she turned back to the medic.

"Fine." She said bluntly.

"Thank you." The medic replied smiling, happy to finally have her cooperation.


Once they had arrived, Nick practically had to run to keep up with the doctors who were wheeling Amanda off to do God knows what. They took her into the ICU where they quickly hooked her up to a monitor, and inserted an IV into her inner arm.

"Sir, you can't be in here." One of the doctors turned to him, ushering him out to behind the curtain.

"Hold on! I'm Police." He said objectively, showing the doctor his shield.

"That doesn't matter Sir, you'll have to wait out there in the waiting room." She pointed to a set of double doors, before sliding the curtain across and blocking his view. He stormed through the double doors into the waiting room, and was faced with a rather worried looking Fin.

What happened to Amanda? A Law & Order SVU FanficWhere stories live. Discover now