The Set Up

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Warning: reference to physical and sexual violence.

Liv moved from her kneeling position over the toilet to sitting, leaning against the stall door. The way she was sat was not dissimilar to the one Amanda had been in only a few days ago. She grabbed some tissue and dabbed it around her face, before chucking it in the toilet and shakily getting to her feet.

She immediately felt another hit of nausea so bent double over the toilet again. She then put the lid down and sat on the seat with her head in her hands. Why the hell was Amanda sorry? She was almost angry at her detective's apology, especially considering that she thought it was in fact her own fault that they were all in this mess.

Yeah, I killed him... But so what? If I had gotten her to tell me about him before, she'd be ok. She wouldn't have been tortured. Raped. If I had told Fin and Nick that I'd been worried for almost a month, they might've intervened. John would've been in prison... None of us would be here.

Her internal scolding was interrupted by the sound of the restroom door opening, and someone entering the stall next to her. She sat still, waiting for them to leave. She heard the flush, then the water from the sink, then the restroom door again.

She stood up and unlocked the door, making her way over to the sinks. She went to turn the water on when she noticed a folded up piece of paper behind the faucet. She took it in her hands and unfolded it, quickly looking round to make sure there was no one in the restroom still.

She brought it closer to her face and read the neatly written message: Lieutenant Benson. You don't know me, I don't know you - at least, not directly anyway. Opposite the hospital, there's a black London cab parked up with the taxi light out. Come for a ride and your detectives and son will be fine. Oh and one other thing - tell anyone, and we'll punish them all. This is bigger than you think.

She did another double take around the room, what was she meant to do now? Just then, she had an idea. She walked towards the door and opened it slightly, making sure no one she knew was outside. She quietly exited the restroom and made her way to the reception desk.

"Hey Lieutenant, you're detective's been looking for you." The nurse who discharged her said.

"Yeah... Uh, listen. I've gotta run, could you please give him this note when you see him next?" Liv handed over the folded paper. "Oh, and make sure no one else reads it." She added sternly.

"Yes ma'am." The nurse replied, surprised at the request. Liv smiled quickly before walking off in the direction of the exit on to the road. She hoped the nurse would be nosey enough to open the paper and alert her team.


"Fin!" Nick was jogging over to where he was sat from the direction of Liv's room. "Fin she's gone. I've done a loop of the entire hospital, I can't find her anywhere."

"Nick calm down, I'm sure she's fine. Have a seat for a minute, you look like you've run a marathon." Fin put his hands on Nick's shoulders, willing him to sit down.

Nick was catching his breath when the nurse from reception came running over frantically. "Detective? Uh... Lieutenant Benson left this with me, she said not to open it and to give it to you. But uh you know, I couldn't help myself so I did and uh, uh... Well, take a look."

Nick barely let her finish before taking the paper from her hand and holding it so both him and Fin could read it. They both finished simultaneously and looked at each other.

"I'll call it in." Fin said, taking out his phone.

"When did she give you this?" Nick demanded, turning to the nurse.

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