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"Watch out!" [Name] tackled the boy to the ground to protect him from the powerful blast.

[Name] coughed harshly, trying to clear her throat of the smoke.
"Neji are you alright?" [Name] covered her mouth. Her voice was deeper and completely different. She looked at down and saw herself blushing.
"What is going on?" He said crawling from under his own body.
"Uhh..." [Name] stood up and ran her hand over her chest. She helped Neji off the ground and looked into the distance.
"Aw man he ran away."
"How are we gonna change back?" Neji put his hands on his face in shock.
"Well I guess you have to deal with my mom and I'll have to deal with your uncle until we find a cure." [Name] shrugged and walked back to the village.
"What do you mean by that?!"
"Neji what are you doing?" Hanabi peaked her head into his room. [Name] had been staring into the mirror giggling at her new body.
"Nothing, go away squirt..."
Hanabi put her fingers on her chin and retreated back to find Hinata.

"Hinata! Neji's acting strange." Hanabi grabbed her wrist.
"What do you mean?" Hinata followed the girl to his room.
"Just look." Hanabi put her finger to her mouth to silence her as she slowly opened his door. Hinata peered in and watched as Neji sat there in front of the mirror. She squinted and saw the weird faces he was making.
"N-Neji?" He stopped and turned his head to her.
"F-Father wants you to get ready for training." She quickly made up the lie and ran back out, taking Hanabi with her.

"I'm sure you two have been practicing, correct?" Hiashi asked the two. Hinata nodded and [Name] just stared at him in boredom.
"Come to think, I don't really feel like it." [Name] yawned and attempted to walk out of the room but was blocked by Hiashi.
"Where do you think you're going young man?" Hiashi squinted his eyes at him.
"Move old man!" She said trying to push past. Hiashi grabbed her by her wrist.
"What has gotten into you?"
"I don't know why don't you find out?" Hiashi groaned and dropped the girl.
"Tenten!" The girl turned her head as she saw [Name] run to her.
"Hey!" Tenten smiled at her.
"Where's [Name]?" Neji asked not even realizing his question.
"Uh right here?" Tenten's confusion grew as the determined look on her face was great.
"N-No where's Neji?" She thought about it for a second.
"Well, he said he was going to look for Naruto bu-"
"Thank you!" Neji ran past her making her confused.
"He went to Lee instead..."

"Hey Lee you wanna hear a joke?" [Name] giggled uncontrollably.
"Sure! I didn't know you liked jokes." Lee said turning his attention to her.
"How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?"
"I don't know how many?"
"TENTACLES!" [Name] burst into laughter and Lee only giggled at the bad joke.
"There you are!" [Name] looked at herself.
"Oh looks like I gotta go." [Name] ran away with Neji chasing after her.
"Get back here!!"
"Neji you're acting different lately. What is wrong with you?" Hiashi asked the boy as he held the tea cup in his hand. [Name] stared at him without saying anything.
"Sorry to interrupt but [Name] is here to see Neji." Hinata let him past her as he joined them.
"Neji we have something important to discuss."
"Sorry old man I'll catch you later." [Name] point finger guns at him and smacked the cup out of his hand making the tea splash on his face. Neji stood in shock. He pulled the girl out of the room as she cackled like a lunatic.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Neji shouted while the girl didn't pay attention. She lifted up the shirt she wore and stared at his stomach.
"Pull my shirt down!" Neji hissed with a red face.
"Oh come on you probably already saw me." [Name] scoffed.
"Unlike you I actually respect others privacy." Neji said folding his arms.
"It's been like three days and you haven't changed? Gross.."
"It's your body." Neji punched her arm.
"And stop braiding my hair!"
"What? Why? It looks cute."
"I hate you.."
"Love you too." [Name] picked up the boy and ran to his room.

"What are you doing?" Neji asked the girl.
"This is gonna be weird.."
"Just shut up."
[Name] places him in his bed and slowly leaned to his face.
"S-Stop.." [Name] placed her lips on his making his face flush. In a flash their minds were back. Neji pulled away and pushed the girl away.
"Let's never talk about this."
"Didn't plan on it."

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