Hybrid <six>

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Jun bursted through Seungcheol's apartment, not even bothering with knocking. He walked in loudly, laughing with Mingyu and Wonwoo, utterly terrifying Jeonghan, who was casually sitting on the couch. Jeonghan was now staring at then, ears back and tail fluffed up as his eyes were wide as ever. Wonwoo was the one to notice his scared expression and stopped Junhui, making Mingyu stop as well. They all looked and saw a very ridged Jeonghan, trying so hard to calm down.
They day before Wonwoo had been coached by Jeonghan on how to cut hair and was able to cut Mingyu hair well. It was choppy in some places but Mingyu was fine with it. All he said when it was done was "even if it looks bad, it'll grow back".
"Sorry, Jeonghan... we didn't mean to scare you." Wonwoo was the one to apologize, leaving the other two to just nod their head in agreement. Jeonghan calmed down a little, but his tail stayed fluffed as ever.
"Please, do not ever do that again." Jeonghan turned to the kitchen walking away gracefully, even though he was just scared out of his mind. "If you all need food I can make something really quick. Seungcheol is still getting dressed, he woke up late and had to shower."
"Oh, we're fine. We all ate over at Wonwoo's." Junhui practically skipped into the kitchen. He looked like a maniac, as he was dressed as a million dollar CEO, but he was skipping around like a toddler going to the candy shop.
He wore a smart off white button up shirt, obviously some name brand on the tag, as well has black slacks. His loafers were left by the door when he came in. His hair was styled up and out of his face, giving him a more superior look to him.
"Junhui, you are supposed to be a wealthy businessman, stop prancing around like an idiot." Seungcheol surprised the boys as he walked over with still damp hair. Him and Wonwoo both wore a simple black button up shirt and black slacks. They didn't have any high end clothes, but they were experts in the phrase, "fake it till you make it".
"Hey, I am still Wen Junhui for 45 minutes. I'll turn into Moon Joonhwi, when I have to." Jun stuck his head out of the kitchen to speak to the boy. "Ooh, you guys look good. Just remember to do your hair we gotta leave soon so we can drop off Jeonghan and Mingyu at my house. We'll take my car, but obviously Seungcheol will drive."
"Why am I always the one to drive? You both have licenses for Pete's sake." Seungcheol walked over to a mirror and started to fix his hair a little, making it less crazy looking.
"Well, I can't drive, you all are my workers for starters. And plus, Wonwoo sucks at driving." Jun walked out and helped Seungcheol with his hair, as it wasn't really working for the older male.
"I don't suck!" Wonwoo defended himself quickly. All five boys were in the living room waiting for Jun to get done with his friends hair, then they would leave. Mingyu, Wonwoo and Jun had all walked there, so they would walk to Jun's house, then leave in his car.
"We all know you do, Won, don't try to deny it." Jun finally was done with Seungcheols hair, so he walked away toward the door. The other boys looked at Seungcheol with facination, its crazy that just a simple hairstyle made him look so much more expensive. "Come on, we have to leave now. Walking home isn't the problem, its getting to the auction." With Juns pestering they quickly grabbed their last minute things and scurried out of the apartment.
The walk to Junhui's was simple and easy, and when they got there Jun got his last minute things ready. He put on an expensive jacket that matched perfectly with his slacks. The suit-like jacket was finished with a dark red handkerchief and a gold chain on the pocket. With one last check over themselves, Junhui, Wonwoo and Seungcheol left Mingyu and Jeonghan to the house alone and made their way to Juns car.
He barely ever used it, Jun preferred walking around outside and not sitting in a stuffy car. The car wasn't a Lamborghini or anything of the sort, but it was actually a Volvo. The brand was well known and it was a very good car, even though it was not as expensive as the other brands, it was still high end.
As Seungcheol was driving the black vehicle, Wonwoo sat it the passengers seat as Junhui sat in the back. He gave the two boys a quick pep talk on how to act if the time comes, but he doesn't expect anything too extravagant happening.
"If you need to tell me something, call me Mr. Moon. The other men know me by that, and also try not to act out in any way. That also means don't react to much with the Hybrids, you will see some nasty stuff most likely, but try to keep reactions to a minimum." Junhui talked in a strict tone, the other two knew how important it for this to go  through smoothly. "Myungho is very valuable, so he will most likely end up at the end. We don't want the other men to suppose things. So what I will do is bet on a few others, but earlier on so someone will go for a higher price than me. I have no idea what Myungho looks like or what hybrid he is. All I know is that he is Chinese and aparently 'exotic', so don't expect a house pet, okay? We're close, make sure you got yourselves straight when we get out, but don't be flashy, this is an underground auction, not a news event." With that, the men went silent.
