High school <six>

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"You should sing," Junhui starts to say in Chinese. I could hear some boys make confused noises but ignore it. "Just pretend I'm the only one here."
"But it will still be embarrassing, I'm not good, really." I say back, I must my face down and look his his hands on my wrists. They were strong but didnt hurt, I tried to get my hands out of his grip but Junhui holds my hands tighter. He switches both of my hands to one of his and holds them against his chest, his ither hand grabbed my chin softly. 
"You won't know if it will be embarassing if you don't try, believe me when I say we have all tried to sing, and half of us failed miserably. You can't be worse than some of us." Junhui says through a soft smile. I was lost in his eyes for a second but could still hear his words. I didnt break his eye contact as I thought it through.
"Okay, but I don't know which song." I said in Korean. My soft voice somehow carried around the room. All the boys cheer, and I finally turn my face away, again not wanting to do it. Those few seconds with only Jun in my vision made me forget they were there.
"Hey, no making sound, alright?" Junhui says to them, then turns to me again. "Any song is fine, one of us will probably know it." I nod my head slowly, not really knowing how my voice will sound. I was already extremely nervous as well as not the best at singing. But I still try to think of the start of a song that I really like. When it finally came to me I grinned and started singing automatically.
I closed my eyes as the words spilled out of my mouth without even trying. I have always lived the song since it was so soft and pretty. My voice was extremely shaky, but after a few seconds it diminished.
As I sang I suddenly could hear another voice that complimented mine. I looked up and saw Junhui smiling as he sung with me. His boice was higher then mine and soft as well. We both were singing perfectly and I could hear the shake in my voice go away. Jun calmed me down completly. We sung in unison, never breaking eye contact. All the other boys were silent, so I almost forgot they were there again.
When the song ended all the boys were silent, I started to get nervous. Junhui had let got of my wrists and I was about to cover my face again but stopped when a deep voice cut through the silence.
"Are you gay?" I looked up quickly and found the boy. He had short black hair, a hard face, and glasses.
"Yeah, same. Cause I think you just turned me gay." Another boy that had a younger face said. Most of them chuckled and agreed.
"W-wha-what?" I asked shyly. I looked over to the next boy who spoke.
"Actually, got to say..." Junhui started to say, dragging out his sentence. My eyes go slightky wide as I stared at him, sadly ths ither boys cuaght it and started erupting again.
"Ah, Minghao is all surprised!"
"He looks so cute when he blushes!"
"Jun is already gay for him and now Minghao is gay for him as well!"
"Oh come on Jun, he can't turn you gay if youre already gay."
"Yeah, unless he just furned you into mega'gay."
"So, he is equal with Mingyu now?"
"Yeah, they are the equivalent to Mingyu and Wonwoo now."
"How are they equivalent to us, they are gay for each other and its obvious."
"Yeah, just like its obvious that you and Mingyu are gay for each other."
Multiple boys start yelling over each other, and suddenly Junhui and I weren't the focus. Junhui suddenly tapped my shoulder, but right after I heard his voice very close to my ear.
"You really were great." his breath tickled my skin. "And about the gay thing, I think I already know the answer." He pulled away and I looked him in the eye. His eyes were soft and there was a soft smile on his lips, I felt my face heat up when I looked at his lips. I looked down at my hands and covered my face. Junhui let out a laugh and put his head on mine, leaning on me. Suddenly there were a small eruption of 'aww's that slowly started to grow. I look and see everyone staring at me again, I look down at my hands and notice Junhui's hand near mine. Without thinking I reach out and grab it. As I started playing with it softly Jun still didnt pick up his head, he just turned it to see what I was doing. 
"What the hell." one of the boys said. "He is so freaking cute." I quickly stop and don't look up, but I felt Junhui move besides me.
"Stop being so shy, you will warm up to them, I promise." He said in Chinese slightly closer to my ear.
"Will you two stop speaking in Chinese? I'm starting to get really confused." A boy with a very pretty face said.
"Okay, I can speak two other languages." I say in Japanese without thinking. I giggle and civer my mouth with my hand at there faces and continue. "Okay, what about English?" Two boys perk up and smile.
"Are you fluent?" The boy with a pretty face said. I nod in response and they both look at each other in a smile.
"This is great. How can you speak four languages? I know we can speak two but I feel like I would start to combine everything into one." The other boy said quickly.
"Yeah, I do that sometimes. I once in class started speaking Japanese and everyone including myself was confused." As we laugh, I look around to see everyone looking at us with confused faces.
"Can you go back to Korean please? I'm really confused." A boy that hasn't spoken yet said.
"Minghao?" I turn and look at a boy on the couch that had a soft face and pretty skin. His hair was blond and on the longer side, but too long. It framed his face perfectly. "How about you join this little group and become our 13th member?"
"Yeah, that would be great." Junhui says. I smile softly and nod my head.
"He only agreed so he can stay with Jun!" Someone yelled and everyone started laughing loudly. I look at Jun to see him roll his eyes and I couldn't help but smile.
"Of course I am, I don't know anyone else do I?" I yell at all of them, so I could be heard. "I mean, he is the only one I know that name of, first of all. And second of all, he literally carried me out of school just to find out he has to deal with me for like four more days."
"We should go around and say all out names and what we do, rap or sing, I mean. That way he knows us." The shorter boy with pink hair said.
"Are you just going to skip over the fact that Minghao has to stay here for four more days, and that coincidentally lines up with Juns family being gone?" The boy with wire rimmed glasses said.
"Yeah, they could do the deed and nobody would know." Another boy said, everyone laughed once more and this time I rolled my eyes and Jun got shy.
"Oh my gosh, Jun was thinking about it too!!" A boy said with a little sass in his voice. I look over when Junhui grabbed my middle and buired his face in my chest.
"Oh how the tables have turned." I whisper and start petting his head. I then turned to the whole group. "You say it like it would be terrible."
"I said it cause he is gonna take your verginity." The boy said back.
"Who said it would be my first time?" Jun shot up and put one leg on one side of me on the chair and the other on the ground. His left hand grabbed my cheek while the other supported him by my head. Everyone went silent at his sudden movement. I stayed still, just staring into his eyes. He smirked and slowly went forward, past my face to my ear. As he passed my cheek he left a ghost of a kiss there.
"To bad you're sick or I may have been all over you." He smoothly said in Chinese. I smirk and shift slightly so I could whisper in his ear.
"I'm a fast healer." I whisper and as I pull away a put a soft kiss on his cheek as well. I was smooth enough to pull away like nothing happened. Jun smiled and chuckled, shaking his head slightly. He pulled away and ran his hand through his hair.
"I should get you upstairs, you are sick and you need rest." He said in Korean.
"Okay, then Jun will get right back down and explain what the fuck just happened." Another boy said.
I smirk and start to get up, but I forgot about my current state and my eyesight went black. I grunted and start to stumble forward but someone caught me and pulled me up. My eyesight starts to clear and Jun put his hand to my forehead.
"Your fever is down but your still warm, come on. Just get on my back." He turns around and I gladly jump on. He starts walking toward the stairs and I could hear the boys either start talking or bid us good-bye.

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