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With a twist.

"[Name] let me walk!" Neji shouted at the girl that ran in a hurry to find Sakura. He couldn't understand why . He felt just fine. At least he thought so.
"Fine but you gotta hold my hand."
"Why?" [Name] kept her mouth shut and put him down. Neji looked down at his feet and sighed. He slowly lifted his head to meet the girl's eyes.
"Come on." [Name] snatched his hand up within her own and began to run.
"W-Wait you didn't answer my question." Neji said trying to get his feet in sync with her own.
"Well I- Oof." The girl ran straight into someone and felt their hand on her head.
"Hey [Name] why are you in such a hurry?" Her eyes widened when she heard Naruto. She stared at him and point to Neji.
"N-N-N-N-Neji!?!" Naruto's face grew pale at the sight of him.
"We don't have time for this go find Lee and Tenten." Naruto nodded and ran past her to find the two.
"LEE!! TENTEN!!!" Naruto's loud voice rang over the streets making Tenten and Lee look up from the scroll she held.
"What is it Naruto?" The two looked up at the boy that leaned over to pant.
"Neji's back!" He screamed. Lee and Tenten jumped up and stared at him wide eyed.
"Where is he?" They both said in unison.
"[Name] took him to see Sakura." Naruto said making them run past him instantly.
"Wait for me!" He shouted as he tried to catch up to them.
"Like I said, we have to give her these set of pi-" Shizune was cut off by a scream.
"What the hell was that?" Sakura said going to the door.
"SAKURAAA!!" She jumped back as the door was kicked open.
"Why are yo- H-HOW?" She pointed a finger at the man that blankly stared at the two that screamed.
"I made a scroll an-"
"N-Neji you're back." [Name] and Neji turned their heads at Hinata and Hanabi.
They two girls jumped on him with hugs. Neji's face held shock as tears formed in his eyes. He pat the girl's back.
"Neji we gotta check you out before you do anything." Sakura pulled him away and  sat him down in a chair. She pulled his arm out and placed two fingers on his wrist, making sure she felt a felt a pulse before putting her ear to his chest to hear his heartbeat.
"You said it was a what?"
"I was writing a scroll to bring him back. It was in its early stages so it wasn't ready so it shouldn't have worked." Neji looked like a lost puppy as they put the stethoscope to his chest.
"Let me see it." Sakura held her hand out as she flashed a light into Neji's eyes. [Name] obliged and placed the scroll in her hand.
"I'll take a look at this scroll, in the meantime, why don't you take Neji somewhere else." Sakura opened the scroll and shooed them away.
"Neji would you like anything to eat?" He only stared at her. It felt weird to him that he could feel- well, be with everyone again. He was in shock to say the least.
"No thank you." He moved closer to the girl making her jump.
"I just want to be with you." He pulled her hand to his chest and leaned his face against her own. [Name]'s face grew hotter but stayed calm as his heartbeat was faint against her hand. His lips brushed against her cheek as he pushed her down under him. The girl pushed his face away as she heard people running their way.
"We've looking all over for you two!" Tenten shouted as she panted.
"What were you doing?" Tenten placed her hand on her hip as she stared at the girl's hand on his chest. [Name]'s face flushed as she looked away, but Neji still leaned for her lips.
"S-Stop it." [Name] whispered and pushed him away.
"Yeah why don't we leave you two alone and we can go to Ichiraku tonight." Tenten grabbed Lee's hand and ran off.

Neji reached his hand to cover the girl's eyes and pressed his soft lips against her own. [Name] kisses back immediately, her hands sliding into his shirt.
"Ah [Name]-chan~." [Name]'s heart raced when her name left his mouth as he pulled away and pulled her hips closer to him. He lowered his head into her ear with a smirk.
"[Name] you make me feel alive~."

[Name]'s eyes shot open and she was greeted with the darkness of her room. A sigh escape see lips as she stood up from her bed and walking to the desk that sat outside of her room. She reached over and picked up the scroll from her desk. It was light in her hand and the binds were a bright red. She slipped on her shoes and ran out of her home. In almost a minute she stood over a grave.
"It's ready. I couldn't wait until the morning it'll be fine though." She said.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to get hurt." The spirit in front of her said with worry in his voice.
"The won't that'll happen is me losing some chakra. But that's the least of my worries. I need you." Neji chuckled as the girl bit her thumb, making it bleed. She spread the scroll across the grave and wrote her name with her own blood, his too. As soon as she finished the marks started to glow.
"Alright. Put your hand in the middle." The girl told him as she placed her hands on each boarder. Neji saw as she forced her chakra into the scroll. He hesitantly reached his hand out and placed it on top of the thin scroll. Neji flinched as [Name]'s chakra made it's way to his hand. His eyes widened as he saw his hand gain it original pale color. He squeezed his eyes shut as the chakra exchange was painful. His eyes opened when he heard the girl cry out. She looked drained of energy but she still forced her chakra into the scroll. Rain started to pour heavily as a mist grew around them, Neji felt it on his face. He stared at his hands as they felt real. He reached his other hand to his face and to his hair. It felt as it did when he was alive. He then fell to his knees and his hand was freed from the scroll. He looked up and saw the girl on the ground out of breath.
"[N-Name]..." He reaches out to touch her face. When his hand was placed on her cheek the girl's [eye color] eyes widened at his touch. She reached up weakly to grab his hand to keep it on her face.
"Are you okay?" He said in a low whisper. He pulled her into his lap and held her close as her breathing calmed.
"Do you want me to take you to Sakura?" He asked as he stood up and held her in his arms. When he looked down she was asleep. He walked to the hospital, to see Shizune of course considering it was late. It be a miracle if Sakura was there too.
"Ah what brings yo- AHHHHH!!" Shizune threw her papers in the air as she saw Neji standing in the door way.
"Hey what's going on here?" Sakura said running out of one of the rooms. She watched the woman pointing her shaky hand at the door. Sakura's eyes trailed towards the door. Her eyes widened when she saw him in holding [Name]. The glass that was in her hand fell and shattered as her jaw dropped when she saw Neji standing in the door, drenched in rain.
"H-How..?" She walked forward to the two. She put her hand on [Name]'s forehead and sighed. Sakura then brought her hand to Neji's cheek and pinched it.
"O-Ouch..." Neji put his hand to his cheek as Sakura took [Name] to another room. Shizune gave Neji a quick check up before writing down her observations on a piece of paper. Neji stood up and started to walk but was stopped by Shizune.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"Why does it matter to you?" He pushed past the poor woman and Tonton let out a sad oink.
He kept his eyes to the ground, until he stopped at the room he saw Sakura take [Name]. He pushed open the door and looked into the dark room. It was only lit by the moon in the window. He went to her side and peered at her sleeping form.
"You're something else. Going that far for me." Neji smiled and brushed his hand against her cheek. He leaned down and kissed her forehead and in response she smiled in her sleep.
"I won't leave your side again I promise." The same smile never left his face.
"Neji wake up." Neji slowly opened his eyes when he felt someone poking his cheek. He looked around and his eyes opened wider. Everyone he ever knew was standing there with smiles and tears.
Neji turned his head when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"I only lost half my chakra and I got a nose bleed but it's worth it if it meant bringing you back." [Name] gave Neji a big smile while he smiled back.
"Thank you." He pulled her hand to his chest and sighed.

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