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I sighed, cleaning off the counter and putting away the pastries. I looked up to see the same boy sitting and staring. I watched as he put his head down against the table. He had been there for three hours and I guess he finally got bored of staring. His hair kept his face hidden.
I prepared him a cup of hot chocolate, pour whipped cream on top delicately.
"Excuse me sir?" I slid the cup in front of him. He raised his head and blinked a few times, his lavender eyes twinkling slightly.
"We're going to close soon you should drink this and get going." He grew confused and turned his head toward the window.
"E-Excuse me?" He turned his head in front of him to the seat across from him. I waved my hand in front of his face getting no reaction.
"I'm sorry miss I wouldn't know where I'd be going." The boy reached out to grab my hand. I tensed as he held my hand.
"What's your name?" I asked him.
"I'm [Name]."
"This may seem weird but can you take me home?"
"I-I don't know where you live.." I kept my eyes on him as he released my hand.
"You can call my cousin." He handed me his phone. I took it hesitantly and unlocked it. The only contact in there read 'Hinata' I guessed someone set this up for him. I tapped the call button and put the phone to my ear.
"Hello?" A soft voice rang through my ears.
"Are you Hinata?"
"W-Who is this?" The timid girl sounded afraid.
"I'm [Name], your cousin has been sitting here for a couple of hours because he can't really go anywhere."
"I'll be there soon." She hung up instantly.
I looked at the boy that had a tear stained face. Had he really been crying while I was on the phone. He tapped the rim of the mug that sat in front of him impatiently.
"I'll be dead before I'll be able to see again." He muttered to himself over and over. The phrase seemed to have a bad affect on him, considering the fact that it made him cry. He found the handle of the mug and lifted it to his lips. He drank the contents silently as if he hadn't been crying.
The bell at the door rang making me look up.
"I'm sorry for leaving you by yourself Neji." The girl that looked almost like him hurried to his aid.
"Y-You see I can't really bring him back. My father doesn't want him to be around after a simple accident." I could tell what the accident was, his forehead was covered in bandages and so were his right hand.
"[Name] can look after me." He suggested making Hinata look at me. My face heated up and I looked away.
"R-Really you'd do that for him." I felt bad so I didn't decline.
"Yeah it's no problem really."

Hinata gave me her number and told me a list of things he liked and disliked. I don't know how it applied to me but I guess it's important. After Hinata departed I helped Neji from the booth. He held my hand within his own and leaned against my shoulder.

I kept him straight on the hallway. I didn't think it'd be this difficult to keep him on track but this boy was super curious.
"[Name] what's this?" Neji touched the door of my apartment.
"It's my door. Come on." I dragged him into my apartment. I cleared a path for him as he felt his way around my apartment.
"I have to use the bathroom." He attempted to twist his head toward me as if he knew where I was.
"I won't help you but you'll have to figure it out yourself."
"What if I pee on the floor." 'You're weird.' Is what I wanted to say but I walked him to the bathroom.
"You can take them off yourself right?"
He nodded as he reached for his pants. I covered my eyes.
"You're not looking are you?" I could hear the smirk that played on his lips.
"How am I supposed to know?" I exited the bathroom as he used it.

After a few moments he stumbled out of the bathroom onto the floor.
"Did you even wash your hands." I covered my mouth as soon as I said it.
"I would if could see." He said laying on his side. He seemed comfortable just sitting there.
"Neji would you like something to eat?"
"No thank you." His stomach growled as he finished his sentence.
"The best I can do is cup ramen."  He grunted in agreement.

"Call me if you need anything." I reached for the lights as Neji snuggled up on the couch in the blanket I gave him.
As I took a step out of the room I heard him cry out.
"Yes?" I peaked in. He was sitting up staring at the wall.
"Sleep with me." He demand turning towards me. My stomach churned as his lavender eyes seemed to glow in the darkness. I turned the lights on and helped him to my room.

When I finally got on my bed Neji snuggled closer to me.
"I wonder what you look like. Too bad I was born this way." He whispered to himself. His hand squeezed my sides as he pulled me closer. I turn to look at his face. His eyes were open with a look of concentration. Veins formed at the side of his head.
"What are you doing?" I asked as his look didn't change.
"I think if I concentrate hard enough I'll be able to see you." After a moment he closed his eyes.
"Did you see anything?"
"No not really. But I imagine that you have [hair color] hair and big [eye color] eyes."
"Nice guess."
I pushed the blankets over him. Hinata said he liked warmth.

"So Neji what's under your headband?"
"N-Nothing. I don't even know what it looks like but it's embarrassing." He reached to cover the headband that protected his forehead.
"I won't judge let me see." He finally gave in and released the headband from his head. It was a scar that held a unique design.
"I won't ask." I kissed his forehead.
"I wouldn't be able to tell you anyway."
He kept his hand on my arm.
"Do it again."
"Do what?"
"Kiss me."
"I didn't mean it like that."
"Unless you want to."
"Shut up!"

♡Neji Hyuga One-Shots♡Where stories live. Discover now