High school <one>

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I rake my hands through my hair as I look down at my notes. I start to get the overwhelming feeling that I was stupid, that I shouldn't be in the top math class. I was constantly stressed like this, it usually comes when my teacher works through a problem and I have no idea how to proceed. I look up at the board to make sure I have everything from the teacher, she turns and looks around the room. As her eyes sweep the class room she suddenly stops in the middle, I follow her gaze and stop on a sleeping girl. The new girl, that only started to go to our school today, had her head in her arms on the desk. 

"Don't write this down anyone." My teacher says. She starts writing down a crazy problem with stuff I have never even seen before. I start to feel a little dumb again, but it quickly subsides as I see everyone sharing the same expression to me. As my teacher finishes the problem on the board she turns around and yells the girls name. 

"Lisa!" She yells. "Wake up and finish the problem on the board!" The girl moves her head up and looks at the board. After about 5 seconds she still hasn't even changed the expression on her face. Her eyes dart around the board reading the problem over and over again.

"See if you-" My teacher starts, but Lisa interrupts. 


"What?" My teacher says incredulously. 

"The answer, x equals 27," Lisa says simply, the same expression on her face. "Check a calculator if you don't believe me." 

My teacher dropped her face and grabbed the calculator on her desk. After a few seconds of punching in numbers she looked up with a surprised face. 

"That's correct." Everyone started wowing and congratulating Lisa. I stare as she simply glances around at the people around her, giving small nods and grins. 

"How did you know how the do that?" My teacher asked as my class started to calm down again. 

"I already finished this class. I was supposed to go onto Calculus 2 I think, not this." Lisa runs her hands through her hair as she kept her aloof expression on. "This class is way behind what I already have done."

"Wow. I didn't learn that till college." My teacher says. "Well I can look into getting your schedule changed if you would like."

"Thank you so much miss." Lisa's face broke into a wide grin.

"Wow, nerd much?" The most popular guy in school, Oh Sehun, says.

"Wow, dick-bag much?" Lisa says back. Everyone erupts into laughs, but falls quiet when Sehun got up and walked over. He stood in front of her and directed her to stand up. She followed and didn't break his stare. she looked up, he was so much taller than her, than everyone for that matter. His hand moves up to her face, with his index and for finger he held her chin up even more. He moved closer, being only centimeters away from her face. She smirks and for a moment I thought she would play along with him, but just a second later she has grabbed his arm and twisted it behind himself.

"You want to try that again tough guy?" Lisa holds his arm behind his back, not letting the boy go as he grunts I pain. I see my teacher smirk as Lisa lets go of the boy, sitting back into her chair calmly.

"Sehun, it looks like you got some competition." My teacher says as the boys stood up, and everyone chuckles from her words.

"If she ain't a hoe he doesn't have competition 'cause he's the main fuck-boy." Someone across the room says. Everyone starts laughing, I couldn't help but let out a chuckle myself. 

"Fuck-boy, eh?" Lisa asks Sehun. 

"Yeah, you gotta problem with that?" Sehun asked and leans over her desk, resting his hands against the edge of the desk.

"If you ain't a player, you ain't my enemy." She says, not backing down. He smirks menacingly, I expected her to get shy, but she smiled back with the same effect. 

"Tomorrow?" He asked her with no context, making everyone else confused.

"7 or 8?" Lisa asked after nodding her head slightly. 

"8 is probably best." Sehun responds. She grabs his arm, takes her pen and write something on it. 

"Deal." She says simply. Sehun gets up and after patting her head slightly sits down at his desk.

"Can anyone tell me what just happened?" The teacher asked. "I still don't get some teenager language stuff." 

"I don't think anyone understood that but them." A girl across the room said. We all started laughing as the teacher started class again. 

The bell rang and we all rushed out. Most of the girls started crowding around Sehun and Lisa. Sehun's arm was around Lisa's waist, pulling her toward him. I went out and couldn't help but look down the hallway toward them. I caught myself staring at the tall girl. She looked perfect. Her hair fit her so well and her face shape was perfect. It was slender and defined. Her tight shirt and skinny jeans showed off her perfect body. While talking to some of the people around her she started laughing, her smile lighting up the hallway. Even though I wasn't attracted to her I could realize she was very beautiful. I turned away quickly and walked down the familiar hallway to my next class. I sat near the window and looked out at the track. Some of the gym class was already out there but no one caught my eye. I turned back to the classroom as the bell rang and everyone found their seat. The teacher came in and she started class but my focus was directed away to the window.

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