✨? それは約束です?✨

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(That's a promise)

"I'll catch up to you I swear!" Her throat was sore as she tried to argue with the stubborn boy.
"You're nothing but a failure you'll never catch up." Neji's words made her want to work harder than ever. [Name]'s eyes narrowed at his remark. Out of anger, she walked towards him and quickly raised her hand to slap him. She wasn't surprised when he caught her wrist and squeezed it with great force.
"You're pathetic and you're wasting my time." He spat releasing her from his grip. His icy glare pierced through her soul as her heart was shattered into pieces.
"I swear I will and when I do you'll be on your knees, crying like a baby and that's a damn promise!" She shouted at him as he walked away.
"[Name] we don't have time for this we're late!" Tenten pulled [Name] away from the long line at a food stand.
"But I'm sooooo hungry." The girl groaned at her as she dragged her away.
"I made rice balls for the team you can have one on the way." [Name] quickly straightened up with a smile and held onto Tenten's hand.
"Really! Your rice balls are the best!" Her excited tone confused the girl but she shrugged it off and continued to run to the gates.
"You're late again that's five hundred laps."
"Hell no." [Name]'s smile remained but Tenten only grimaced at the ridiculous request.
"Let's get going we can't stand here all day." Neji said glaring at the girl beside him. She returned the look and groaned.
"You don't have to be a little bitch about everything." She muttered walking ahead of everyone else.
"If you two are gonna act like this we're gonna have to tie you together like last time."
[Name]'s stomach turned as Guy-sensei grabbed her by her collar.
"Yes sir." She sighed and fell behind the group.
"We're going to stop at the inn for the night." [Name] sighed happily as her feet were killing her.
"Come on Tenten let's go to our room." [Name] linked their arms together and dragged her down the hall.

"What is with you and Neji?" Tenten asked as she removed her shirt. [Name] groaned and turned to her. "It was always like that. Before we were mutual and didn't really speak, even so I still loved the way he was."
Tenten smirked and looked at her.
"Is that so?" She said amused.
"N-No that's not what I meant."
"Whatever." Tenten shook her head
"If you were there you'd understand," she began as she started to changed her clothes.
"We sparred and I lost. I told him that I would catch up to him and I was glad that we trained together that day yet his words hurt me and he pretends like he didn't do anything."
"Oh well maybe you should try to make up."
"Yeah right as if he'd even look me in the eyes and apologize back."
"You know never know."
"You're right ya know." Tenten smiled at her as she put her hand on her shoulder.
"Thanks Tenten."

The morning was dreadful yet [Name] pulled her feelings together and decided she'd make up with the boy.
"Good morning Neji." She tried to say as sweetly as possible.
"What do you want?" Her eye twitched as she saw him frown.
"I'm trying to be nice and let it go but you're not helping my case." She said folding her arms.
"If you really want to know why I'm upset with you then-"
They were interrupted by the green blur that ran to them.
"Good morning." Lee smiled brightly earning and smile back from the girl.
"What were you saying?"
"N-Never mind." Tenten soon joined them as they gathered outside of the inn. [Name] stood close to Tenten and watched him from the corner of her eyes.
"He's hiding something." She whispered in her ear.
"I don't know just apologize to him."
"I will I will." [Name] held her hand to her chest and took a deep breath. She walked towards Neji and grabbed him by the collar.
"Let's fight." His dumbfounded expression turned into a cocky one.
[Name] smirked and grabbed his wrist, dragging him into the woods. When they reached a clear area they stood ten feet apart. They awaited for each other to move first.
[Name] took a step forward and darted towards him. Her first punch was easily dodged as they began to attack each other. They blocked each kick and punch as they tried to hit their target.
The girl tripped over her own feet and had herself open to him. Neji smirked and raised his hand to her torso. Just as he was about to hit her she pushed him to the ground and held him there.
"I see you lived up to your promise."
"Damn straight." She watched him close his eyes with an irritated look.
"I made sure I did," [Name] pulled his arm closer to her. "To be honest I looked up to you and what you said that day really hurt me y'know?"
"I'm sorry for what said in the past but it doesn't matter now."
"You took the words right out of my mouth." The girl chuckled and brought her lips to his ear.
"Even to this day I still love everything you do though it doesn't seem so, it's a big upset if you won't return my feelings." She planted a kiss on his cheek and stood to leave.
Neji sat up and watched her walk away. His heart raced as she disappeared into the distance. He held his hand to his heart as his face grew hotter.
"O-Oh god."

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