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[Name] groaned as she slowly opened her eyes, feeling a weight on her lap.
Her [eye color] eyes met a ghostly pair and she let out a shriek.
"[Name]." The voice sternly said as she panicked.
"How do you know my name demon?!"
"It's sad you can't even recognize your own teammate in this state." Neji rolled his eyes as the girl froze.
"O-Oh hi Neji." She waved at him. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.
"What brings you here so late?" [Name] sat up.
"I came to ask you a favor." Neji leaned closer to her face making her sit back.
"Which is...?"
"We have to bring Lee and Tenten together." [Name] stopped and processed what he had said.
"We what?" She put her hand on her chin as the spirit in front of her looked determined.
"You heard me. I'll be back in the morning." Neji disappeared before the girl could protest.
[Name] crawled out of bed and went to the bathroom. After returning, she prepared her breakfast and ate slowly. As she put some food in her mouth she felt something tap her shoulder. The girl began to choke on her food as Neji appeared on her table.
"Good morning." He says staring at the girl that struggled. She managed to swallow the food and looked at him in irritation.
"I hope you're prepared to help me."
Neji said triumphantly.
"I'm not doing that."
"Yes you are."
"Hell no."
"Please?" [Name] looked surprised as she never heard him say that word in her life as far as she knew.
"Ugh..fine.." Neji smirked and grabbed the girl's hand within his own.
"This is so weird." She winced as the sunlight attacked her eyes. Neji stopped in his tracks and turned to the girl behind him.
"I can't just go out like this." He whispered half to himself.
"Well cant you just like possess something?" [Name] laughed at her joke. When she looked up she noticed that he was gone. As she turned her head she felt something land on her shoulder. Slowly turning her head, she tried her best not to scream. She came face to face with a squirrel and sighed in relief.
"Aw it looks cuter than you." She cooed making Neji roll his eyes.
"Come's at stake." She heard his voice ring in her head.
"Since when did you care about that stuff." [Name] took him off her shoulder and held him in her palms. When she spotted the two sitting on a bench she stopped walking.
"I don't know if you have a plan or something but I'm gonna go ahead and sit with them." Neji climbed back onto her shoulder, perched on it to watch the scene unfold. 
"Good morning [Name]!" Lee said cheerfully and Tenten waved.
"Mornin'." [Name] squeezes into the small space left on the bench, pushing Tenten closer to Lee.
"Uh [Name] there a squirrel on your shoulder." Tenten pointed at the small animal that stared intensely at her. 
"Oh that's Ne- OUCH WHAT THE HELL!" Neji sank his teeth into the girl's neck making her scream.
"Don't give it away." He hissed before realizing he had been placed in a tree branch by Lee. 
"Are you okay do you need to get it checked out?" [Name] shook her head as she covered the bite mark with her hand.

Neji sighed and left the poor squirrel's body and hid in the bushes. He watch until his attention had been taken away by a small cat. He smiled and went into its body.

"Do you guys wanna do something today?" [Name] asked making Tenten and Lee look at each other.
"Maybe we could go to Ichira- awwww~." Tenten cooed as she saw a cat rub against [Name]'s leg. [Name] only narrowed her eyes at it as it rolled around on her foot and let out a low mewl. She reached down and scooped it up in her arm.
"Why are you so hellbent about this?" [Name] asked the cat making Lee and Tenten look at each other and back at her in confusion.
"Who are you talking to?" Lee asked reaching to let the cat.
"What? Nothing." She rolled her eyes as the cat licked her cheek. Neji stretched out his paws to touch her face making the girl become irritated. He purred as Tenten gently scratched his head.
"Tell them you have to go then we'll see what they do after."
"Or I tell them I have to leave and I actually leave. You can stay." [Name] whispered.
"Aw you weren't like this when we were kids~."
"And you weren't like this when you were alive but here we are." Neji rolled his eyes and looked at the pair who talked to each other.
"Uh Tenten, Lee I have to go. Important stuff." [Name] stood up and place the white cat under the bench.
"Okay I hope we can see you again." Tenten smiles at her which [Name] returned and she disappeared into the distance.
Neji look out from under the bench and his eyes widened when he saw Lee kiss Tenten's cheek, pushing her hair out of face. Neji cheered on the inside and ran in the direction [Name] headed.

When he saw the familiar door he scratched at it and heard footsteps slowly reaching the door.
"What?" [Name] peeked out of the door and looked down at the cat that sat there patiently waving it's tailed. She pushed up her glasses and moved out the way for the cat the enter.
"[Name] this plan was a success."
"Neji they've been together for a month you just didn't visit since before then." The girl pushed hair behind her ear and sat back at her desk. Neji left the cat's body and his ghostly form floated behind her. He watched as she carefully studied a scroll and painted kanji on it. His interest peaked when he saw his name written on it.
"[Name] what's that? I've seen you work on it before." Neji said pointing at the scroll. She kept her eyes on the book in front of her and sighed.
"Don't worry about it."
Neji looked at her then looked back at the scroll. Out of curiosity he reached his hand out and placed it in the middle of the scroll.
"Neji what are you doing don't touch tha-" [Name] blocked her eyes as smoke clouds filled the room. She slowly removed her arms from her face and looked around her room slowly. Nothing had changed. She sighed and put her hand to her chest.
"[N-Name]?" [Eye color] eyes traveled to her left side. Her eyes met a pair of pale lavender that didn't look ghostly as they did before. Her mouth hung open wide as she stared at him. [Name] reached her hand out and placed it on his cheek. She looked at him as his hair shaded his face. She stood up quickly making him flinch. Neji's eyes widened when he felt her pick him up.
"W-What are you doing?!"
"I have to take you to Sakura!" [Name] said as she placed the scroll in his lap and running out of her house.

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