Hybrid <nine>

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Junhui turned around to me and gave me a small grin, he still had a spoon in hand but he made sure not to drip food anywhere. I really did want to get to know him, he seemed so trustworthy.
"Sure, I am living with you now." I smiled at him, and I saw his grin grow into a large smile that reached his eyes. My ears twitched and my tail started flicking faster, I leaned forward showing him he has my attention. He turned around and went back to cooking while he still talked to me.
"Well, let's start at the beginning. I actually grew up with a family that treated hybrids like shit. We even had one that was pretty much our butler." He spoke smoothly and I was surprised with his words. "The worst part of it was that he wasn't that much older than me, only by a few years. I grew up actually being his friend, and he is the one that taught me too cook. Since my parents worked till around 7, when dinner was served, I was able to help cook with Hyungwon till they came home."
"His name was Hyungwon?" I asked more about the hybrid, Junhui spoke about him with admiration.
"Yep, he was a red fox hybrid. He was so much fun but also slightly awkward at times." Junhui giggled as he though of his old friend. "But it all went to shit when I was about 14. My parents came home early one Saturday, around 3 in the afternoon. Since I had helped him with the chores we were done and we were playing in the living room. We were joking around and laughing but when my parents found us they were livid. They figured out everything right then and there and threw me out, quite literally." I gasped and sat up, I didn't think Junhui would have to go through that. How did he end up being like this if he was thrown out when he was 14?
"I didn't want to burden my friends, their own families were struggling so I decided to go on my own. I got a job, lived in an alley and tried to finish highschool. I don't think anyone thought I could but I finished that hell with a full ride to the biggest college in South Korea. I ended college with enough money to buy a house and also a guaranteed job as a manager in a business not too far from here. I barely ever spent any of my money, I saved up everything I could." Junhui paused from his story to turn around and start to get out plates for us. As he plated the food and I heard the rest of his story, I had even more admiration for the man. "My entire life I didn't want to spend any of it, in case I could save another hybrid. That's why when I heard of you I worked so hard to make a name for myself. I wanted to save hybrids from horrible life like that. When people kept talking about you I knew you were the one I had to save." I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes. Junhui really did care, he was so much different than other people. He himself had been through so much, and he knew he had to help others.
I looked down at the plate Junhui gave to me my hair falling infront of my face so be didn't see me cry. Even though I trusted him, I couldn't show him weakness, it was an instinct. Show weakness, and people will abuse it, I had learned that pretty quickly.
"To this day I keep thinking of Hyungwon, if he is alright. I was forced out right after my parents screamed at me, I hope they didn't do anything to him. I wish I could see him again, he was on of my best friends back then."
"I can help you find him someday." I wasn't near crying anymore so I looked up at the man infront of me again. His plate of food sat on the table infront of him but he still stood, glaring at the food. "I want to help you find him. Back in China I was pretty much a master with computers and finding people was always pretty easy. It's been a while since I even touched one but I could still try."
"That reminds me, I need to buy you a phone." Junhui's previously hard and stern glare dropped to a soft grin when he looked at me. That's when it snapped in my brain, Junhui hid his other emotions with the sweet and caring outside. Even with his friends in the car, I could tell he was mad but he hid it behind care and softness towards me.
"A phone?" I cock my head to the side as I furrow my brows at him.
"Of course." He grabbed his plate and put it at the stool one away from the one I sat on. "I have to go back to work and I don't think you just want to be bored around here all day. So tomorrow after work I'll make sure to stop and buy you a phone. That way you can also call me and text me if there is something wrong." He moved around and sat down at the island. He was a stool away from me, so he wasn't that close to me.
"Thank you, Junhui." I looked down at my plate and finally grabbed some food. Right as it touched my tastebuds I started purring. I hadn't eaten anything in what felt for forever. I was probably under weight and Junhui's food tasted so good. I didn't eat quickly, I wanted to savor it all.
"You can just call me Jun if you would like. My friends all just call me that." I looked over to see Junhui eating just like me. He glanced over and have me a smile, and I couldn't help but start giggling a little. I could tell he could be serious and scary, but instead he was so cute and soft. He almost reminded me of a kid.
"Jun," I tested out his name, "after dinner, would you like me to help clean up?" There wasn't tons of dishes but there were a few pans that he used to cook. There was also a cutting board as well as our own plates.
"Oh, it's fine, I can do that." Jun passed off my question nonchalantly. "I know you are probably really tired so after dinner you can just go to bed or something. You can do whatever you would like."
I nodded my head and went back to eating. I was super tired and I totally just wanted to curl up into my new bed and sleep for days. At that thought a smirked a little and finished my food. Junhui was finished right after me and he took my plate from in front of me after he saw I was done.
"Would you like more?" Junhui put his own plate in the dishwasher but held mine out toward the food that still was held in the pans.
"No, thank you, I'm going to bed." I stood and stretched my back, my arms held up over my head. I heard my back crack a little but I was able to stretch out my tired muscles.
"Well goodnight, I hope you sleep well. When you wake up I will probably be gone to work. I will arrive back home around 6 or so. Like I said you can do whatever you like, I would just reccomend you don't go outside." Jun started putting food into tupperware to put in the silver fridge. "Well, you can go out back. That whole wooded area back there till you hit a metal fence is land I own, you can go out and explore or whatever you would like."
"What if you came back and I am gone? What would you do?" The question just slipped off my rough toungue without thinking. Of course, I never even thought of leaving. Jun was so nice and this is the most care I have felt in years.
"Well, that would be your choice to leave. But it is hard to live out there on your own, just keep that in mind if you do choose to leave." His response left me speechless. He really wouldn't force me to stay, he isn't going to not let me outside. He gave me advise, he really did want to help me. He didn't want to use me at all, he just wanted to help.
Without another word I turned and walked back to my room. As I was walking down the hallway upstairs I looked into a room that was closed when I got here, I just didn't notice it was open when I walked downstairs. It was a fully black and white room, neat just like the rest of the house. It looked close to my room, but the bathroom looked just a tad bit bigger. The window at the other wall was huge, going from one wall to the other. It was facing the sunrise, but right now the sun was setting, so the sky only looked a tad bit dark. My own room has a couple large windows as well, that were facing the sunset.
I realised this was Jun's room and finally walked out of the room to my own. The more I stayed awake the more tired I felt. I dragged my feet to my room and shut the door.
With a yawn I pull off the huge sweatshirt and layed it on the edge of the bed frame. I moved some pillows out of the way and finally layed down under the covers. I was automatically surrounded by warm, soft, cuddly blankets. I started purring and even grabbed a pillow to hug to my chest. Before I could realize it, I was already falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2019 ⏰

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