☕️ 彼はより良いです☕️

901 34 0

(He's better.)

Both kunoichi sighed seeing the boys they favored walk by. Sakura looked at the girl next to her with a strange look.
"Whatcha looking at?" [Name] said kicking her legs back and forth over the bench.
"What are you sighing for?" Sakura asked hoping it wasn't over Sasuke.
"The cutest boy I know. Too bad he thinks I'm annoying..." She sighed again with a sad look.
"Well who do you think is cute?" Sakura presses further. She didn't want anymore competition for Sasuke and one that was better than her at fighting at that.
"The strongest genin out there."
"Yeah I know the strongest genin too."
"Neji~." Both girls sighed and then looked at each other.
"What no way not that boy. He's too rude."
"I could say the same about Sasuke." [Name] turned her head and watched the Uchiha walk in the distance.
"Besides, Neji is way better than him at anything."
"Sure and Naruto is gonna become the Hokage." Sakura snickered making [Name] frowned and pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Sasuke is way better. He's a prodigy and he will grow up to be the best shinobi. I know it."
"But you're forgetting Neji is the true prodigy. How many times do I have to tell you Sakura. Your taste in boys is horrible."
Sakura stood up and pointed a finger at her.
"Oh I'll show you that Sasuke is better!"
"Bring it on Sakura!" Both girl's smiled wickedly at each other and ran off in different directions.
"Sasuke-kun!" Sasuke turned his head in the direction of the voice. He only rolled his eyes as Sakura ran to him and grabbed his arm.
"What do you want?"
"It's important!"
"Are you gonna tell me?"
"Just come on."
"Wait a minute." Sasuke tried to protest but was dragged away.
"What is it [Name]?" Stopped his training to look at the girl.
"Aw man I thought I could get you this time." Neji quirked an eyebrow at her but shook away the thought as she stood at his side.
"So I have to prove that you're better than someone."
"I have nothing to prove to anyone." Neji folded his arms.
"Are you sure. By the looks of it, I think you really wanted to spar with Sasuke a few days ago." [Name] elbowed him lightly with a sly smirk.
"And? It's none of your concern."
"Come on. Sakura thinks Sasuke's better than you but I know you can kick that little brat's ass." She shook her fist in the air.
"I want to kick someone else's ass." Neji muttered under his breath.
"There's no time to waste!" Neji thought the girl was Lee for a second. He only obliged and followed her while she pulled his arm.
"Well [Name] you finally decided to show up." Sakura said with a triumphant smile.
"We literally got here at the same time." [Name] retorted pulling Neji's arm closer to her chest.
"Is this seriously what was so important?" Sasuke said with a bored expression. Neji nodded in agreement and looked down at the girl next to him.
"But she said you were better than him!" Both girl's shouted.
"Clearly I'm superior."
"I'm evidently the best."
Sasuke and Neji exchanged looks but brushed off each other's comments.
"Well I bet you can't make Sasuke blush!" A challenge is a challenge. That was Sakura's logic. Sakura frowned and turned to Sasuke. She got on her toes and kissed his cheek. Sasuke only looked dazed and he turned his head with pink  cheeks.
"Ha I win." [Name] shook her head with a smile.
"Oh no you better no- mmph!" [Name] kissed Neji on the lips making his entire face go red. Before he could do anything [Name] pulled away and pushed her hair out of her face.
"I meant like that." She point her thumb at the boy that covered his mouth with wide eyes.
"Now if you excuse me I have to go." [Name] ran past Sakura and Sasuke as Neji chased after her.
"Get back here. I'll kill you!"
"I hope I didn't bother you by that." She turned her head with a blush.
"I wouldn't mind if you did it again." Sasuke said walking away.


Sakura stood with a look of worry as the group of boys scurried around the village.
"Oh Sasuke..."
Just on queue [Name] saw the girl who's head was in her hands.
"Sakura what's wrong? Why is everyone going crazy?"
[Name] sat next to her on the bench.
"Sasuke left the village." She said with sadness in her voice.
They sat in silence.
"I told you you have bad taste in boys..."
"Now's not the time!"

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