Hybrid <eight>

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Once Junhui left my new room I walked over and locked the door, hoping it wasn't a fake lock. All of this didn't make any sense to me. Of course Junhui did say he wasn't like other masters, but I don't even know what that means. He helped other hybrids, but what if them three are all going to turn their backs and hurt us. To be honest I just didn't want the other two hybrids, Mingyu and Jeonghan, to get hurt. I was used to abuse, the only thing they had gone through is an apparent beating and living on the streets.
I put my hand back up to my neck, this was the first time in probably years that I could feel the skin on my neck. There were scratches from the metal, and it was probably red and ugly, but I could finally feel my neck. I sighed as I started walking over to the door Junhui said was a closet door. I opened it slowly, seeing a huge walk in closet behind the white door. The closest thing I ever had to a room before was a cement cell with a rusted old grey bed in the corner. I was usually held up in basements, sometimes shacks outside. It made me think, maybe Junhui is different than the other men.
"No, don't trust him." I whispered to myself. I opened a little dresser in the closet and grabbed out a black t-shirt, grey sweatpants and boxers. I couldn't trust him, no matter what. Mr Byun and Mr Park were terrified of him, he said it was an act but you have to be pretty good to get them two scared like that. He was probably lying the whole time, something to get me to like him then he uses me and breaks me. That would make sense, but then why would he take off my collar, he knows I can shift into a full panther, he said it himself he doesn't want me to kill him. But he didn't even know what I was till I told him, so how did he know I was a shifter. So many things didn't match up, it was making my brain hurt from all the thinking.
I just shook all the thoughts away and walked into the bathroom, it was a pretty big bathroom. There was a shower as well as a tub to take baths in, the sink was a bigger size and the counter was huge. There was a mirror above the sink, stretching from one end of the wall to the other. I gazed at myself, but I could barely tell if it was me or not.
My long black hair covered my eyes, my black ears stood tall. My face was much more angular and sharp, my eyes also sharp. I didn't have a shirt on so my chest was a on full display. The black and grey spots that ran down my shoudlers were much more noticeable than last time. My chest was stronger, as well as my arms. I leaned forward to see my neck, there were red scratches but nothing huge. But there were a few bruises forming. I couldn't even recognize myself, it wasn't much of a surprise though, the last time I looked in a mirror was when I was maybe 14 years old.
As I started to get ready for my shower I thought back to those times, when I was younger is China. My family was really excepting when I was born as a hybrid. They protected me from the people that wanted to hurt me. Growing up I didn't have control over my shifting powers, so my parents put a button in my room that I could click with paws and they would know I turned. I was homeschooled, it was for the best as not only it kept me safe, it saved money for us.
I stepped into the shower and started the water, it was cold at first, but it slowly warmed up and I was able to get it at a temperature I liked. It felt nice to finally clean my body, I haven't been able to take a real shower in a while. I have been forced into showers, but those all ended in being forced to have shower sex. I shuttered at the thought, I didn't want to think about all of that. Junhui said he wanted to save me, hopefully that stays true. I don't want to ever have to be forced into sex again.
I had been taken from my home when I was only 14, shipped here to Korea for literal sale. I have been abused and harrassed since I was only a teenager. I wish they went easy on me when I was younger, but that was when I got the worst treatment. Men and woman both used me till I couldn't move. Used me till I literally collapsed. I was a child and I wanted to go home. That's my wish before I die, to be able to go back home and see my parents again, to know they are safe and to show them that I am okay.
After washing my body thoroughly and washing my hair twice I finally felt clean enough to step out of the shower. The black towel on the hanger was one of the softest things I have ever felt, and I noticed that the sweatpants as well as shirt and boxers were all brand new, still having the small tags on them. Junhui bought all those new clothes just for me? Maybe not all of them are new, some may be old ones that don't fit him anymore.
As I got changed I started thinking of just Junhui. How he looked so intimidating and scary when in the warehouse, but in the car looked so calm and caring. He looked so happy when I started talking, he really wanted to know me it seemed. He was so soft whenever he touched me. He was gentle when taking off my gag, when he held my wrist to unlock my handcuffs he was so light. Even when he grabbed the collar he was careful not to pull and hurt me. I have to admit I was maybe the slightest bit attracted to him. Not only because he was so gentle, but he also was very attractive. The other men who have bought me have usually been at least ten years older than me, he seemed to be my age. In the warehouse Junhui almost looked like royalty with his hard expression and nice outfit. In the car he of course still looked so nice but he also was so calming that his appearance wouldn't matter.
I had to literally shake my head a few times to stop thinking of my current owner. I had changed into my sweatpants and shirt. The shirt was a bit big, it showed a little more of my collar bones and shoulders than normal. My black tail swished in the air as I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was slicked back between my ears and I could fully see my face. I see the 14 year old boy in there somewhere. It was behind the sharp face and dark eyes, but he was there, in the nose and lips. He was still there, I could still hold on to that ounce of innocence. I remembered Junhui saying something about ointment for my neck, so I crouch down on the ground and open a cabinet door. I open a little drawer in there and see anti-bacterial cream for my scratches. I grab it as well as a small roll of gauze to wrap up my neck, hopefully helping it heal.
