✨🌾 新しい🌾✨

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           "[Name] get up." Reluctantly [Name] sat up against a tree. Her face held pure irritation, her cheeks were as red as cherries.  Instead of starting another petty argument she decided to give up.
"Oh Neji you're too strong I can't continue." Her sarcasm laced voice surprised him.
"You may be correct but you don't have to sound so sarcastic [Name]." Neji mumbled half to himself.
"Yeah yeah screw off." [Name] stood up and walked away.
"It's weak of you to give up so soon."
"Well I'm one tired bitch if you ask me."
Neji folded his arms. He was taken back at her new found attitude. 'I was going to hard on her after all.' He thought just as she yawned.
"You're really gonna give up. That's pathetic of you [Name] you weren't doing this yesterday.
"Fuck you too." The girl flipped him off.
"Watch your mouth." Neji said sternly. This is the side to her he'd never seen nor heard. Her fowl language left him dumbfounded.
"Spar with me again."
"How many times do I have to say no." She growled, clenching her fists as she stopped in her tracks.
"As expected, I knew you were finally done trying to act tough."
"Whatever gets you to shut up."
Her final sentence made him jump.
"What the hell is wrong with you today?" He shouted out of no where. He covered his mouth quickly. He hadn't meant to say that to her and frankly he wasn't prepared for what she was about to say.
"Listen here you stuck up little bitch. Maybe we can't be as strong as you and maybe we don't want to train hours on end. As I said before I'm tired. Even if I weren't maybe just maybe I can't get to your level no matter how hard I try and it's annoying. And if that didn't get through your thick fucking skull then maybe this will." It all happened quickly. [Name]'s hand swiped towards his face. Neji was lost as every single one of her words sunk into his ears to even feel the stinging pain on his cheek.
[Name]'s eyes widened as he fell to the grass below them. She saw tears well up in his eyes. Once she blinked they were gone. Not down his cheeks they just evaporated. 
"If you think you're not on my level then why did you land a blow on me just now." He finally said with a chuckle after a long period of silence.
"I'm sorry." She mumbled and sprinted away leaving him bewildered.
"You're one strange girl [Name]-chan."

"YOU WHAT!?" Tenten shouted making [Name] flinch.
"I hit him."
"What did he do."
"He laughed." Tenten grew confused.
"Why do you look upset." [Name]'s sad face looked up at the girl sitting across from her.
"I didn't mean to." She may have wanted to hit him but not say what she said.
"Well are you gonna go see him?" [Name]'s eyes widened.
"I forgot!" She jumped up from her seat and darted our the restaurant.
"She didn't even pay for her food, let alone eat it." Tenten blankly stared at her plate of food.

[Name] pounded on the door waiting for someone to answer. Her panting was stopped as she heard footsteps. The door slowly revealed Hinata's father with an angry look on his face.
"Who are you?"
"I'm [Name] I'm looking for Neji." She said in between breaths.
"I don't know where he is. He's been missing since last night." Hiashi face looked concerned.
"Oh no I didn't mean to take it that far." [Name]'s face grew pale as she ran away to look for Neji, leaving Hiashi in confusion.

[Name] let her weak legs carry her. It had been nearly an hour since she left Hinata's home to find Neji. It was almost around noon when a thought came upon her. She face palmed as she rushed past the crowds of people, who were probably wondering why a kid was running around so frantically.
[Name] slowed her pace as she walked through the training grounds into the forest. She almost gave up until she heard a group of crows. She followed the sound of their loud cawing. Her eyes widened as she saw the boy laying on the ground, his face was dirty and his hair slightly messy. Without a second thought she sprinted towards him and shooed away the birds that sat there pecking at his forehead. As she squatted beside him she noticed that his headband and bandages were off of his forehead. [Name] stared at his face. His peaceful look made her smile. [Name] reached for his forehead, contemplating whether she wanted to trace the mark on it delicately with her fingers. She let out a sigh and pushed her [Hair color] hair out of her face. Slowly she leaned over and planted a kiss in the middle of his forehead.
"You'll be done for when I take you home." She chuckled as she lifted him into her lap. She helped him close to her chest and listened to his soft breaths.
"You never slept this long before. You probably stayed up all night. Silly boy." She stroked his hair slowly trying her best not to wake him. But to her dismay he began to awaken. His eyes slowly opened, revealed a lavender field of wonder.
"[N-Name].." He let her name escape his dry mouth as he stared at her. [Name]'s cheeks grew red as she pushed him away.
"Why were you out here by yourself?" She shouted at him. She didn't get a response only a blank stare.
"Neji I was worried about you." She confessed.
"I thought you hated me." He mumbled.
[Name] looked down at her hands. Without thinking, she tackled him to the ground in a hug. And with much surprise he hugged back.
[Name]'s grip on the boy grew tighter as she heard him sob softly.
"T-Take me home." He choked out.
"Are you scared to go on your own?" She chuckled as he wiped his tears. Her soft chuckling turned into a fit of laughter as he nodded his head.
"He's gonna kill me [Name]." For the first time ever she saw the softest side of him. She secretly enjoyed it.
'How new.'

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