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(N E X T T I M E)

[Name] kept her eyes on the ground as she sped through the hallways. The fact that a group of boys were following her freaked her out. As soon as she turned around to look behind her, she slammed into someone making their things fly in the air as they crashed to the floor. Her eyes were squeezed shut as she felt a hand on her head.
"Are you alright?" The voice asked releasing her from their grip.
"Y-Yeah." The girl stood up and began to gather their things. She passed him his things before she froze in her spot.
"Why are you running from us?" The boys laughed at her fear. Tears began to swell in her [color] eyes until the boy stood in front of her.
"Shit it's him." The boys turned on their heels and left.
"What's your name?"
"[Name] [Last Name]." The girl says staring at her feet.
"I'm Neji Hyūga, nice to meet you." He says with a small smile. Her cheeks turned pink as she grabbed her arm.
"If they mess with you again let me know." He says leaving her behind a blushing mess.

The same boys cornered her in the hall ready to take her things.
[Name] turned her head and closed her eyes. On cue Neji had walked around the corner and noticed them around her.
"How many times do I have to tell you get lost." He shouts.
"Or what?" One retorts, walking up to him with his hands in his pocket. In a swift movement Neji punched him in the jaw, knocking him out instantly.
"I'd leave now if I were you." He says darkly to the rest, making them run in fear. Neji took the girl's hand and storms away. His cheeks were red as his face held anger and jealousy. [Name] on the other hand puffed her cheeks at his strange behavior.
"Why do you always help me?" She said under her breath. Neji turn his head looking straight down at her.
"I'm only a first year I shouldn't have anything to do with you anyway." Her eyes trailed up to his own. His blank expression covered up what he felt at her words.
"I have everything to do with you, aren't we friends?" He finally says.
"I don't have friends." [Name] yanks her hand away.
"Well it's upsetting you think that way, I happen to believe you'd make a good friend."
"I don't care if you disagree I'll stay by your side as long as I need to." Neji picks her up and throws her over his shoulder.
"And I think you'd be the perfect addition to the council." He begins to walk to the third floor.
"Let me down..." Neji only chuckles and shakes his head.
It seemed like a long time until [Name] heard a door slide open. She was then released and fell on her face.
"How many times do I have to tell you don't drag anyone into this." A girl shouts. [Name] sat up on her knees quickly.
"Who's that?" Another voice chimed in. [Name] stared at the six people sitting at a table in the middle of the room.
"M-My name's [Name]." She says standing up.
"Hello [Name] my name is Sakura," Sakura pulls out the empty chair next to her "Please come sit." She smiled at her. [Name] nods and sits next to her.
"How nice of you to drag another one along." A boy with raven hair groans and puts his head on the table.
"Don't be rude Sasuke." Sakura shouts at him.
"Can we get this over with I don't see why we have to be here everyday after school." Another boy yawns. [Name] looks down at her lap, fidgeting with her hands.
"We won't be here that long Shikamaru." Neji says giving him a dark look.
"You always say that and we end up being here for two hours." He groans and mimicked Sasuke's movements.
"Alright Tenten I guess we can take [Name]-chan and get her ready to join."
Tenten stood and smiled at [Name] making her flinch. She stood as well and followed them to the hallway.

After an hour they sat and discussed plans for the third year students at the end of the year. The whole time [Name] contemplated at how different he acted around everyone else instead of her. She stared carefully at his blank stare.
"[Name]-chan are you okay?" Sakura asked making her jump. [Name]'s cheeks grew red as she stared down.
"Y-Yes." She says. Tenten and Sakura looked at each other and laughed.
"I think she'd make a great president when we move on don't you think Neji?" Sakura says looking at him. His eyes widen as he tried to hide a smile.
"She is a first year so she could carry this along with everyone else." He nods and looks over at the girl who looked at her lap. He smiled to himself and put her hand on her shoulder.
"Don't worry you can do it." Neji smiled at her. The girl's eyes lightened up as she nodded.
"Since when did you smile Neji," Shikamaru sat up in his chair
"It's probably an alien." He chuckled making Neji's cheeks turn pink.
"Alright you're free to leave." Sakura says standing and gathering her notebooks and placing them in her bag. Neji quickly stood and whispered something in her ear.
Everyone left leaving [Name] and Neji begins.
"Aren't you science partners with Hinata?" [Name] nods then frantically reaches for her phone.
"I forgot I was supposed to meet her today."
"It's fine I can walk you there we live together." He says grabbing her hand. [Name]'s face grew red as they began to walk from the school.
"I've never seen you there whenever I go."
"I'm always out running errands for Sakura." "I-Is she your girlfriend?" Neji chuckles.
"Never in a million years will I date that woman. She's crazy when it comes to things like the council or anything at that." He looks down at her with a smile. Her expression matched Hinata's whenever she was around him.

"[Name] why are you zoning out so much?" Hinata asked, poking her with her pencil. [Name] her head.
"Are you thinking about Neji?"
"N-No way!
"I saw him carrying you earlier."
"No tha-"
"And I saw you two holding hands."
"We weren't."
"You two must be dating then!" Hinata giggled as [Name] became flustered.
"Hinata it's not funny!" She whined, grabbing her hand as she stood to her door.
"Neji can you come here for a second?" She shouts, [Name] choked on air as she pleaded for her to stop.
"Yes?" Neji stuck his head in the door way.
"Do you mind helping us study for this test?" [Name] slammed her face into the text book.
"Alright give me a minute."
Hinata sat down and picked up her book.
"I'm helping you."
"But you aren't with Naruto yet though."
"I am actually." The first time ever Hinata's face held a smirk. Neji opened the door and entered with a tray of snacks. His hair was in a bun and a clip held the strand that would fall in his face. [Name] grabbed a juice box off the tray, sticking the straw in the hole and squeezed the juice into her mouth. She watched as Neji helped Hinata understand things in the book. Who knows how long it's been she didn't care she stared until her eyes began to sting.
"[Name]-chan your phone is ringing."  Neji broke her out of her trance.
"What?" She looked down and noticed a few missed calls from her mother. She jumped to her feet and ran outside Hinata's room.
"I have to go." She says gathering her things and leaving her room.
"[Name]-chan let me walk you home." Neji says catching up to her.
"I'll be fine."
"I have to Hinata is making me." He smiles and takes her hand. [Name]'s eyes widened and her cheeks turned the color of cherries.

Once they reached her home Neji stopped her.
"We're friends right?"
"Yes I suppose so."
Neji pushed hair out of her face and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, ruffling her hair after.
"See you next meeting."


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