Waking Up - Finale

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Four days later...

After Nick and Fin had seen Liv collapse in the room and had handcuffed the Brits, they had called for an ambulance right away. Fin had tried to wake Liv up whilst Nick made sure that the two criminals wouldn't escape while they waited for back up.

Once at hospital, Liv had been put into an induced coma while the lab team tried to work out what she had been injected with. The doctors didn't want to inject any other drugs that might react badly with the ones that were already in her system. It had taken awhile for them to find out exactly what was in the syringe but after 3 days they had found it safe for her to be slowly removed from the coma.

Darren and Max had been taken to the precinct, and along with Marcie Rodgers, had been interrogated by Fin and Nick, who took turns moving between the station and the hospital. Marcie was on trial for being an accomplice to kidnap, conspiracy to commit murder, and a few other charges related to the events of the past week or so.

Darren and Max were both charged with kidnap, assault, being in the States illegally and numerous robberies and assaults dating back a few years more or less. They both pled guilty, knowing what little chance they had of getting out of the trial free men. They're identities were confirmed by British Intelligence, along with DNA from them, that also tied them to the taxi incident with the cigarette earlier in the week.

Barba was in charge of prosecution and had only needed two days (and only that much because of the sheer amount of information that needed to be processed) before bringing all three perps, along with John's remaining henchmen, to court for trial. He had succeeding in helping the jury find all criminals guilty of every charge, ensuring they all went to prison for a very long time.

Glenn Westerman, John's brother, had been sent to the morgue for an autopsy. He was fast tracked to the top of the list for examination and Melinda had found high traces of heroin in his system that may have had a profound affect on his actions on the rooftop. His daughter had been located safe and well, and was now permanently staying with her mother, Glenn's ex-wife.

Jen the nurse had been treated for cracked ribs, a broken wrist and concussion, and had been discharged from the hospital the day after arriving. She had tried to stay to watch over Liv but Nick had convinced her to go home and rest, her not having gone to her house since before the kidnap. She had returned the day after though to drop by with some flowers and a card, although not back at work she wanted to busy herself rather than being at home alone.

Noah's babysitter Lucy had been filled in on the bare minimum of details that concerned Liv, and had immediately offered to look after Noah until Liv was well enough to return home.

Amanda had been told of the events concerning Liv and Jen the day that Liv came into the hospital and had immediately requested to go and see her, not caring whether Liv was conscious to know she was there. Because she was still too weak to stand at first, Fin had taken her to see Liv in a wheelchair and they had stayed in the room for over two hours.

When Fin had noticed that Amanda was getting tired, he suggested taking her back to the room. She wanted to stop by Jen's room on the way back to see how she was doing and to thank her for everything she had done for Liv and and herself over the time they had been at the hospital.

Amanda was scheduled into have daily therapy sessions, although she disagreed at first, she knew how much Liv would want her to go so she gave in and allowed it. She was allowed to leave the hospital the day after Liv had been admitted and had been staying at Fin's house with Frannie, coming in to the hospital with him to see Liv every day since.

Liv had been slowly taken off the medication for the past day, and was finally gaining consciousness just as Fin and Amanda were entering the room. They both took a seat either side of the bed as she began to open her eyes.

"Hey sleepy head, you finally back with us?" Amanda smiled, her southern twang coming through.

Liv looked toward Amanda slightly confused, and then to Fin, as if to ask why it was her in the bed and Amanda in the chair watching.

"A lot's happened while you've been out." Fin answered.

Liv cleared her throat, maintaining eye contact. "You better start explaining then..."

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