Wonwoo was the first to get out of the car as Seungcheol parked it. He didn't open the door for Junhui, but he did close it after he had stepped out and glanced at him with a hard expression. Jun had always been the best at acting, he knew how to keep his emotions in check, no matter the occasion. Junhui lead the way into the old warehouse, the doors opening automatically as he walked close enough. A shorter man with a soft face but strong body stood there, a weirdly welcoming smile on his face.
"Mr. Moon Joonhwi, it is a pleasure to meet you." The man held out a hand for Jun to take, which he took with a strong nod. "I am so sorry for the inconvenience of Hwang Jinhun not heing able to assist you in the auction today, but please do forgive his absense. He was playing to many games that he wouldn't be able to win, so he was simply knocked off the board."
"Of course, a player unwilling to play by the rules must be taken care of." Juns voice struck his two friends back for a moment, but they didn't show it. Although he still sounded like Junhui, his very small accent was completely gone, and his voice was held a different way, a way demanding obedience to his authority.
"If you and your men would please follow me, Mr. Moon, I will take you to the auction room." The man turned and Junhui followed without a glance at his friends. They followed as well, not letting themselves be a step behind him. "The other men have been informed of your ability to obtain your Hybrid, and I promise they will not interfere with much."
"You have informed the others of my ability?" Junhui stopped in his tracks, staring down the man infront of him as he fliched from the strong tone. "Have you forgotten what I have told you, Mr. Byun!?" The shorter man flinched back and turned around in a bow.
"Please forgive me, Mr. Moon. I have simply informed the others of your attendance at this auction, not of your intentions or ability. I do know you had informed me to keep your presence unknown, but I was not thinking straight." The man spoke quickly, not coming up from his bow to the other. "Please, forgive me! If you wish I will talk to Mr. Park, I can tell him of your wants and can deliver the Hybrid of your wanting to you without the hassle of the auction. You will have to pay a small fee, of course but the other men will of course be informed of the hybrids absence in this auction, I promise your name will not be mentioned. Please, I hope I didn't break to many rules!" Wonwoo and Seungcheol glaced at each other for a moment, the man infront of them was utterly terrified infront of their friend. It made them wonder even more, what had Junhui actually done, to make the men like this.
"Mr. Byun." Junhui started in a slow strong voice. "If you can bring me Seo Myungho, then I will possibly forget about your rule breaking. If Mr. Park has his own terms for me to get that Hybrid, then bring him out for me to speak with."
The man fliched but quickly stood up, only to take another quick bow and practically run down a separate hallway. Junhui turned to his two friends, but none of them let their act fail.
"If Mr. Park does not give me Seo Myungho without the auction, you know what to do with Mr. Byun. Take care of him swiftly, not like the last." The words meant nothing to the two men, but they knew what Jun was doing. There were most likely cameras around, and if they are talking in this way, it will sell their act even more. After the two men nodded solemnly, Jun turned back around.
Mr. Byun came out with a large man with a built stature after a few more moments. As the shorter still looked terrified, the other wasn't much better in any sense. Even though he was built like an oxe, he still looked as if he would break into tears with one word from Junhui.
"Mr. Moon Joonhwi, it is a pleasure to have you at my auction tonight. I am sorry to say that i will not be able to just hand over Seo Myungho. But i am willing to part with him with a small sum." The tall mans voice was deep, it filled the room quickly, but he was shifting on his feet, obviously uncomfortable with the other man in the room. Junhui stared at the man, he was thinking, but he didn't show it on his face.
"How much would this sum be, Mr. Park. You know I am not willing to just hand over an unnecessary amount." With Junhui's strong words, the man physically stepped back, his hands going up slightly as if he was about to be attacked.
"The amount is nothing to you, just a simple 20-thousand is all I ask for the Hybrid. He is worth much more than that, so you can easily earn more for paying him back to another seller." Wonwoo squinted slightly at those words. He suspected something was up, why would he sell a hybrid for that amount if it was worth so much more. Jun opened his mouth to say something, but Wonwoo got his attention.
"Mr. Moon." Wonwoo got his attention, remembering to call him by his Korean name. Junhui turned to him and he walked up leaning toward his friend so they could talk quietly.
"Why would he give up Myungho for that much, i feel like something is up with it." Wonwoo whispered into his friends ear. Jun hummed and turned back around.
