High school <three>

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I was shook awake. I slowly opened my eyes to see about seven boys around me. They were younger then Sehun but to me they still looked intimidating. When I opened my eyes fully and moved my hand up to my temple they sighed in relief. I groaned as the bright light of the sun was blinding me, not helping my head ache in the slightest.

"Thank god you're okay." A boy with longer hair said. 

"When I saw you, I was pretty worried you were dead." One of the boys said, he was a little shorter than the rest. I groaned and tried to get up on my own. With the help of three of the boys I was able to slowly sit up. 

"Wait right here. I'll go get Junhui, he's better at treating cuts and stuff than us." Another said, some others tried to help me up, but once I was standing I wasn't able to stay standing. I kept swaying and without the first boy grabbing me I would probably be on the ground again.

"Come on." He moved toward a table. "Sit down for a bit." I gladly obeyed and sat down. We looked over at the door as about 6 more boys came in. I looked around at all of them, 12 in all. One boy came up to me and crouched down. His hand went up and his finger gently touched the side of my lip that was cut. I flinched back, making a small noise. 

"Don't hurt the poor boy more Jun!" A small boy said. 

"I'm not." The boy besides me, Junhui, I guessed, said. "Do you think you can stand and walk? If not we can carry you." The question was aimed at me. 

"Uh," I found myself blank for a moment. "I don't think I can walk very well, but....." I said in a quiet voice. 

"Don't worry," Jun's hand was suddenly on my cheek, his fingers in my short hair. "I'll carry you. Get on my back." He commanded and helped me stand up slowly. He turned around waiting for me to get on him. I was about to but hesitated. 

"But, what if someone sees." I say quietly. Everyone makes a noise, probably about to tell me how cute I am.

"You're so cute." The tallest one there said. I put my hand on Junhui's back, I was swaying again.

"If someone sees, they'll have to be the dumbest people alive to say something when there are 12 other guys around you." Junhui says, his hand went up and grabbed mine on his shoulder, he still hasn't turned around. Making up my mind, my legs starting to shake helping my decision, I put my other hand on Junhui's shoulders and jumped on. He held me up by my thighs, just before my knees, as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I start to feel faint again and find my head dropping on Junhui's shoulder. Before I was completely out I heard Junhui's soothing voice. 

"Nothing is going to happen to you anymore." Before I could even process that he was speaking Chinese, I passed out. 

I woke up to a room that I didn't recognize. I looked around, the whole room was gray, it had a small white desk in the corner and what looked like a walk in closet on the other side. I was in the corner opposite of the door on a king sized bed. I looked over at the door as it opened and Junhui walked in. 

"Oh, good, your awake." He says simply. "You were out the whole time I walked home." 

"Wait, you carried me here?" I ask, I sat up and moved to where I was leaning on the wall behind me. Junhui walked up and put a small bowl, with what looked like bandages inside, on the bedside table. 

"Well, yeah. We got you to my locker, fixed up the scratches and such then I carried you home as the boys stayed at school." He said in a calm tone. 

"Wait, you skipped school? You didn't have to do that, now you'll be in trouble-" I started saying in a frantic but still small voice. 

"I don't care," Junhui's voice was sterner now and his eyes were no longer wide with compassion, but set with protectiveness. "Someone hurt you so bad you couldn't even stay awake. I wasn't going to leave you with that damned nurse. And I wasn't going to just sit in the hallway with you, you needed to rest so I took you home." Junhui says, his voice was strong and I felt small in his gaze. I looked down to fidget with my hands but my vision suddenly went black. 

"Woah," I said softly and held my head. I took a shaky breath and tried to clear my vision with blinking but it was a slow process. 

"Hey, lay down. You're still not at full health you need to rest." Junhui helped me lay down again, very slowly since my back was very sore. He switched out a bandage that was on my head, but as he was doing so his hand stopped. He laid his palm on my forehead then brought it up to his own. 

"Of course you have a fever. No wonder you passed out so easily, you're sick too." Junhui says in a sweet voice. I groaned, earning a look from Junhui. 

"That means I can't go home doesn't it." I ask, I already knew he was going to nod his head yes, so it didn't surprise me when he did. 

"I want you to stay until your fever is gone but also until your not in pain when you walk and such." Junhui finished fixing my bandages. "You'll have to tell your parents you are staying at a friends place for the next four maybe five days." 

"Yes, sir." I said in a joking voice. I saw Junhui hesitate then smile. He had a pretty smile, it was sincere and didn't look forced. I chuckled groggily at myself. 

"Get some rest, Minghao." Junhui says as he walks out the door. I didn't even have time to think about how he knows my name, or why he keeps speaking Chinese. I fell asleep, in Junhui's warm bed, and soft scent.

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