Hybrid <one>

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Hybrids have been around for a while. After a chemical was suddenly dispersed through the world humans started having the features of animals. There were tons of different types. Such as cats, dogs, birds, even reptiles. After these hybrids started breeding the new generations had certain abilities that their parents didn't have. Some were able to communicate with their actual animal counterpart some were able to hide their features, some enhance them.
If a hybrid mates with a human either they are human or a hybrid. The human gene usually overrides the hybrid, but later in the family line it may come up. This causes conservative families to give up their hybrid children, or worse, kill them. Some families will keep them only to make their lives a living hell. Thankfully humans usually didn't want to actually mate and have children with a hybrid.
After so many generations passed, it was a common thing to see these hybrids around, but they weren't treated as a common citizen. These hybrids were mostly seen as their animal counterpart, making most homeless or bought and payed for. The ones kept as pets were usually abused, either physically or, most commonly, sexually. The worst part is these hybrids weren't able to do anything about it, since there was no one to represent them and give them rights.
There were a few select people that didn't treat hybrids as trash, but since these people were few and far between hybrids usually stayed away from humans when they can. There were companies where hybrids are caught and held in cages like wild animals. These hybrids were most commonly bought for pets or servants. The ones that were specifically bought for abuse or sex, were found in auctions. Pounds were also around where hybrids were treated poorly, but were still bought for pets, or if they are there for too long, they are killed to make room for more.
There were only a select people that stood up for hybrids. Wen Junhui was one of them. He was brought up being taught they were a lesser species, his parents even had one for a servant around the house. Junhui never listen to their teachings, he believed hybrids were just as important as humans were. When he grew up he had planned on saving as many as he could, but when his parents found out his thinking, they threw him out of the house. Thinking he would suffer on his own was a vast mistake. Wen Junhui, at the age of 15 found a place to stay in an alleyway, a job at the local corner store, and still went to school to get an education.
At the age of 17 Jun graduated high school with a full ride to the most prestigious college in the country. He gladly went and got a major in politics while minoring in business. As he studied he also worked and after he graduated college he was able to buy his own house, with no dept at all. Jun worked as the manager at a country bound business. He was payed very well, and he saved up almost all of his money, barely using any for fun. All of his friends thought he was insane to not use any, but for the cause they all supported him. His friends also hated how these hybrids were treated, and supported Jun throughout his journey to save at least one.
Jun had many friends, but he was closest to Seungcheol and Wonwoo. They all had known each other since grade school and they stuck close. The three planned on each getting a hybrid, but all in different places. Seungcheol wanted to go to a store that breeds hybrids, as well as saves them off the streets, since they were treated a little nicer there. The place he chose was actually known to 'save' hybrids off the streets and sell them off to people with good intentions.
Wonwoo wanted to go to a pound, he hated to see hybrids locked up in cages like that. He planned on asking for the one that was there the longest, so he can save a life. The Pound he found was slightly dangerous, but they were known to abuse their hybrids that they have. Wonwoo was compelled to choose that Pound, over the others he had found.
Junhui was taking the most dangerous route, he was going to go to a Hybrid Auction and hopefully pay for the most expensive and most abused hybrid. He knew where multiple rings were and had asked around to get 'the best hybrid for his needs'. Although Jun didn't spend his money for fun, he had indulged himself a small bit on getting nice clothes, big name brands that would get him attention in the men he was asking. As he was asking the different sources he found, he made up stories about hinself, making them fear him in a way. He made them scared to lie to him, scared to break his set of 'rules' that he had. Among the small lies he told, he said talk of having two staff members that usually accompanied him. He told people that they were the ones that got rid of men who didn't follow his rules. All the bravado and white lies got him directed straight to a man named Jinhun. He was given contacts and the auctions that he would most likely want to go to. The specific auction was one that had an 'exotic' hybrid that was very popular for his body. People told Jun that he had been bought and returned so many times, that 'the hybrid was the best in bed and out of it'. Jun was disgusted by the talk, but he played along and planned on going to the bid and buying the hybrid. He didn't know how much people were going to bet on the man, so he planned on everything he saved, which was much more than many of the other bidders would have.
The three boys planned on the days they would go out. They all wanted to go to each place together so three days in a row they would go out and get a hybrid. On Friday it would be Seungcheol. He was looking for a cat hybrid, he really didn't care about the powers or what type. He was more drawn to the type of person he was. Seungcheol wanted a male, that was for sure, and also someone funny, not stuck up, but also caring.
On Saturday it would be Wonwoo. He was looking for a dog hybrid. He wanted to get one that was there at the pound the longest so they won't be killed for more room. The type of dog didn't really matter, he just wanted one that was full of energy and maybe one that has a fun personality.
Sunday will be for Jun. They will all go to the bid, and will all wait for the special hybrid to come up. If someone could bid higher than Jun, the other two will pitch in to produce a higher amount. Jun doesn't know much about the hybrid he is getting, but he has heard he is 'exotic' and 'one of a kind'. Men who have seen him say he is beautiful and whoever buys him is lucky to witness him. Jun is waiting till he sees a scared and terrified being. He doesn't want to scare the Hybrid more, he wants to get close to him. He wants to make the other man feel safe around him and not be so scared, even though he hadn't even met him yet.

Jun was woken up by his alarm on Friday. He has gotten the day off but always gets up early to go to the gym. Jun isn't ripped and muscular, but he likes to be fit and slim with enough muscle to be strong. He got up and ready in silence, but after he was changed he turned on some music from his phone. As he grabbed it he saw that Seungcheol and Wonwoo had texted him, asking for the best times to meet up at Seungcheol's.

I was thinking around noon you two could meet up here and then we can go over to the shop

I am fine with that, then we have a while to look as well as get to know your hybrid

It feels so weird to go to a shop to buy someone. Like, its like buying another human and I hate that

Just wait till Sunday, I think that is when it will feel the worst
But hopefully all i have done will pay off

I am not looking forward to tomorrow either... The pound I found doesn't care for them at all, that's why I want to go there
Wait, jun what have you done???

It sounds like you have killed someone???!!!!

Just don't pay attention to that...
Wonwoo, how bad is the place that you found?

Please say they aren't beaten for no reason

Well, they have a 'reason' but that most likely wont be a good one. And also they arent given enough food at all and are also not given clothes or anything.
What i saw, some are and some aren't so just prepare your stomach for tomorrow...

I hate that to save them we have to give into their abusers.
I hate that it will never stop

It may someday, we just need to find more of us that can stand up for them, maybe find higher up jobs as well

Jun do you think you can change the policy at your work to hire hybrids as well

Ive brought it up before and I dont think my boss is against it, I'll ask him fully on Monday, we have a meeting anyway.
Also, noon sounds good to me as well, I'll see you all later

Great, see you two later

See ya

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