"Is there something wrong, Mr. Moon?" Mr Parks voice wavered, Jun automatically knowing he was lying and caught in the act. Jun tsked and shook his head slightly, looking back toward Mr. Byun.
"20-thousand for a Hybrid of that degree?" Mr. Park gulped, Mr Byun stepping back behind the taller. "Park Chanyeol, what do you think you are doing? Breaking the rules, hmm?" The smaller man grabbed onto Chanyeols arm, both looking terrified.
"No, of course not!" Chanyeols eyes looked between the three friends frantically. "I-I'm sorry, please forgive me!" The tall man bowed 90 degrees. Mr Byun did as well, still not letting go of the other man.
"You and your little boyfriend have both broken rules, do you truely believe I will forgive you again?" Jun spit out at the man in front of him. "Seungcheol, deal with them." The two men shot up stepping back as Seungcheol walked forward, he moved his hand to the back waistline of his pants, as if he was reaching for a gun. It was all an act, but it did the job as the two men started pleading once again.
"No, no, please! Mr. Moon you can have him for free! I swear, please dont kill us, please!" Seungcheol hesitated, waiting for Jun's reply.
"You think I will believe you?" Jun glared at the two but they still protested.
"No, please we promise no tricks! You can come with us to see Myungho, you can see we did nothing to him. Please, you can even take another hybrid, please don't kill us!" Mr. Byun was the one to yell now, he was still hiding behind his taller boyfriend, but they could see the tears streaming down his face. They both were terrified, and for a moment Seungcheol felt sympathy for them, but it went away quickly as they thought of what the couple was doing.
"Seungcheol, follow them in collecting the hybrid. If you see anything suspicious, kill them immediately." Jun's voice was strong, sounding angry and annoyed. Seungcheol simply nodded letting his hand fall from his back. He glared at the two men in front of him, letting it be known he wasn't going to hesitate, even if he poised no danger.
The two men turned around and fled down the hall, Seungcheol following quickly. They turned into a door, Mr. Byun holding it open for him to walk in. Seungcheol glanced around slowly, the room he was in was filled with cages holding all sorts of hybrids, each being gagged or their mouths were taped shut. Seungcheol followed Chanyeol quickly, not wanting to be in the horrible room for long.
Most of the hybrids rushed to the backs of their cages as the tall man walked by. Seungcheol was surprised to see some that were handcuffed, some chained around their ankles. He saw one that had a black cloth around his head. He didn't even want to guess why they were like that.
Chanyeol stopped infront of a cage that had a brown tarp over it. He leaned down, throwing the tarp out of the way for Seungcheol to see the Hybrid concealed inside. His breath caught in his throat as he saw a skinny but built man. He had black hair covering his eyes, black ears sprouted form his head. They were tall, but weren't pointed like Jeonghan's, they were more rounded and wide. They weren't fully black either, they had faint black and brown spots on them. His shoudlers also sprouted faint black and brown spots. He had no shirt on, and Seungcheol saw thay he had many scars. What surprised him though, was that this hybrid was chained by his hands, gagged, as well as having a metal ring tight around his neck.
The hybrid didn't flinch when he looked up to see the men, but he straightened up as Chanyeol unlocked the cage. The tall man grabbed the chain and pulled the man out, with some slight difficulty as the hybrid pulled back. Seungcheol watched as the hybrid's spots started to spread, his muscles growing, but he then collapsed, the ring around his neck was choking him as he tried to shift into his Hybrid form. He was panting and layed limp as Chanyeol dragged him the rest of the way out. Seungcheol apparently looked more surprised, as Mr. Byun then spoke to him.
"Did you not know he shifted? You may want to talk to your boss about information next time." His tone was teasing, so Seungcheol glared at him and move his hand to his back again. He pulled it back, but it was enough to scare the other man senseless again. His eyes widened and he stepped back again, afraid of Seungcheol.
"Here, grab him." Chanyeol spoke to Seungcheol, handing him the chain connecting to the hybrid. He grabbed the links and Chanyeol pulled the hybrid one last time, finally getting him out of the cage fully. Myungho shook himself and stood up, looking at the ground.
"Come on, lets get back to your boss before he comes to find us." Chanyeols voice was still wavering, still terrified with Seungcheol with him. He took the lead again, the hybrid following behind Seungcheol with some slight difficulty. They walked out the room, the other hyrbids cringed as they saw Myungho being pulled behind the other man. They walked out of the room, Seungcheol sighing silently as he stepped and and walked down the hall.
