Hybrid <three>

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The three boys were just about to leave the pet shop when Jeonghan grabbed Seungcheol's wrist. He had filled put the papers for the buy and payed the money with a check. Jun grabbed the bag filled with stuff that was for Jeonghan, even though only a few things in there would be useful.
"Wait, shouldn't I hide my ears and tail?" Jeonghan looked out the window with anticipation but with also small fear.
"You don't have too, but if you would feel safer that way you can. I think the only thing others would do is just stare a little." Seungcheol put a hand on Jeonghans shoulder, looking him in the eye.
"I'll let them be but hide them later if I don't like it." Jeonghan nodded as he looked at the taller. He gave a smile and they started walking again. Jun swung the bag around, not really caring about the contents since they were all not going to be used anyway.
"Would you like to get something to eat?" Wonwoo asked Jeonghan but he shook his head.
"No thanks, I maybe could eat something at your house but I am fine right now." Jeonghan and Seungcheol walked close together and it seemed Jeonghan didn't even notice the rude glares from the people passing by. Seungcheol noticed all of them though, and before he realized it he put an arm around Jeonghans shoulders, a way to protect him. "Out of curiosity, what does your house look like?"
"I live in an apartment just down the way." Seungcheol answered. "It has two rooms, two bathrooms one living room and a full kitchen. You can take over the spare room. It is sorta bare right now but at some point we can go out and you can choose some stuff to decorate."
"Thank you, Seungcheol." The boys had already told Jeonghan their names while in the shop. "Do you two have hybrids as well?"
"We will in the next two days." Wonwoo looked back at Jeonghan. "We planned these days together so we can all go out and get our own Hybrids, but in all different places."
"Yeah, tomorrow is Wonwoo, then on Sunday its me." Jun now said.
"Can I go with you guys?" Jeonghan automatically looked at Seungcheol, who still had his arm around him.
"I don't think that would be best." Wonwoo answered. "Tomorrow we are going to a pound, they treat hybrids terribly. I wanted to go there because I know for a fact they kill Hybrids when they run out of room."
"That's terrible!" Jeonghan gasped and put a hand over his mouth. "Well, what about on Sunday." He stopped walking so the men also stopped and turned toward each other
"That will be terribly worse I am afraid." Jun voice was sympathetic, he didn't want to dicourage Jeonghan, but he still told the truth. "We are going to a auction to bet on a hybrid that has been abused multiple time over. I have someone coming with us to bet with us on him."
"How did you get him?" Seungcheol didn't know anything about the man going to the auction.
"Jinhun? Well, since I don't actually know what the hybrid looks like and no one will tell me his name I got a guy to go with us. I just asked around at different places, saying i needed a guy to go to the auction with me. Apparently he works for the two men holding the auction, and they had heard about me so Jinhun was more than happy to help." Jun shrugged and messed with his hair on his forehead.
"Is he trust worthy?" Wonwoo asked.
"Not at all," Jun chuckled, "but i promised him to pay him half of what i pay for the Hybrid, he doesn't have to know I won't."
"Jun!" Seungcheol scolded the younger as Jun and Wonwoo chuckled slightly. "Even if he is bad you can't lie to him like that, besides, how do you think you will be able to get away with not paying?"
"Easy, I never promised anything, I just talked my way around it and he never said it fully to confirm it. And besides, his bosses said to help me without pay, I told you I made a name for myself. He didn't know about my talk of not breaking rules, and his bosses don't like it either. Sooner or later he will be found out." Jun says simply.
"Jun, how do you know his bosses will figure out?" Seungcheol pinches the bridge of his nose.
"Because, he isn't the most secretive person, and has tried this with multiple people before me. I am not an idiot, I know it is a full on scam, but his bosses will take care of him before we need to do anything. I promise." Jun tried to convince Seungcheol his plan would work, but the older stood strong.
"That's idiotic. You're basing your full plan on luck!"
"He isn't a complete idiot." Jeonghan says and grabs onto Seungcheol's arm. "I mean, it's a good plan. But say he does survive? Then what do we do to not give him the money?" Seungcheol nodded at Jeonghans remark. Jun couldn't help but scowl, he knew his plan could work.