As I spred on the cool gel I sigh at the feeling. The hot water of my shower and scrubbing I did opened some of the small wounds, and the ointment automatically calmed down the stinging. After everything was covered I wrap a small amount of gauze on my neck, I didn't want to get ointment everywhere nor get myself infected.
After I cleaned up the bathroom and walked out and put my dirty clothes in a hamper I found in the closet. I finally fully looked around the room and took everything in. The bed was in the far corner of the room, a matching white desk with a large lighted mirror in front of it. The closet and bathroom were on the same wall but on the other bare wall there was a book shelf filled with random books. I didn't bother looking at them, they most likely will all be in Korean anyways. There were a few paintings around, probably just to make the dark blue walls less boring, but I found it comforting. I walked over to the gueen sized bed. The comforter and sheets were a matching black set. The pillows a mix of black, white, and some patterned ones.
I felt over the covers, the soft linen flowing under my fingers. They felt brand new, never used. I sat down on the mattress and smiled widely, automatically laying down. I unconsciously started purring when I felt how soft and comfortable the bed really was. It wasn't too bouncy nor too stiff. I grabbed a large pillow and curled around it, purring as I felt myself start to get increasingly tired. I haven't slept much, since I have been locked in a metal cage for at least a week, I could barely catch a wink of sleep.
As I was just about to fall into deep sleep a soft knock was heard at my door. I almost completely forgot where I was, but Junhui's smooth voice reminded me of everything.
"Minghao, my friends just left." Junhui's voice was quiet and slightly muffled. "I'm going to cook us some food, do you want me to make a plate and bring it too you, or do you want to come down and eat with me?" I didn't respond for a second, I felt like he would want me to eat with him, but I don't know if I want too. I opened my mouth by my raging stomach gurgled at the thought of food, which helped me make up my mind.
"I'll eat with you." I got up and put the soft pillow back where it was. I walked over to the closet to grab a sweatshirt to wear as I heard Junhui talk more.
"Okay, I'll be in the kitchen downstairs." I heard him walk away and I sighed a little. Junhui was so nice and thoughtful, but I was still cautious. Even though no one has ever tried this on me, a woman did do something close. She said she only wanted me for work, even though that was a huge lie.
The sweatshirt I chose was much bigger than I thought. The sleeves ran all the way past my hands and the torso reached a little past mid-thigh. I could feel it bunch up at where my tail snuck out of my lower back, so I simply pulled it over it. I didn't even mind, it was so comfortable and I felt warm instantly. I smiled to myself once again as I walked over to the door and unlocked it. I opened it and slowly walked down the hallway to the stairs. I was still so much in awe of Junhui's house. I have been in big houses, but have never been able to enjoy them as I was pushed and shoved till I was in the old basement. Junhui's home was one to enjoy fully. The main colors were white, black, and blue. The leather couches and fine chairs looked so regal in the main living room. There was a simple striped blue carpet on the polished hardwood floor, the lights hung down in two small black chandeliers, lighting the room with a white light. The windows on the side of the room also allowed a lot of light into the room. The windows stretched floor to ceiling, as the living room ceiling reached the  full height of the house. I walked over to the large windows and  gazed outside. Even though Junhui lived in the city he lived in a more wooded area, his backyard had a small patio and then a big grassy area.
I was snapped out of my gaze as I heard pans moving on top of each other in the kitchen. I forgot where I was once again. It was like I was a little kid again, everything was captivating me like it was the first time I was seeing the world. As I walked over to the kitchen I unconsciously started fiddling with the sleeves of the huge sweatshirt. I suddenly felt nervous again, like it was when I first met Junhui. If he does anything close to dangerous I'll shift, I won't let myself get caught up in this anymore.
I walked into the kitchen to see Junhui at the stove cooking something with a few pans on the burners. I looked around the room as he was busy cooking. It was like the rest of the house, white and black dominating the walls, cupboards and island. The island was huge, there were chairs on one side making a small bar, and the other side was filled with cabinets fills with cooking supplies. The top was marble, the finish glossy, reflecting the small bowl of fruit that lay on top perfectly.
Junhui turned around and finally spotted me, but he didn't seem phased even though I was pretty sure he didn't even know I was there.
"I forgot to ask, is there anything that you don't like?" Junhui grabbed a few more ingredients out of the fridge and went back to cooking. I shook my head before I remembered he is turned away from me.
"Not really, anything is fine." I heard him hum in reply and I smirked to myself. I sat down as I stared at the man infront of me. He still had his off-white shirt and black slacks on, but the sleeves were rolled up and the top button was undone. The shirt was slightly more bunchy at the waist as it was still half tucked, the collar just as messy.
My ears twitched and my tail started swaying and flicking as I watched Junhui cook. He was so smooth on how he moved, his broad shoulders sway as he stirred ingredients together. He moved his hands in expert ways. He picked up things and put them down without even looking. I wondered how long he had been cooking, and I started speaking without my mind.
"How long have you been cooking?" My mouth spoke without my brain, but I liked how I didn't wait. It was a final sign that I was actually comfortable and safe. Usually my instincts would kick out what I was saying, but because I felt safe I didn't have to stop from talking.
"Pretty much my whole life I think." Junhui paused but I could tell he wanted to say more. "Would you like to know more about me?"

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