"Finally, anything Seungcheol?" Jun only gave a glance at Myungho, then looked to his friend. In just that one second, Jun saw how beautiful the hybrid was. The men weren't lying when they said he was ethereal. Even with all the scars and chains, he was still so beautiful in Jun eyes. The sleak black spotted tail and ears, along with the spots on his shoudlers, made Jun wonder what he really was.
"No, sir." Seungcheol answered quickly, making sure his voice wasn't wavering. Jun nodded then looked to Chanyeol and his boyfriend, them both staring.
"The keys, f-for the chains." Mr. Byun said as he walked forward and handed out a ring of two different small keys. Jun simply held out his hand, letting the smaller man drop the ring into his palm.
"Park Chanyeol, Byun Baekhyun, pleasure doing buisness with you two." Juns voice was dripping with sarcasm, unsettling the two men. He turned to his friends, nodding to them to follow him out. Seungcheol pulled on the chain, struggling slightly for the hybrid to follow him to the door.
Wonwoo held to door open for the three men to walk to the car, then rushed forward to open the car door for Jun as well. Jun moved to the very side of the back seats, Seungcheol having to push the hybrid into the seat. Jun looked over when the door closed, seeing the hybrid glare as he looked around the small area. Jun cleared his throat, catching the Hybrids attention.
"Do you speak in Mardarin or Cantonese?" Jun asked in Madarin, waiting for the Hybrid to react. He perked up and nodded, but then dropped his face again and looked at his legs. "Okay, let me explain. I am not who they think I am. My name in Wen Junhui and i am Chinese like you. Those are my friends, not my workers or whatever. We didn't get you to use, we got you to save you. I had heard of you and how much you have been used and abused and I am not letting that happen to you any more, I promise." Jun slowly moved forward, reaching his hand out toward the back of the hybrids head. The hybrid didn't even flinch, but his face was scrunched, like he was waiting for a hit. Jun grabbed onto the knot of the cloth gag in Myungho's mouth and swiftly untied it. When it was away from his mouth Jun watched as Myungho moved his jaw a little, then licked his parched lips.
"What's your name? Not your korean one?" Jun wanted to hear the hybrid speak, he wanted to know how the pretty boy infront of him sounds.
"Xu Minghao." He spoke smoothly, his voice was strong, not scared and weak like Jun expected him to be. To be honest, Minghao was nothing like Jun thought he would be. The hybrid wasn't scared, he wasn't cowering. He held himself as if he wasn't shirtless and had scars covering his chest. He held himself with authority almost.
"When we get home take him inside quickly, but make sure Mingyu and Jeonghan dont attack him with questions and stuff. He isn't scared or anything but he doesn't truely trusts us yet." Jun spoke to the two men in front. Seungcheol nodded but Wonwoo turned around.
"Then unlock him, he'll trust us more if you do." Wonwoo glanced at the Hybrid, but he was just looking out the window, not paying attention since he can't understand the conversation.
"No, he is dangerous guys." Seungcheol now spoke, glancing quickly to his friends. "He is a shifter, and aparently a really strong animal. Chanyeol was struggling to get him out of the cage he was in when Myungho was shifting slightly. That collar thing is keeping him from shifting since it pushes on his neck when he trys."
"His real name is Minghao, by the way." Jun said quickly then looked back at his Hybrid. "Okay, we will unlock his hands when we get home, and after he knows not to kill us, then we will unlock his neck. I wonder what he is though, i dont really think he wants to talk much right now."
"Tell him we are almost home, and about Mingyu and Jeonghan, so he is at least prepared for that." Wonwoo said as they neared Jun's house. Jun sat back in his seat looking over to see Minghao still gazing outside.
"Minghao, I need to tell you we are almost to my house." Juns words brought Minghao to turn to him again, but other than that he didn't react. "Those two in the front, Seungcheol and Wonwoo, both have hybrids that they saved as well. They are at my house for you to meet if you want to, but if you dont want to I can take you to your room. I have some clothes in there and a bathroom connected to it as well." Minghao nodded, not giving an actual answer to what he wants. "S-so do you want to go upstairs to your room or meet Jeonghan and Mingyu?"
"Jeonghan and Mingyu. Do they speak Mandarin?" Minghao's words were quick and sharp. Jun knew he definitely doesn't want to talk right now.
"No i don't think so, but i can always help translate for you if you want to talk to them." Jun saw Minghao give a sharp nod, then in was silent again. "Okay then, he wants to meet Jeonghan and Mingyu. But he really does not want to talk much."
"Well we're here, so hopefully Jeonghan doesn't freak out too much." Seungcheol said and parked the car.

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