"I can complain to his bosses, say I never promised anything because I haven't. Then he broke their rules, and he is not our problem." Jun added dramatic hand movements around his face as he spoke.
"Okay, so like the last thing i am asking is what will we do? You keep saying 'we', but aren't you going alone?" Wonwoo now asked Jun. Jun turned his head, he thought he had told him before.
"You guys are coming with me as my staff. That way it will look like the other men can't mess with me. Seungcheol will act as the body gaurd guy, and Wonwoo will inform me if anything seems suspicious." Jun told the two what they would be doing, but they were trying to think of how the plan may fail. Jeonghan opened his mouth to speak, but he saw a group of people in business wear. He was going to pass it off, but he only saw rude, disgusted glances. He closed his mouth and looked down, his ears flattened to his head. Seungcheol noticed this right away and brought the other into a hug before he could know what he was doing.
"Come on, Seungcheol's apartment is just around the way lets get inside so they don't keep staring." Jun said, now serious. Seungcheol pulled away and Jeonghan gave a small nod, still looking at the ground. He grabbed onto Seungcheol's arm, not letting him go until they got inside.
"Okay, back to our conversation?" Jun was the first to talk when they got into Seungcheol's apartment.
"Yes, it seems your plan could work, you just have to remember to stay in character when you get there." Wonwoo walked into the living room and sat down on a chair.
"Okay, but what do we wear?" Seungcheol and Jeonghan sat on the couch. The hybrid was sitting comfortably while Seungcheol put an arm around his shoudlers, along with the couch behind him.
"I want you two to just wear black button ups and slacks. You guys are staff so you don't want to look super fancy." Jun shrugged and leaned on the wall. He looked at Seungcheol and Wonwoo's faces, seeing them fully agree. He smiled at the two men, then looked at Jeonghan, seeing him nod slowly.
"I think this will work pretty well actually. Just be careful, okay? Make sure you keep your head around you, don't react to things badly." Jeonghans held caution in them.
"Sorry for me asking but, you sound as if you are speaking from expirence? Did you-" Wonwoo started talking, but Jeonghan already knew what he is going to ask.
"On the streets i had to do a lot of lying and acting to survive. I am not a fighter, but i am good with words. I was able to pass off as just another kid most of the time to be honest." Jeonghan shifted and looked up at Seungcheol. "Acting saved my life, so don't you guys loose your acts and get in trouble."
"Dont worry, Jun and Wonwoo are the best at acting, and i know how to keep a straight face for a long while. They'll be the ones talking so none of us are in too much danger." Seungcheol put Jeonghan more at ease. Jun and Wonwoo watched as the hybrid relaxed into Seungcheol more at his words. He was getting more comfortable with the boys, and they were all greatful for that.
"How do you pay for the hybrids?" Wonwoo suddenly asked Jun.
"Oh, you have to pay in cash, but over time. Banks don't allow people to just take out all of their savings so you have to pay in equal amounts each time." Jun had heard that most men actually keep most of their money in cash, so when they buy a hybrid they can pay it all right away.
"How much money do you officially have in the bank?" Wonwoo asked the male as he started walking around the room a little.
"About 80,000 more than my leading contender, that's all you need to know. And this auction is being held at a bad time. Tons of much bigger people aren't showing up cause of timing with much higher up auctions." Jun was nonchalant about taking money, he grew up with literally none, now that he has money to spare he is content on keeping all of it safe.
"Did you say 80,000? How did you save up that much?" Jeonghan was bewildered with just that amount, and that was saying how much more he had of someone else. "I would think that amount alone would pay for the hybrid."
"I think that is as high as the other men will go, they wouldn't waste everything on that hybrid even if he is popular. There are also a tons of other valuable hybrids. I don't know how this seller got so many good hybrids but its a lot." Jun sighed slightly, thinking of how Jinhun had talked about other popular hybrids he may want.
"Well, I have one request through all of this." Jeonghan gets the the boys attention on him again. "After you buy the hybrids and such you bring them here for me to meet. I have never seen many hybrids that are not wild and very aggressive, so hopefully they aren't as well."
"Dont worry, you'll be the first person they meet." Seungcheol smiled and rufffled Jeonghans hair slightly, also scratching his ears. "I think you three will end up being just as good as friends as us three."

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